Las wrote...

>It's been very quiet around here lately, so either this is going to 
>be one more boring post or stir some controversy.  I suppose that MD
>could stand for "Miracle that it Died".

        Hmmm, as I never get tired of repeating (being a smug Brit), MD is 
*huge* more-or-less everywhere other than the US. MD hasn't died, and 
neither is it about to. Its just that unlike the rest of the world, 
Americans (with a few enlightened exceptions) seem unable to grasp a 
good thing when they see it. As I've said before, in the UK I don't 
know *anyone* who owns an MP3 player, and I've only ever actually 
seen *one person* using one. In contrast MD players are absolutely 
everywhere. I think a somewhat less US-centric view needs to be taken 
when looking at the market.


Robin Landy
Manchester University
Mobile: 07970 253609
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