On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, David Kuhn wrote:

> I am engaged in a research project involving recording bird vocalizations.
> I need to be able to email these recordings.  I have a Sony MZ-R90 MD and a
> HP Omnibook 2000 laptop computer with a sound card.  Can someone tell me how
> I can find out what is needed  to get the recordings into my laptop and then
> to email them?

Assuming that you don't mind sampling the MD output (i.e. not a digital
copy of it), you could just get a cable with a small headphone jack on
each end and connect the MD's line-out to your laptop's line-in. (Or use
the headphone connector and/or laptop's mic, if either doesn't have a
line-in/out, but that's not as good.)

Then you just need something to record the samples. Sound Recorder comes
with Windows but I think is still pathetically limited to 30 seconds or
something rediculous. If you need longer I'm not sure what the best thing
to use is, but you could go for a trial version of Cool Edit Pro which I
think would do the job.

Good luck!


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