Having played around a while with my 'first Sony' (TM) (Sony MZ-R700)
and having filled up the first 5 MDs and being who I am, I complain:

Whenever I play an MD, there is white noise (I hope that's the right
term, German description: weiches, glattes Rauschen) in the background,
when I hit play or unpause it's already there before the music starts
and it's still there if I completely turn down the volume. So I guess
the source of the noise is not the MD but the amplifier in the R700.
It's definitely there and it's pretty loud: When I turn on the player I
notice it every time.

I don't have access to any other MD units, so the question to me is: is
this usual or standard with mobile equipment? Or is there something
wrong with my unit and I should use the warranty?

Sorry, I can't really describe how loud the noise is. I understand that
every audio reproduction will produce some noise, but on my standalone
CD-Player (Marantz CD-57) I don't hear any with *my* ears.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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