Suzy Ariyani said the following on 16/04/08 15:15 +07:00:
> Runtime C++ sudah tidak keluar, tapi... :-)

Itu berarti cfengine.exenya yg error.
Mestinya cukup delete file \\mdaemon\app\cfengine.exe lalu refresh
install mdaemon.
Pak.. saranmu sudah kulakukan.. tapi it doesn't work... ;(
please.. give me solution about this.. what should i do?

Lho katanya cfengine errornya sudah tidak keluar ?

> Kenapa ya pak.. ada emailĀ² untuk usermail tertentu pada nge-queue di
> dan Holding Queue?
> Setting-an apa yg menyebabkan email terlambat ya?

Lihat mail notification ke postmaster mengenai mail yg masuk ke holding
queue penyebabnya apa.
Here the notification to me:
      As of (04/16/2008 14:15) there were 8 messages in the holding queue.
     Messages are placed into the holding queue as a result of unexpected
software errors.
what is the next step?
FYI, yg masuk di folder Holding Queue itu kebanyakan email milis.. termasuk
milis MDaemon ini..

Kalau mail di holding queue direlease (stl cfengine error tdk muncul) apakah kembali lagi kesitu ?

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 10.0 Beta B
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