Dear pak Syafril Hermansyah,

Mdaemon saya selalu generate notifikasi seperti terlampir, bagaimana cara

Secara history user saya tsb pernah kena hack email nya, lalu saya atasi dg
merubah password email tsb,

Sepertinya email robot tsb tetap berusaha melakukan authentication tapi
gagal (krn password sdh saya ganti).

Atas pencerahannya terima kasih.



Best Regards,



IT Department



As Agent: PT. Pelayaran PANURJWAN

Jl. Perak Barat 139

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Phone   : 62-31  3548066, Ext : 119

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--- Begin Message ---
Account failed at least 10 authentication attempts: "Irwanto Mahardi

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--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Account failed at least 10 authentication attempts: "Irwanto Mahardi

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--- End Message ---

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