On 02/07/07 08:29 +07:00 Reggie wrote:
> Sudah sejak hari kamis, saya perhatikan dimail server saya dan 
> inbox
> saya banyak email2 dgn attachment pdf yg pengirimnya tidak 
> dikenal. Tp
> email tsb jg tidak dideteksi oleh MDAV sbg virus.. apakah ada yg
> mengalami juga?

Pdf file s/d saat ini diketahui tdk bisa disisipi virus, shg wajar saja
MDAV tdk mengenalinya sbg virus.
Kemungkinan yg Anda terima adalah spam mail yg memang trend terakhirnya
menggunakan image (bmp, jpg, pdf, html, gif, png).
Spam berupa image attachment ini lbh sulit dideteksi.

Fitur utk detect spam images inilah (salah satu) yg akan ditambahkan di
MDSP 3.0.5.
Ini saya copykan sebagian dari release notenya :

Outbreak Protection 1.20

 This feature requires MDaemon 9.60 or higher.

 Outbreak Protection now includes IWF support.  This feature enables OP
to detect and tag messages that refer to child abuse image sites (i.e.
child pornography sites). OP has integrated the URL list provided by the
Internet Watch Foundation (www.iwf.org.uk) into OP's antispam service.

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) operates an independent internet
'hotline’ for reporting potentially illegal online content, including
child abuse content hosted anywhere in the world. They work in partner-
ship with the police, governments, the wider online industry and the
public to combat the availability of illegal online content. The Foun-
dation’s URL list is updated daily with new sites hosting child abuse

Many organizations have internal compliance rules governing the content
of email being sent or received by their employees, especially with
regard  to obscene or illegal material. In addition, many countries have
outlawed  the sending or receipt of such content.  This new feature will
assist in your efforts to assure compliance.

You can enable/disable the IWF feature and set a spam filter score for
it using new controls on the OP configuration UI.

   o Detection of image-based spam for .png images.
    o Improved the built-in failover mechanism.

kalau ingin coba MDSP 3.0.5 beta, bisa download dari sini :

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 9.6.1 beta B under WinXP
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.
Mohon tidak posting dengan format HTML, pastikan selalu menggunakan Format 

Arsip          : <http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com>
Henti Langgan  : <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Berlangganan   : <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Versi Terakhir : MD 9.6.0, MDSP 3.0.4, MDOC 2.1.5

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