>that is misleading. by "converting the tracks to .wav", i assume you mean
>that the cd should be ripped to .wav files. but it sounds as if you're
>saying that something would be gained by converting mp3's to wav's. THAT
>wouldn't help anything.

The person I was responding to was making MP3s because thier CD player 
didn't work with the digital out they have. He has the CD, or at least he 
does in his example, and was talking about making MP3s to make the tracks 
into files his digital worked out with. I was suggesting he make .wavs 
*instead* to preserve the sound quality.

I was not suggesting he make MP3s from the CD, and then convert the MP3s to 
.waves. That would be very stupid, while hogging tons of space, taking a 
long time, and giving the same crap quality as MP3s do.

>no, winamp does the same thing: control your cd player. you can set it to
>"sample" from the soundcard, but that just means that the oscilloscope
>works from the cd-audio; the sounds coming out are the same as with the
>windows cd player.

Are we absolutely sure of this? Because I know that Winamp's volume control 
works on CDs independently of the Windows Audio Mixer's CD audio level. Also 
one time I forgot to put the CD audio cable back inside my computer (the one 
that runs from CDROM to sound card) and I could play CDs in Winamp, and not 
in Windows CD player. This would suggest that Winamp was exracting the files 
digitaly, since the pass through method could not work.

Chad Gombosi
Member SCP www.scponline.net
Chad's Game Music Page www.chadsgamemusic.com
MP3.com page: www.mp3.com/signofzeta

"Let me explain a couple of things. Time is short. That's the
first thing. For the weasel, Time is a weasel. For the hero,
Time is heroic. For the whore, Time is just another trick.
If you're gentle, your Time is gentle. If you're in a hurry,
Time flies. Time is a servant, if you are its master. Time
is your god, if you are its dog. We are the creators of Time,
the victims of Time, and the killers of Time. Time is timeless.
That's the second thing. You are the clock, Cassiel."

Emit - Far Away So Close

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