> >  (I'm
> >  assuming that Mike is from the US because he used Hot mail).

From: "Neil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ???
> I'm just curious why you said that?
> I've got a hotmail account (2 actually), and am in the UK. Can't say as I've
> come across any of the major web-based email providers that aren't
> international.

I may well be flamed for saying this, but it's been coming some

Hehe, that also occured to me.  I have a hotmail account (which is
rarely used, it may even have lapsed by now) and am from the UK.
Having said that, given the number of posts on this list along the
lines of "MD is dying because [insert US electronics store] are no
longer stocking them / are reducing their range" or "no one I know
but me has MD" that are posted here suggests rather a lot of US peeps
should open their eyes to the fact that they are not actually the
center of the universe :o)

Oh, and I was rather amused and saddened when I read in Infobeat daily
news this morning that the Labor (sic) Party had won our general
election here in the UK.  They mentioned the Labor Party several times
in the report.  I wasn't saddened by their winning however.

<subliminal> If so many US peeps who actively participate in the
global village that is the internet think like that, you have to be
somewhat worried about what non-connected peeps think. </subliminal>
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| o |            Gaz Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED]            | o |
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| o |  ICQ: 36892193  http://www.princegaz.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk  | o |
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| o |             "An ye harm none, do what ye will"             | o |

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