On 10/24/23 09:57, arman wrote:
User ada kirim email company keluar, tapi oleh user tidak terima

Maksudnya recipient tidak menerimanya?
Recipient akses mailnya pakai email client atau webmail?

Kami cek di log server terkirim

Tue 2023-10-24 09:19:53.548: 05: Attempting to send message to smart host
Tue 2023-10-24 09:19:53.548: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to smtp.biz.net.id
Tue 2023-10-24 09:19:53.571: 03: --> MAIL From:<juli...@baria.co.id> 
Tue 2023-10-24 09:19:53.571: 03: --> RCPT To:<arm4n...@gmail.com>
Tue 2023-10-24 09:19:53.571: 03: --> DATA
Tue 2023-10-24 09:19:53.575: 01: Sending 
<c:\mdaemon\queues\remote\pd3501000465479.msg> to []
Tue 2023-10-24 09:19:54.052: 01: Transfer Complete
Tue 2023-10-24 09:19:54.060: 02: <-- 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as C75423C17A6

Ini terkirimnya baru sampai smarthost smtp.biz.net.id belum ke final MX host domain gmail.com.

Tanyakan ke pengelola smarthost apakah mail tersebut sudah diteruskan ke final MX recipient domain.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 23.5.1 Beta A
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
        --- Albert Einstein

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.5.0, SecurityGateway 9.5.0

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