On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 09:56:12AM +1000, James C. McPherson wrote:
> Mike Shapiro wrote:
> > 
> >>It seems to me that if we made use of the onnv_XX tags that
> >>have been going into the Mercurial clone for a while, then
> >>it shouldn't be too hard to regenerate the per-build mdb dmods
> >>and usr/bin/$ISADIR/mdb command.
> >
> >The scripts extract the dmods from the bfu archives for each build.
> >Since we have all of those available, it's a simple matter of
> >executing the script on all the missing build archives, which
> >are always kept.  This doesn't require source snapshots.
> True - for inside SWAN. I was thinking about folks outside.

Hopefully, we could have a tarball under the OpenSolaris binary distribution
license, with all of the post-OpenSolaris bits.  I just didn't want to commit
to anything, since I am completely unfamiliar with the process.

- jonathan

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