
My beloved MZ-R50 is having problems.

It started about 2 weeks ago when I attempted to record a CD to my MD using a brand 
new Minidisco disc.  With about 8 min left on the MD, the MD unit itself started to 
make very loud skipping and clicking noises.  I hit stop and the MD started to write 
to the TOC of the disc.  I then played back the track where the noises started.  The 
music skipped a great deal, coming in and out.

I suspected that it was a bad MD disc and tried another brand new Minidisco disk.  
Again , I had the same problem with about 6-8 min. left.  I gave one of the suspected 
"Bad discs" to a co-worker who recorded on it that night. He had no problems. I also 
tried non-minidisco discs, once in a while, the same problem.  Other times no problems 
at all.

I then figured the discs were fine and that it was my unit.  Prior to today, I only 
experienced the crazy skipping and clicking noises during SOME recordings.  (On two 
occasions, the md started to act up with exactly 8:59 left - weird eh?)

Well, today, the MD started to skip during playback on an old recording I did about 2 
years ago (this disc is fine as a friend listened to it too)

So, I think it's about time I suck it up and admit my MD unit may have a problem.  I 
called a shop here in NYC and was quoted 80$ plus parts for repair - whatever the 
problem may be.   

I guess what I'm asking is if anyone out here has had this problem before, how much 
did it cost to repair, and if it is worth it.

I'm ALMOST willing to buy another MD unit, but I haven't a clue which one to buy - I 
really, really like the MZ-R50 unit - the battery life is okay, and it has a line out 
(which is very important to me). Does anyone have suggestions about a model for me too 
look?  Unit doesn't have to be the smallest, battery life is more important, hopefully 
a line out (analog is okay), and a remote would be nice =)

Any advice would be very appreciated.  

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