i've got the r900 as well - just thought I would add my $2's worth

you forgot to mention that the battery life is out of this world

I have listened to the r900 for almost 2 weeks at about almost 2 hrs a day
on ther same charge on the rechareable battery :)

> - ---------------------------------------------------------------
> I thought I would review this little gem, but I decided to wait a week
> I would have had some serious time to play with it, and now it is a week,
> I shall review it.
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sony MZ-R900
> Price payed: £229.99 (about $330)
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------

i got mine for £198
then cos I got it thru my bros business i got VAToff ie: £170

> as I like the the little clock on it as
> well, came in use in a recent Religious Studies lesson when, as usual, as

you had your MD player on in lesson?
now u wouldn't have been listening to it now, would you?

> across REC and there you go. Normal record is a bit annoying, as it starts
> recording without prompt, but Sync record is immaculate.

just hold down pause as u slide rec across

> The biggest problem so far with this unit is the supplied Headphones, man

i know, they are shit - they hurt my ears (maybe i just have wierd size ears
but i have sony ex-70 now :P
the bass rocks! certainly gives "Blow your mind" by lock en load another

> zealots of their brand. I am in no way a Sony zealot, if I had the money,
> would get a Panasonic SJ-MR 200 or a Sharp MT-(8)77, but I have to say

wtf? if u had the money? the panasonic mr200 costs £200 from argos
anyway sharp 77 is ot so good - battery life shit

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