Hey everyone, I'm a long time lurker on this list and I thought I'd throw in
my opinion on this whole Napster thing.

First of all, you guys are kidding yourself by trying to boycott the RIAA
buy not buying CDs. There are way to many people that purchase CDs everyday
for any online community to attempt to lower CD sales by a significant
amount. They're not even going to notice!

Napster being shut down doesn't make a damn bit of difference anyway. The
theory is out and the floodgates are open. Shutting them down came too
little and too late. If you're looking for a substitute program, try
Gnutella. It's free. http://gnutella.wego.com/

As far as Napster hurting the artists...I find that hard to believe. Just
because someone has lots of mp3s on their hard disk doesn't mean squat. How
many people have the capability to convert mp3 to wav and then burn it onto
a mix CD for themselves? A big chunk of Napster users are college kids
hooked up to a fat pipeline in their dorm rooms. I find it doubtful that the
majority of them will ever take mp3s off their computer to CD. Most people
are still going to go and buy their favorite artists CDs so they can play
them in their car or stereo or whatever else.

Napster promotes for music than it does damage. There are NUMEROUS budding
artists that get their music heard by distributing it on Napster. Shutting
them down is going to hurt them the most.

Artists shouldn't be relying on CD sales anyway. Take a look at the Grateful
Dead and now Phish. Those bands allow recording of their shows for trade
between fans. They're not the only bands, either. There are tons of them.
These bands make their buck by TOURING. That's where you get your money. Not
from CD sales. Trading their live music does wonders to promote bands. Phish
is one of the highest grossing acts in the world right now. Did they get
that way from their CD sales? HELL NO! Look at Dave Matthews Band. They got
their following by allowing taping and look how huge they are.

Metallica is way off if they think Napster is hurting their profits. They
need to stop whining and start touring if they want to make a buck. Napster
itself isn't illegal anyway. What goes on is, but they don't rip CDs and
feed them to people.

The internet cannot be controlled. When is the government and everyone else
going to learn that?
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