Hello MDaemon-L list member, Mailscan 2.5.0a baru saja launch.
ftp://ftp.dutaint.co.id/mailscan/mdaemon/msmd250a.exe ftp://ftp.dutaint.com/mailscan/mdaemon/msmd250a.exe http://download.dutaint.com/mailscan/mdaemon/msmd250a.exe The new version of MAILSCAN has a technology which automatically identifies HTML emails and HTML attachments which have SCRIPTS. Offlate, most of the viruses have been spreading because of hidden Scripts inside HTML emails. Looking at this trend, scripts like IFRAME, OBJECT, etc. are identified and automatically "quarantined" by MailScan. But, many a times, emails from legitimate sources having scripts (mostly HTML newsletters), are also caught by MailScan! There are 3 ways by which you can ask MailScan to ignore script-checks for emails from legitimate sources: A) Completely disable Script Checking. This can be done as any HTML eMail with a script is *checked* for viruses & if they have *known* viruses, they will be removed (irrespective of the setting of CheckHTMLForScripts option). The only problem will be with *unknown future* viruses. Hence if you don't get updates in time, there is a small possibility of an unknown HTML-script based virus bypassing MailScan/eScan. B) Start MailScan Administrator - Click on Advanced button - Click on IE-Vulnerabilities I Add all the email ID's from where you want to disable script-checking. or C) Remove any specific Script tags which you do not want MailScan to check. ************************************************************************ Detailed Release notes for MSMD 2.50a: 1. Minor problem affecting compatibility with MD 6.0 corrected. 2. You can specify either an IP address or Hostname for the SMTP-Server to which warning messages has to be sent. 3. Trayicon Tooltip now shows date-of-last update. 4. On some special German Characters, Mails used to get truncated. Now corrected. 5. You can add Disclaimers for incoming email also (for example, you might need to add a line saying this email was scanned for viruses...). 6. FTPSITES.TXT will now accept ftphost username, password and the port. 7. Attachments with CLSID extensions in emails will be deleted. 8. HTML body and/or attachments having Script Enabling commands will be removed. 9. Facility to embed Warning message to Recipient in the original email itself, added. 10.If Reserved Content is detected in an email, option is now available to send a copy of original email to actual user also. Name of value is ReservedContentsSendOriginalMailToUserAlso=1. Default is 0. 11.SPOOLER.EXE, if encounters an error while sending to LocalHost (while the EHLO or HELO command was given), will now resend it to the IP address given in WarningMailsToSMTPServer. 12.Attachment filenames which have encoded format will now be properly translated. 13.MailScan will do a round-robin of download FTP sites. So if one update server is down or busy, it will go to the next in list. This list is auto-downloaded from the Internet. 14.Outlook XP vulnerability of showing filenames with ending period, without adding the period, now taken care. 15.List of email IDs for which Script Checking should be disabled can now be given. 16.List of email IDs to which disclaimer should *not* be added, can now be configured. 17.Option to forcibly scan .ATT files added. 18.A small NON-RFC email used to cause a variant of Myparty Worm to bypass MailScan. Now corrected. 19.MDaemon 6 and above compatibility added. 20.When virus was detected in mails to MailLists, the From: address was wrongly taken as unknown@unknown. Now corrected. -- Syafril ======= mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- --[MDaemon-L]-------------------------------------------------------- Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server. Arsip : <http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com> Moderator : <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Unsubscribe : <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subscribe : <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Latest Vers. : 5.0.4 --[POWERED BY MDAEMON!]----------------------------------------------