
I use my Rioch CDRW, Diamond MX300 soundcard and Sharp 831 minidisc to
create audio cd's with.  The setup work great and the CD's are great

Any cdr should do just fine, be vary of cheapo sounds cards however.  For
the best recording quality go for a decent named brand, unless your
recording from the digial outs on the minidisc..

Hope it helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: derek whitaker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 June 2000 06:15

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hello all-
just joined this list in search of advice...  i have a sony mz-r50 with =
which i've recorded some great shows, and now i want to burn discs of =
to trade and give away.  i'm trying to find out which cd-burn route to =
go, either
a)home stereo burner  to which i guess i'd have to use analog out, or
b)sound card/ computer cd burner (which i think i'd rather do if i can =
figure it out)
can anyone suggest which would be better?   i hate the thought of having =
to hit the track mark button on the home stereo burner like my friend =
has to do.
any help greatly appreciated,

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