
MDaemon 8.0.3 release


MDaemon 8.03 - June 14, 2005


  o Some important Spam Filter default settings were changed.  Please read
    the section IMPROVED SPAM FILTER below for details.

  o The following entries will be automatically added to your SPF whitelist 
    file (SPFXcpt.dat) and DomainKeys verification whitelist file 


  o An entry in your SpamAssassin local.cf file was changed.  If you had 
    'dns_available yes' in your local.cf file this line was removed.  Removing 
    this line causes SpamAssassin to first check if DNS is available before 
    attempting to use rules which depend upon it.  This is a smarter option but 
    does create additional overhead since testing for DNS connectivity may not 
    be necessary for all sites.  If you would like to change this setting or 
    disable DNS based rules entirely you can do so via new controls within the 
    Spam Filter GUI. 



    A couple of important default Spam Filter settings have been changed to
    allow increased Content Filter performance.  By default now MDaemon will
    perform a spam scan on incoming messages during the SMTP session.  If the
    score is over 12.0 the message will not be accepted.  You can change this
    score to whatever value you feel is appropriate via the existing options
    in Security|Spam Filter or reset the score to the old default of ZERO
    which completely disables SMTP based scanning.  
    When doing the spam scan during the SMTP session MDaemon can be configured
    to take the reported results as definitive and will NOT rescan the message 
    again once it's in the queue.  By scanning during SMTP sessions and avoiding
    a second queue-based scan the efficiency of the AntiSpam part of Content 
    Filter can be greatly increased.  The spam headers added to messages when 
    processed in this way are the SpamAssassin defaults - any custom headers or 
    changes to SA default headers you may have specified in your local.cf are 
    ignored.  If you would like to enable this CPU saving feature check the 
    "Skip queue-based scan on messages processed during SMTP sessions" option
    within the Spam Filter|Heuristis tab.


  o Added support for IMAP4 UIDPLUS (RFC 2359).

  o Added "change message processing priority" action to the content filter.

  o Some verbiage was changed on the SMTP Authenication tab.  The option to
    require SMTP AUTH when the postmaster alias is used was extended to also
    protect the abuse and webmaster addresses.

  o MDaemon now sets the first and last name fields for public contacts
    in addition to the full name.  It recognizes "FirstName LastName"
    and "LastName, FirstName" formats.  If you want MDaemon to only set
    the full name, edit MDaemon.ini and set:

    SetContactFirstAndLastNames=No (default Yes)

  o When MDaemon automatically adds contacts to a users address book file it
    will populate the real name field with the email address rather than 
    leave the real name field blank (this looks better in OL and WC).

  o A new switch was added to the Automatic IP Screening feature within the
    Tarpit settings.  You can now configure sessions to automatically close
    after being added to the IP screen.  This switch is enabled by default.

  o MDaemon's DomainKeys signing capability has now been extended to mailing
    list messages.  A new switch in the DomainKeys signing GUI will allow you
    to have MDaemon sign outgoing list mail.  The signing of list mail
    requires content filter processing on each list message after 'cracking'.
    This can cause a performance hit on sites with large/popular mailing
    lists.  You do not need to specify your lists in the DKSign.dat file as
    authorized for DK signing.  If you enable this new option MDaemon will
    assume that it should sign all mail to all your lists.

  o MDaemon no longer performs MX record lookups on the host that is being
    signaled to dequeue waiting mail (Setup|Primary Domain|Dequeue).  It just
    doesn't seem to make sense to lookup MX records in this instance.

  o Slight verbiage change to the gateway ETRN tab to make it clear when MX
    and A records might be used.

  o Added some additional DomainKeys logging and removed the long p= and b=
    values from being logged (this served no purpose really).

  o Verbiage change to the DNS-BL 'Flag messages from blacklisted sites but
    go ahead and accept them' option.  This checkbox has had a logic reversal
    and now reads 'Block email from servers which have been blacklisted'.
    Some appropriate warning text has also been added.  The value of the old
    setting has been preserved.

  o The DNS-BL option 'Add blacklisted sites to the IP Screen' was removed
    from the GUI.  This option is still available but now requires manual
    editing of the MDaemon.ini to set it.  This option should rarely (if ever) 
    be enabled as it amounts to a PERMANENT caching of negative DNS-BL
    results - something definitely not recommended.

  o It is now possible to set zero as the score for white/black list matches
    within the Spam Filter.

  o You can now specify a tarpit delay scaling factor from within the tarpit
    setting GUI.  This is a multiplier that grows the base delay over time. So,
    when a session first gets tarpitted it will experience a (for example)
    10 second delay.  If the scaling factor is 1.5 the next delay will be 15
    seconds, the next 22.5 seconds, and so on.  The default scaling factor is
    1 which basically means no scaling.

  o If you are inserting HashCash tokens into outbound mail or signing 
    messages with DomainKeys then autoresponders MUST go through the Content 
    Filter (since it is what does this work).  So, take note that your 
    autoresponders will now be subject to Content Filter processing if either 
    of these features are enabled.

  o Three new options were added to the Spam Filter to allow you to specify
    whether DNS is available when processing messages.  You can specify:

    Yes - DNS is available and so SURBL/RBL and any other rules which require
          DNS connectivity will be utilized.
    No  - DNS is not available and so any rule which requires DNS will not be
    Test- DNS availability should first be tested and if present it will be 
          used.  This is the default setting.

  o MDaemon will set the RES_NAMESERVERS environment variable for use with
    SpamAssassin if you configure specific DNS servers within MDaemon's
    Setup|Primary Domain|DNS tab.  If you configure MDaemon to use the DNS
    servers from Windows itself then the RES_NAMESERVERS environment variable
    will be removed from the environment settings.  In this was we hope to
    insure that SpamAssassin uses the same DNS servers that MDaemon is using.
    The environment settings apply only to the MDaemon process and any child
    process thereof.  The are not server-wide and will not effect other
    processes running on the system.

  o MDStats now displays kilobytes instead of bytes in the Disk Space column
  o Calendar invites are no longer sent when editing an existing event/meeting.

  o Messages which arrive over authenticated sessions are given a slightly 
    higher delivery priority over those which are not.

  o A new switch was added to the Logging options to disable the WorldClient
    and HTTP logs.  Note, the files will still be created and will have start-
    up and shutdown timestamps but that's all.

  o iCalendar invitation are now added to user's default calendar when the 
    message containing the invitation is opened.

  o Comagent will disable Outlook(MAPI) synchronization if Outlook Connector 
    is enabled and user is an Outlook Connector user.

  o A new $MACHINENAME$ macro was added which returns the machine name field
    from Setup|Primary Domain.  This macro is now used in the default account
    information script (ACCTINFO.DAT) for new installations.

  o The language on the DomainKeys verification tab was changed to make it
    more clear on how scoring takes place.

  o Multiple files in the WorldClient themes have been condensed to take up 
    less space for faster loading times.  Most files have a master file with 
    a %filename%_master.%ext% naming scheme with the exception of the 
    globals.js and list.js files for LookOut, which are stored in the 
    HTML/LookOut/JavaScript subdirectory.  Those looking for similar crunched 
    files can use the javascript crunchinator at www.brainjar.com

  o The default "charset" that MDaemon uses in auto-generated messages was
    changed from US-ASCII to iso-8859-1 for increased compatibility.

  o File|Print option was removed as it never worked properly in the 8.x code
    base and printing options are handled in context via right-click options
    in the various pane windows.

  o The extra SMTP port introduced in 8.02 has been morphed into a true MSA
    port capability.  This means that:
    (a) the default port value was changed from 2525 to 587
    (b) transmission on this port requires AUTH

  o You can now configured the header which will be used when setting up IMAP
    spam filtering rules for your users.  The default is still X-Spam-Flag but
    you can change it by editing the following in CFilter.ini with notepad:

  o The default subject in AntiVirus update notification emails was changed to
    include the result (Success or Failure) of the AV update attempt.

  o The default CFUPDATE.DAT file which is the template describing the result
    of an AntiVirus update has been changed to include the full log of the
    AV update attempt.  Your existing CFUPDATE.DAT file was renamed to
    CFUPDATE.DAT.OLD so that this new file could replace it.

  o MDaemon will always place the name of the mailing list in the Sender
    header for all list mail.

  o By default, MDaemon will accept messages which are not compliant with
    internet standards (MDaemon has the ability to bring non-compliant 
    messages into compliance later).  If you would prefer to have MDaemon
    reject non-compliant messages you can set a new switch added to 
    Setup|Misc Options|Servers tab.

    MDaemon will reject message which do not have a DATE header.  It will
    also reject messages which are missing both a SENDER and FROM header.
    Also, these required headers must have a value (they can not exist as
    empty headers).

  o The language on the DomainKeys signing tab was changed to make it more 
    clear on how to create new selectors.

  o When you specify from and to values that make messages eligible for
    DomainKeys signing you can add an optional selector value to the end of
    each line and that selector will be used to sign messages which match
    that criteria.  Open the DKSIGN.DAT file and read the instructions at
    the top for more information.

  o SPF/DK cache/whitelist file editors were changed from notepad to 
    MDaemon's internal file editor.

  o MDaemon will now send the string 'Connection refused' before closing the
    session when tarpitted and/or IP screen refuses a connection.

  o If you do not want MDaemon to send the "Spam Trap" content report email
    (this can be very long sometimes) you can set the following in CFilter.ini
    using notepad:

    SendSpamReport=No (default Yes)

  o Changed DK to return DK_STAT_SYNTAX when signature doesn't match sender's 
    domain.  Also, better info will track into the  Authentication-Results 
    header when this is the case.

  o Added multiple signature support to the DomainKeys verification code.  If
    a message arrives with more than one signature MDaemon will apply some
    logic in an attempt to find the first one that matches the sender domain.

  o Spam Filter was updated to include SpamAssassin 3.04.

  o Trusted IPs are exempt from the gateway AUTH requirement.

  o Tons of cleanup to Smtpwnd - removing old unused code.
  o Added Slovenian language to WorldClient - thanks to Red Zion for doing 
    this work for us.


  o fix to crash/100% CPU associated with inline SMTP Spam scanning
  o fix to hashcash mint size being ignored (always using 20 bits)
  o fix to spam score not showing up in SPAM entries within stats log
  o fix to WC's LookOut theme not supporting certain Japanese subjects
  o fix bad message Date headers causing WC's LookOut theme to display
    a blank message list
  o fix to holding queue release causing crash in ghost sessions
  o fix to maximum RCPT count setting not being incremented by "recipient
    unknown" result - was only counting RCPT commands that gave a "250 OK"
  o fix to unnecessary pane refresh with 'bayesian learn as ham/spam' option
  o fix to autoresponders not working properly when no start time specified
  o fix to problems using ODBC backend and SQL Server
  o fix to strings for the PocketPC, XHTML, and WML themes are not in the
    languages.ini file.  These strings are not being translated.
  o fix to DomainKeys not using the d= tag properly
  o fix to possible crashing when stopping/restarting MDaemon
  o fix to possible IMAP server crash
  o fix to errant JavaScript handling in WorldClient
  o fix to addrbook.mrk files created by addrldap.exe cannot be read
  o fix to possible crash after editing a domain or processing a reload cache
    sem file while inbound SMTP sessions are active
  o fix to some DAT files not being updated with timer countdowns
  o fix to MD3Conv.exe crashing if upgrading from really early MD installs
  o fix to auto-responders not getting DK signed or hashcash minted
  o fix to 'dns_available yes' problem for new installations
  o fix digitally signed messages not being DK signed
  o fix to LookOut forwarding/autoresponder validation bug
  o fix to WorldClient not being restarted when changing SSL settings
  o fix to IMAP & SMTP servers not supporting authentication with an alias
  o fix to signatures only being applied to primary domain mail
  o fix to hashcash minting not working properly in some cases
  o fix to IE requesting read/unread/new/forward and reply images for 
    individual list view message headers for WorldClient LookOut
  o fix to MD not removing the MSG file associated with a public contact 
    when deleting an account
  o fix to possible orphaned sessions in 'send all to ISP' configurations
  o fix to modal dialog box sometimes causing thread to freeze

Syafril Hermansyah

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