James Jarvie wrote:

> In the on-going debate about is an Aiwa a Sony, and is
> a Ford a Lincoln, etc.  Larry states that no Ford ever
> had back-to-back doors (i.e. the door handles are next
> to each other).  I beg to differ.  The "suicide doors"
> were featured on 4-door Thunderbirds in 1967 and 1968,
> and I think they were also a feature in 1969.  Back
> then T-Birds had a major body redesign every three
> years.  During the three years, the differences tended
> to be slight from one model year to another.
> Well then I stand corrected.  Not only that, I happen to actually own
> a T Bird myself.  It's an 89, with a rather unremakable styling.  I
> bought it quite a few years ago from a former neighbor because I
> needed another car and he offered it at a very good price.

The biggest problem for me is the design itself.  I live in an area
where there is a lot of ice and snow all winter.  The T bird is rear
wheel drive.  Terrible in the snow.  For a while I gave it to my
daughter to use, but was afraid of her driving it in the winter, so I
got her a front wheel drive and put the T bird in moth balls.

While she had it, she was side swiped by a hit and run driver so the
driver's side is pretty messed up.  When I blew the engine on my 90'
Quad Four Pontiac Grand Am (that had 163,000 miles on it) driving it 115
miles an hour (what can I say, it felt so good-passing all of those
brand new BMWs-and I didn't even have the pedal to the floor-amazing for
a 4 cylinder-and yes only a stupid schmuck would do that to car, so you
know something else about me, I can be a stupid schmuck) I took the T
Bird out of moth balls.

There is one other problem with the T bird, it's color is diarrhea, shit

I saw a movie where they locked these mobsters in their Lincoln while
they were going through a car wash by hand cuffing the door handles
together (they were those "suicide doors")

> By the way, Larry, if you are at all interested in my
> background, though God knows why you would be, send me
> an off-line e-mail, and I'd be glad to tell you more
> about myself than you already know.

I'm interested, but I wouldn't want to pry.

> James (who is not a dentist, but visits his regularly)

That's important!!  OK to keep this related to MD, I used to use one of
my portable MD recorders in my office and let the patients listen to
headphones if they wanted, while they were in the chair.  It never
caught on too big.

I now have a pair of those Sony Glasstrons, but I can't figure out what
to show using them.  If I play prerecorded movies or DVDs, they'll be
into the first half hour of the movie, then what?

I've thought about making copies of the best scenes from different
movies and putting them on the same tape.  You know perhaps a comedy
tape, action adventure, Si Fi.  But that seems like a lot of work and I'
way too lazy to do that.


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