Dear all, 

Saya mengalami masalah dalam mengirim email dari seorang ke email saya, Dia
mau mengirimkan tulisan kesaya tp bukan dalam bentuk attachment, Ketika dia
kirim kesaya di email gmailnya dia ada pesan seperti ini, this is an
automatically generated delivery status notification. Delivery to the
following recipient failed permanently


technical detail of permanent failure: PERM_FAILURE: google tried to deliver
your message, but it was rejected by recipier to contacting the other email
provider for further information about cause of this error. The returned
was:554554  sorry, message looks spam or phish to me (state17)

Mohon pencerahannya pak, 



Best & Regards;

Herbin Saragi
PT. Neslte Indofood Citarasa Indonesia
Graha Inti Fauzi Lt 3
Jl. Buncit Raya No 22 
Phone: ( 021 ) 79199988 Ext. 3390 ,081316129520 
Fax: ( 021 ) 79182433,79182434



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