On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 17:37:20 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  Neil seems bothered that I posted a " feely touchy reply.

Not at all.

>  I get the feeling
>  that he was annoyed by the fact that I am a " feely touchy" person.

Not in the slightest. But don't let it stop you from jumping to the wrong

>  His post implied that there was no place for that here because this is a
>  "technical" e mail list.

My post didn't imply that, whatsoever. I cannot speak for the inference you
or others would make - but it didn't imply that - I can say that in an
absolute way, because I wrote it.

I merely questioned whether your tacit disapproval of somebody else's
postings, meant it was fair game to cast aspersions - and to be fair - you
live by the sword, expect to be questioned by it.

>  I guess that Neil is not a "feely touchy" kind of guy and probably has
>  patience for such people.

Make any botched assumptions you choose - it doesn't bother me. Just seems
to be rather par for the course - people disagree, then start getting
personal - disguised as being touchy-feely. My objection was simply
regarding your stated disagreement with Rat, spilling over into some
agendised speculation and interrogation into Rat's background. The sinister
overtones, and potential polarisation of such techniques, I find
objectionable - but if you wanna dress it up as touchy-feely, then go right
on ahead...

>  But he has to take it from the source.

Why do I "have to" anything?

<snipped hypothetical irony of presumed lack of human issues, and

Your argument is flawed, in that it is a strawman - hypothetical argument,
then shot down.

All rather diversionary, anyway. You can campaign and advocate that which
you seek in human interaction - however, what occurred, here, that I
objected to, was regarding the agenda, and the suggestive polarisation that
was evident.


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