Domestically available R70's seem to retail at about $230, and R90's are
$100 more.
What does that $100 buy?

R90 can be digitally linked to the computer, correct?  Is that with a USB?
Pictures I see do not show a standard USB port.  So has Sony modified a
mini-plug to do USB? and which plug is it, the "In" I assume? Is that an
input &/or output USB?
Or does MP3 capability mean something else?

Additionally, is there anyone using or know of anyone using these on the Mac
OS?  I am accustomed to products saying for Windows only, but someone has
written a software to use it on the Mac.  But I have not heard of this with
MD units.

R70 cannot be digitally hooked to a computer, correct?

Is that the main difference? That is $100 worth of work?
Cosmetically, I see a different button layout, but functionally assume that
does not matter.

Bottom Line, as I zero in on which portable MD player/recorder to buy, I am
trying to understand the choices.  It would seem the majority on this list
have chosen the Sony over the Sharp, and that these two are the preferred
models for portable record ability.  So far, I can not find a Sharp MT831,
MT821, or Sony R90 to play with, at local Best Buy, Circuit City, or Good
Guys.  And am planning to give up and just go with the R70.  But if the R90
would have let me record an analogue LP (black vinyl) direct to MD unit, and
download that digital version to my computer, I will regret not getting the
R90, though I presently lack USB, I expect to have it soon.

Any Thought greatly appreciated,

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