Hallo pak syafril,

Saya mengalami masalah dengan pengiriman email dari beberapa client. Mulanya
saya membuat CF untuk membatasi ukuran email yang dapat dikirimkan oleh
mdaemon. CF tersebut berjalan dgn baik, karena sesuatu hal maka CF tersebut
tidak saya aktifkan lagi.  Masalahnya adalah mengapa setelah CF tersebut
tidak saya aktifkan lagi terjadi error permanent delivery failure yang
menyatakan bahwa message tersebut melebihi maximum size yang diset oleh
administrator dan yang dapat ditransfer oleh mail server saya sebesar <= 500
Kb. Saya mohon bantuan dan pencerahannya. Saya sertakan juga scriptnya pak.



Parsing Message <C:\MDAEMON\RemoteQ\pd50000004460.msg> 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:21: [-1:335:1] From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:21: [-1:335:1] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:21: [-1:335:1] Subject: Re: 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:21: [-1:335:1] Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:21: [-1:335:1] MX-record resolution of [paritpadang.co
id] in progress (DNS Server: 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:21: [-1:335:1] P=020 D=paritpadang.co.id TTL=(60)
MX=[corp3.cbn.net.id] {} 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:22: [-1:335:1] P=010 D=paritpadang.co.id TTL=(60)
MX=[pp-smtp.paritpadang.co.id] {} 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:22: [-1:335:1] Attempting MX: P=010 D=paritpadang.co.id
TTL=(60) MX=[ppsmtp.paritpadang.co.id] {} 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:22: [-1:335:1] Attempting SMTP connection to [202.158
42.147 : 25] 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:22: [380:335:1] Waiting for socket connection... 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:22: [380:335:1] Socket connection established (192.168
100.100 : 2876 -> : 25) 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:22: [380:335:1] Waiting for protocol initiation... 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:29: [380:335:1] <-- 220 pp_smtp.paritpadang.co.id ESMTP
Service (Lotus Domino Release 5.0.9) ready at Tue, 7 Oct 2003 08:37:16 +0700

Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:29: [380:335:1] --> EHLO Betadine-ina.com 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:29: [380:335:1] <-- 250-pp_smtp.paritpadang.co.id Hello
Betadine-ina.com ([]), pleased to meet you 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:29: [380:335:1] <-- 250-HELP 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:29: [380:335:1] <-- 250-SIZE 10240000 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:29: [380:335:1] <-- 250 PIPELINING 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:29: [380:335:1] --> MAIL From:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]
com> SIZE=11051372 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:30: [380:335:1] <-- 552 Message size exceeds fixed
maximum message size set by administrator 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:30: [380:335:1] --> QUIT 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:30: [-1:335:1] Attempting MX: P=020 D=paritpadang.co.id
TTL=(60) MX=[corp3.cbn.net.id] {} 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:30: [-1:335:1] Attempting SMTP connection to [202.158.3
26 : 25] 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:30: [236:335:1] Waiting for socket connection... 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] Socket connection established (192.168
100.100 : 2880 -> : 25) 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] Waiting for protocol initiation... 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] <-- 220 corp3.cbn.net.id ESMTP 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] --> EHLO Betadine-ina.com 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] <-- 250-corp3.cbn.net.id 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] <-- 250-PIPELINING 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] <-- 250-SIZE 8000000 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] <-- 250-VRFY 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] <-- 250-ETRN 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] <-- 250-XVERP 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] <-- 250 8BITMIME 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:31: [236:335:1] --> MAIL From:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]
com> SIZE=11051372 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:33: [236:335:1] <-- 552 Message size exceeds fixed
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:57: [236:335:1] --> QUIT 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:57: [236:335:1] SMTP session abnormally terminated, 492
bytes transferred. 
Tue 2003-10-07 08:15:57: ----------


.: ============================================== :.

             PT. Mahakam Beta Farma
           Jl. Pulo Kambing II No. 20
           Kaw. Industri Pulo Gadung
                 Jakarta Timur

.: ============================================== :.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.
Mohon tidak posting dalam format HTML!

Arsip          : <http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com>
Moderator      : <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Henti Langgan  : <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Berlangganan   : <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Versi Terakhir : MD 6.8.5, LD 2.1.0, WA 2.0.5, MDAV 2.2.1, MDGW 1.0.4

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