So I do recording of live shows (rock, alternative & folk) w/ a Sharp
MT15, SoundPro Binaural Mics and a Battery Box (no Bass Roll-off) and am
generally satisfied w/ the results.  I really don't care if the Bass is
too high on MD, as I dump the sound onto my HD, re-EQ it w/ CoolEdit Pro
and then burn it to CD-R.

When I re-EQ the sound, I found that in places where there was excessive
bass, if I lower the bass too much, I end up w/ a very digital/grainy
sound.  Could this be the result of the loud bass using too much of
ATRAC's "bandwidth" (for lack of a better word)?  I know that ATRAC has to
discard some audio in it's compression and that this audio is usually
imperceptible (sp?).  By lowering the bass, could I be exposing those
frequencies that have been cut-out?

I guess what I'm asking is would a BatteryBox w/ a bass rolloff feature
make the recordings sound better by giving ATRAC less information (or,
better put, less Bass) to need to compress?  I realize that I would
probably be able to bump the Mic Input Level up a few steps and thus give
a bit more dynamic range to the vocals.

Any thoughts,

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