"Eric Woudenberg, Minidisc.org Editor" wrote:

> Hi Ian,
> Hope you don't mind if I cc the MD mailing list.
> Ian Cruickshanks writes:
> >What could you tell me to get me to buy a MD recorder, over a
> >standard portable cd-player, especially with the new cdr drives for
> >peoples computers?
> Well, if you never do field recording, and don't mind looking
> positively dorky walking around with a CD player in your hand, and are
> happy to fire up your PC everytime you want to take some new tunes
> with you, and never want to delete or change tracks on a disc after
> you grow tired of a few, then I'd say go for the CD player, definitely!

I may just be out ot the loop, but I am not aware of any portable CD
recorders that you can plug a mike in and go out into the field with.  This
is SOP for MDs.

I think I do the same thing as Rick is suggesting.  I have a portable CD
player and some times take it, a portable MD recorder and an optical cable
to friends or relatives to copy some tracks from CDs they have.

If you do not plan on doing any live recording and like collecting MP3
files, then you specifically need to buy a portable CD player that will play
MP3 files (not just CDR and CDRWs).  But you will have to have a cd writer
in your computer.

The very slight advantage a audio CD (not a compressed CD, but either an
original or one that was copied bit for bit)  might have in sound quality
(if you can hear it) is, in my humble opinion, totally outweighed by the
convenience of MDs for portable use.

I have repeatedly stated that CDs are for use at home and MDs are for use on
the road and track.


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