Great list.  Wish I had more technical expertise, but it's enjoyable.  Now
for a change of pace?

It's a long, boring story that has no point except I have the choice between
and ONLY between the Sharp MD-MT90 and the Aiwa AM-F70 and I'm not sure
about which one to choose.  I have no other choices (the long story) so,
please, if you respond, please don't recommend other units.

My main usage will be live recording: the rehearsals and gigs of our
Caribbean steel band, consisting only of steel drums and a drum set.  (any
suggestions on microphones - they don't have to be concealable).  Secondary
usage will be recording meetings and/or interviews.  Tertiary usage will be
the main one most people buy MDs for: transferring recorded music to play
'out there.'

I like the Automatic Level Control of the Aiwa for speech, and the Sharp
doesn't have that.  I like the bass boost of the Sharp for live music and
the Aiwa doesn't have that.

Anyone have any experience they'd care to share, about quality or
reliability or whatever?


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