i see similar issue, it moves forward after attaching, detaching from the 
process with gdb only on centos6.7. 
could this be an issue with kernel?

On Wednesday, 15 February 2017 21:15:35 UTC+5:30, Gil Tene wrote:
> Don't know if this is the same bug. RHEL 7 kernels included fixes for this 
> since some time in 2015.
> While one of my first courses of action when I see a suspicious FUTEX_WAIT 
> hang situation is still to check kernel versions to rules this out (since 
> this bug has wasted us a bunch of time in the past), keep in mind that not 
> all things stuck in FUTEX_WAIT are futex_wait kernel bugs. The most likely 
> explanations are usually actual application logic bugs involving actual 
> deadlock or starvation.
> Does attaching and detaching from the process with gdb move it forward? 
> [the original bug was missing the wakeup, and an attach/detach would "kick" 
> the futex out of its slumber once]
> On Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 6:33:45 AM UTC-8, Will Foster wrote:
>> On Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 4:01:52 PM UTC, Allen Reese wrote:
>>> This bug report seems to have a way to reproduce it:
>>> https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=8371
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> --Allen Reese
>> I also see this on latest CentOS7.3 with Logstash, I've disabled huge 
>> pages via 
>> transparent_hugepage=never
>> in grub.
>> Here's what I get from strace against logstash (never fully comes up to 
>> listen on TCP/5044)
>> [root@host-01 ~]# strace -p 1292
>> Process 1292 attached
>> futex(0x7f80eff8a9d0, FUTEX_WAIT, 1312, NULL
>> I am hitting this issue on Logstash 5.2.1-1 while trying to upgrade my 
>> Ansible 
>> playbooks <https://github.com/sadsfae/ansible-elk/issues/16> to the 
>> latest ES versions.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Longchao Dong <donglo...@gmail.com>
>>> *To:* mechanical-sympathy <mechanica...@googlegroups.com> 
>>> *Sent:* Monday, February 13, 2017 1:55 AM
>>> *Subject:* Re: Linux futex_wait() bug... [Yes. You read that right. 
>>> How to reproduce this issue ? Is it possible to show us the method ? I 
>>> am also working on one strange pthread_cond_wait issue, but not sure 
>>> if that one is related with this issue.
>>> On Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 8:16:12 AM UTC+8, manis...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>> I bumped on this error couple of months back when using CentOS 6.6 with 
>>> 32 cores Dell server. After many days of debugging, I realized it to be a 
>>> CentOS 6.6 bug and moved back to 6.5 and since then no such issues have 
>>> been seen.
>>> I am able to reproduce this issue in 15 minutes of heavy load on my 
>>> multi threaded c  code.
>>> On Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 3:37:32 PM UTC-7, Gil Tene wrote:
>>> We had this one bite us hard and scare the %$^! out of us, so I figured 
>>> I'd share the fear...
>>> The linux futex_wait call has been broken for about a year (in upstream 
>>> since 3.14, around Jan 2014), and has just recently been fixed (in upstream 
>>> 3.18, around October 2014). More importantly this breakage seems to have 
>>> been back ported into major distros (e.g. into RHEL 6.6 and its cousins, 
>>> released in October 2014), and the fix for it has only recently been back 
>>> ported (e.g. RHEL 6.6.z and cousins have the fix).
>>> The impact of this kernel bug is very simple: user processes can 
>>> deadlock and hang in seemingly impossible situations. A futex wait call 
>>> (and anything using a futex wait) can stay blocked forever, even though it 
>>> had been properly woken up by someone. Thread.park() in Java may stay 
>>> parked. Etc. If you are lucky you may also find soft lockup messages in 
>>> your dmesg logs. If you are not that lucky (like us, for example), you'll 
>>> spend a couple of months of someone's time trying to find the fault in your 
>>> code, when there is nothing there to find. 
>>> This behavior seems to regularly appear in the wild on Haswell servers 
>>> (all the machines where we have had customers hit it in the field and in 
>>> labs been Haswells), and since Haswell servers are basically what you get 
>>> if you buy a new machine now, or run on the cool new amazon EC2/GCE/Azure 
>>> stuff, you are bound to experience some interesting behavior. I don't know 
>>> of anyone that will see this as a good thing for production systems. Except 
>>> for maybe Netflix (maybe we should call this the linux fumonkey).
>>> The commit for the *fix* is here:  https://github.com/torvalds/ 
>>> linux/commit/ 76835b0ebf8a7fe85beb03c7512141 9a7dec52f0 
>>> <https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/76835b0ebf8a7fe85beb03c75121419a7dec52f0>
>>> The commit explanation says that it fixes https://github.com/torvalds/ 
>>> linux/commit/ b0c29f79ecea0b6fbcefc999e70f28 43ae8306db 
>>> <https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/b0c29f79ecea0b6fbcefc999e70f2843ae8306db>
>>> (presumably the bug introduced with that change), which was made in Jan of 
>>> 2014into 3.14. That 3.14 code added logic to avoid taking a lock if the 
>>> code knows that there are no waiters. It documents (pretty elaborately) how 
>>> "…thus preventing tasks sleeping forever if wakers don't acknowledge all 
>>> possible waiters" with logic that explains how memory barriers guarantee 
>>> the correct order (see paragraph at line 141), which includes the statement 
>>> "this is done by the barriers in get_futex_key_refs(), through either ihold 
>>> or atomic_inc, depending on the futex type." (this assumption is the actual 
>>> bug). The assumption is further reinforced in the fact that the change 
>>> added a comment to every calls to get_futex_key_refs() in the code that 
>>> says "/* implies MB (B) */".
>>> The problem was that get_futex_key_refs() did NOT imply a memory 
>>> barrier. It only included a memory barrier for two explicit cases in a 
>>> switch statement that checks the futex type, but did not have a default 
>>> case handler, and therefor did not apply a memory barrier for other fuxtex 
>>> types. Like private futexes. Which are a very commonly used type of futex.
>>> The fix is simple, an added default case for the switch that just has an 
>>> explicit smp_mb() in it. There was a missing memory barrier in the wakeup 
>>> path, and now (hopefully) it's not missing any more...
>>> So lets be clear: *RHEL 6.6 (and CentOS 6.6., and Scientific Linux 
>>> 6.6.) are certainly broken on Haswell servers. *It is likely that 
>>> recent versions other distros are too (SLES, Ubuntu, Debia, Oracle Linux, 
>>> etc.). *The good news is that fixes are out there (including 6.6.z)*. 
>>> But the bad news is that there is not much chatter saying "if you have a 
>>> Haswell system, get to version X now". For some reason, people seem to not 
>>> have noticed this or raised the alarm. We certainly haven't seen much 
>>> "INSTALL PATCHES NOW" fear mongering. And we really need it, so *I'm 
>>> hoping this posting will start a panic*.
>>> Bottom line: the bug is very real, but it probably only appeared in the 
>>> 3.14 upstream version (and distro versions that had backported 
>>> https://github.com/ 
>>> torvalds/linux/commit/ b0c29f79ecea0b6fbcefc999e70f28 43ae8306db 
>>> <https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/b0c29f79ecea0b6fbcefc999e70f2843ae8306db>
>>> , presumably after Jan 2014). The bug was fixed in 3.18 in October 2014, 
>>> but backports probably took a while (and some may still be pending). I now 
>>> for a fact that RHEL 6.6.z has the fix. I don't know about other distro 
>>> families and versions (yet), but if someone else does, please post 
>>> (including when was it broken, and when was it fixed).
>>> Note: I would like to profusely thank @aplokhotnyuk 
>>> <https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=giltene%20latest%20patches&src=typd>.
>>> His tweet 
>>> <https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=giltene%20latest%20patches&src=typd>
>>>  originally 
>>> alerted me to the bug's existence, and started us down the path of figuring 
>>> out the what//why/where/when behind it. Why this is not being shouted in 
>>> the streets is a mystery to me, and scary in its own right. We were lucky 
>>> enough that I had a "that looks suspiciously familiar" moment when I read 
>>> that tweet, and that I put 3.14 and 1.618 together and thought enough to 
>>> ask "Umm... have we only been seeing this bug on Haswell servers?".
>>> Without @aplokhotnyuk's tweet we'd probably still be searching for the 
>>> nonexistent bugs in our own locking code... And since the tweet originated 
>>> from another discussion on this group, it presents a rare "posting and 
>>> reading twitter actually helps us solve bugs sometimes" example.
>>> -- 
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