Don Capps wrote:

>  But I venture to say
> that at least SOME additional data is lost, thereby compromising fidelity
> that much further.

The point that David, Ratman and others have tried to make to you is that yes
this is some additional compression when you record MP3 files on to MD, but the
compression is not a direct multiple of each compression scheme.

The important point is that they have tried to make is that the lose involved is
too small to be audible by the human ear.

The perfect example they gave was making copies of MDs.  The original loss is
the most significant.  After that they (I assume that some of the people making
the statements have actually tried this at home) notice no audible difference
for several generations.

To actually "see" this you would have to be able to "look" at the bits after
decoding the MP3 or MD.  The wave files of a decoded MP3 files is probably a
good example.  You are "putting stuff back" so to speak.


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