2011/1/18 Edi IS <edi...@gmail.com>:

Coba diubah format mailnya menggunakan yang mudah dibaca orang Indonesia.
Saya orang Indonesia asli, sejak TK belajar membaca dari atas kebawah,
dari kiri kekanan,
mengikuti tata bahasa DM sehingga susah kalau baca mail yang
pertanyaan/pernyataan mendahului jawaban


2.3 Why should I place my response below the quoted text?

Usually, the reading-flow is from left to right and from top to
bottom, and people expect a chronological sequence similar to this.
Especially people who are reading a lot of articles (and who therefore
would qualify as the ideal person to answer your question) appreciate
it if they can read at first the text to which you are referring. The
quoted text is some kind of help to remember the topic, which of
course will not work, if you place the quoted text below your

Furthermore, that's the standard. This may sound as a weak argument,
but since people are not used to reading the other way around, they
have no idea what you are referring to and have to go back and forth
between the referenced articles, have to jump between different
articles and so on. In short - reading the article becomes more and
more difficult - for people who read many articles it is reason enough
to skip the entire article, if the context is not obvious.

> Saya sudah reset Restore queue ke posisi default.
> tapi masih saja di local queue dan remote antrian email tidak mau jalan
> harus manual baru bisa jalan kaqlau di move ke local atau remote .
> mohon petunjuk selanjutnya Pak.

Lokasi queue folder tidak ada korelasinya secara langsung dengan mail
tidak diproses..

Pakai O/S apa sih?
Coba uninstall SecurityPlus, apakah mail jalan normal?

Syafril Hermansyah
Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: <http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote>
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