  I've done a lot of research on the web regarding building a converter circuit for 
the SBLive's digital 
output into optical, and I've been running into obstacles that I was hoping someone 
here might have 
already hit. My conclusion is that it's easier with the Value card than the original, 
due to the digital I/O 
daughterboard blocking the S/PDIF pins on the board! 
  I've looked on the board to see if there's a TTL digital output there (I don't think 
there is), so it seems 
I'll have to use a cable from the back of the digital daughterboard.

  My questions are:

      1) Does anyone know the voltage output by the S/PDIF coaxial connector on the 
back of the 
daughterboard? I saw somewhere that it was non-standard in that it's 5V, which would 
be useful in the 
connector circuit (no need for half of the conversion!), though standard S/PDIF is 
500mV, which needs 

      2) Has anyone attempted to do this on a SBLive before? Any tips? Where did you 
get your 
components and what circuit did you use?

I have researched buying a separate board from places like Hoontech, but I'm in the UK 
so I don't know 
if there are many distributors nearby, and I'm also a student, so 20-40 UKP is still a 
lot of money to me.
So any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.


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