Are you from Windsor Ontario? Small world isn't it.

Nathan White

-----Original Message-----
Tunes DJ Service
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 2:04 PM
Subject: MD: CD and MP3 still doesn't have the features I like in MD

You know, I think Robin has a point here.  I've seen MP3 players in the
stores, but I haven't seen people with them.  Also, I *have* seen people
with MD portables, and car units.  And for the first time, I get the
impression that the public (here in Canada anyway) is finally recognizing
the format.  And they overwhelming like it when they learn about it.
Education remains a problem however...the other day at Best Buy (in Detroit
Michigan) a home electronics employee told me matter-of-factly that Sony was
no longer making MD units...doh!

p.s. My computer has a CD-RW and I honestly say that I avoid using it.  Talk
about jumping through hoops to make a damn CD.  And CD's poor editing
abilities and awkward size (compared to MD) just leave me shaking my head.
Too bad we didn't go directly from vinyl to MD twenty years ago.

> Hmmm, as I never get tired of repeating (being a smug Brit), MD is
> *huge* more-or-less everywhere other than the US. MD hasn't died, and
> neither is it about to. Its just that unlike the rest of the world,
> Americans (with a few enlightened exceptions) seem unable to grasp a
> good thing when they see it. As I've said before, in the UK I don't
> know *anyone* who owns an MP3 player, and I've only ever actually
> seen *one person* using one. In contrast MD players are absolutely
> everywhere. I think a somewhat less US-centric view needs to be taken
> when looking at the market.

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