That is the way it works in conventional physics.  That is how a hot air
balloon rises, it is part of what makes the wind blow.  However, in the
field of audiophidialia, things are reversed. Usually based on the
latest issue of some magazine.  That is why you can easily tell the
difference between different brands of minidisc blanks.  The more
expensive ones always sound the best.   

So put away your intellect, what you were taught in elementary school,
high school physics and even what you learned at an institution of
higher learning.  What the heck do the learned professors know any way? 
Just go visit you local audio store and swallow the hook line and sinker
the salesman has for you and remember that "He has a HIGH SCHOOL
diploma",... and he gets a commission.

ROFL, and looking for my flash suit with eye protection, flame resistant
hood, jacket and bib overhauls.

Alan Dowds wrote:
> I though air got thinner (less dense) when it gets warm.

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

My first web page
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