on 5/13/00 9:56 AM, Eric Woudenberg at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Richard Huggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> But...are you all saying
>> that if your recording portable is in the STOPPED position, it STILL will
>> overwrite material if RECORD is pressed?
>> [...]
>> Educate me!
> What we need is a *polite* petition/bboard style web page, describing
> the problem, and asking users to sign it
> To: Sony Electronics Corporation
> Portable Minidisc Division
> Tokyo, Japan
> A Petition for Sony to Remove the END SEARCH Function from
> its Portable Minidisc Recorders
> WHEREAS ....
> WHEREAS ....
> WHEREAS ....
> WHEREAS ....
> WHEREAS The END SEARCH function only serves to complicate the
> user interface of MD portables with NO ADDED BENEFIT,
> WE THE UNDERSIGNED kindly request that Sony henceforth remove
> the END SEARCH function

Wow Eric, that is impressive, a bit law abiding but good.

Would not a legitimate vote first, from a few different quarters, from all
MD owners or want to bees, and then perhaps a group letter and individual
letters be another approach:

Group letter:
The feature of End Search has caused many a diehard MD user to choke, if not
cry, big time.  What where you thinking.  What possibly could be your
justification for taking this approach.  Imagine being in the middle of
making the recording of your lifetime, and accidentally hitting record,
right after the disk is Re-inserted.
[actual stories here, quoted by name and with contact address would be best]
Our survey found 1% who liked this feature, justifying it by saying: for
their needs, it is a fast way to edit and amend a recording.  5% were
flexible.  70% where flaming mad. 24% said that this is why they would not
buy the Sony (note: we expect that there is a whole lot larger of a group,
but for their own reasons, did not bother to vote)

What is needed, for us to not buy the competition next, and not discourage
anyone who asks, is for you to inform us that you will change this feature,
and that you have a software workaround that will give us a menu choice for
our present units.   The later, though costly to you, will show the good
faith needed to maintain the respect, many of us have been giving Sony
Will B. Happy

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