
On Thu, 11 May 2000, Billy Hetherington wrote:

> So what does this mean?? It means that MD is goddamn cool, but unfortunately 
> unpractical; unless of course you are a journalist or musician or something 
> of the like.

        I guess you could say anything from MD, but unpractical. Let it be
expensive, or not ubitiquous, but never unpractical. I use both CD-R and
MD. I have a 50+1 CD caroussel at home, and planning to but a 300 one,
because at home, is practical to have it plenty of CDs;  which isn't as
practical is to have most of them re-recorded with CD-Text in order to be
manageable, and easily transferable to MDs, which is the best for
listening when you're off, with a portable, or in the car.

        You're forgetting that to use CD-R you must:

- Own a computer
- have a CD-R drive
- use a specifical program to duplicate CDs. It gets worse if you
want to record from other sources, say old vinyl records or cassettes, or 
live recordings, as you must digitize it first, create the CD image and
later burn it. 
- You cannot re-record them (forget CD-RW, not all players support them,
and are a pain in the ass to record: low speeds, and transfer speed
is for me the only good thing that CD-R have against MD)
- You cannot title tracks, at least not with common recorders (only a few:
Sony, some (latest) HPs that are rebadged Sony's, Teac and Plextor can
write CD-Text, and very few players support it)
- try to carry a bunch of CD-Rs. they're huge in comparison with MDs.

        So IMHO CD-R is really what's unpractical, and certainly, more
expensive if you want to record CD-Rs. You can speculate with MD sound
quality, or specific model prices, but certainly not with them being
practical, because that's is better strength!! 


Francisco J. Montilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Seville         Spain
OpenSlink Project www.insflug.org/slink         IRC nick: pukka sysadm

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