>   Why doesn't sony seem to be considering to make a MD
> Drive for the home PC ? Don't you think that would be
> nice ? For both recording and playing purposes... I
> think this may be told a thousand times but i'm not
> thinking the storage issue, it's just about music..
> I've got my CD-RW for storage and that works pretty
> fine =)

You can already get them, but they record at 1x speed and are not a data
transport device, just a music transport device (e.g. you cannot read the
ATRAC / ATRAC3 files digitially off of the minidisc, you can only read off
the audio data.  The reason for this product decision has historically been
copyright paranoia, e.g. SDMI)

>   The other issue (product, service whatever you call
> it) is a one related to the above one. If we have some
> technology called ATRAC3, why can't we store our music
> in ATRAC3 files on our computers just like MP3's and
> share&trade the songs in MiniDisc format ? So then we
> can maybe  even able to upload them through our
> MiniDisc recorders or MD Drives... ??? I think that
> would be nice to have a ATRAC3 player (WinAtr  haha)
> and some (.ac3) or (.atr) files on my HDD

You can already get ATRAC3 files.  I've seen compressors that compress to
ATRAC3 format instead of MP3 or MP3pro, for example.  And likewise players.
I think you can even play these files back using plugins for WinAmp.
The one thing you cannot do is upload the digital ATRAC3 data to your
minidisc.  If you want to record the files onto your minidisc, you NEED to
play the atrac files using your favourite player and hook the output of your
soundcard (preferably opticial digital out if you have it) into your
minidisc, or if you have an internal minidisc recorder in your pc, set it to
record the output of the soundcard...

Sony used to have an internal PC  **data** deck.  It was one of their really
early MD products.  Total pity you can't get it any more (maybe try Ebay but
I doubt anyone that has one would consider parting with it for any amount of
money! )   :)


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