Alexandre CHARTRE - Solaris Sustaining wrote:
>  A problem is that mdb pipes only accept pointers and they don't accept
> other text. But you can do what you want using two steps:
>    somedcmds ! grep "addr = 0x" | awk '{print $3}' > /tmp/file
>    ::cat /tmp/file | otherdcmds
> Yongce Tu wrote:
>> I can use [i]somedcmds !grep "addr = 0x" | awk '{print $3}'[/i] to get 
>> the result. But i cannot do like this, because the output cannot be 
>> used in MDB and i expect the ouput can be used as input of some other 
>> dcmd.
>> How to solve it?

This is, in my opinion, a gap in mdb's functionality. I've logged

6433722 mdb should allow me to print if a field matches rather than pipe to grep

Here's the description field (all there is so far):

For a long time now I've wanted mdb to have a dcmd which will allow me to print
out a structure (or structure members) only if a particular condition is met.

For example, if I'm walking a list of fcp_lun and I want to see all the 
address of
all luns which have (lun_mpxio = 1) and have a null lun_cip at present I 
have to
walk the lunlist, counting lines, then walk the lunlist printing lun_mpxio 
and lun_cip
and match up the output to the first list.

This is darned tedious!

What I envisage is a dcmd somewhat similar to this:

::printif {condition} [-o|-a] [-n] {condition-list} [structure members to print]

(-o ==> or
  -a ==> and
  -n ==> not

So for my example above I would then use

*fcp_port_head::walk fcp::walk targets::walk luns::printif lun_mpxio==1 -a 

and if I wanted to delve further I would then use something like this:

*fcp_port_head::walk fcp::walk targets::walk luns::printif \
        lun_mpxio==1 -a lun_cip==NULL \
        lun_inq.inq_vid lun_inq.inq_pid lun_inq.inq_revision \
*** (#1 of 1): 2006-06-05 17:36:21 EST james.mcpherson at


James C. McPherson
Solaris Datapath Engineering
Data Management Group
Sun Microsystems

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