What file system are you using ?
EXT4 journalling could really be a huge perf killer in such usecase and 
cause this TTSP issue if Kafka uses mmap ( 
cf http://epickrram.blogspot.com/2015/12/journalling-revisited.html : After 
much detailed investigation, we tracked the problem down to interaction 
between the writer code and the ext4 journalling daemon 
<http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/fs/ext4/ext4_jbd2.c?v=3.18> (jbd2) )
If you are using EXT4, you might want to do some tests with XFS or 
disabling journaling, it might help.

Le jeudi 6 décembre 2018 01:28:11 UTC+1, Ross Black a écrit :
> Hi,
> When running Kafka servers on Linux, the zookeeper sessions have been 
> expiring frequently.
> After lots of investigation, I discovered some threads (not the zookeeper 
> threads)
> taking a very long time to get to the safepoint  (frequently > 2 seconds)
> The output from a pause looks like:
> [2018-12-05T22:54:58.034+0000][safepoint] Thread: 0x00007f23840d1800  [
> 0x17e4] State: _running _has_called_back 0 _at_poll_safepoint 0
> [2018-12-05T22:54:58.034+0000][safepoint] Thread: 0x00007f23840d1800  [
> 0x17e4] State: _running _has_called_back 0 _at_poll_safepoint 0
> [2018-12-05T22:54:58.034+0000][safepoint] Thread: 0x00007f23840d1800  [
> 0x17e4] State: _running _has_called_back 0 _at_poll_safepoint 0
> ... (repeated continually for approx 2 seconds)
> [2018-12-05T22:55:00.548+0000][safepoint] Thread: 0x00007f23840d1800  [
> 0x17e4] State: _running _has_called_back 0 _at_poll_safepoint 0
> [2018-12-05T22:55:00.549+0000][safepoint] Thread: 0x00007f23840d1800  [
> 0x17e4] State: _running _has_called_back 0 _at_poll_safepoint 0
> [2018-12-05T22:55:00.550+0000][safepoint] Thread: 0x00007f23840d1800  [
> 0x17e4] State: _running _has_called_back 0 _at_poll_safepoint 0
> [2018-12-05T22:55:00.551+0000][safepoint] ... found polling page return 
> exception at pc = 0x00007f3397c7deff, stub =0x00007f338fb4c900
> [2018-12-05T22:55:00.551+0000][safepoint] Thread: 0x00007f23840d1800  [
> 0x17e4] State: _call_back _has_called_back 0 _at_poll_safepoint 0
> [2018-12-05T22:55:00.551+0000][safepoint] Waiting for 3 thread(s) to block
> [2018-12-05T22:55:00.551+0000][safepoint] Entering safepoint region: 
> G1IncCollectionPause
> [2018-12-05T22:55:00.566+0000][safepoint] Leaving safepoint region
> [2018-12-05T22:55:00.566+0000][safepoint] Total time for which 
> application threads were stopped: 2.5331635 seconds, Stopping threads took
> : 2.5180973 seconds
> => BOOT @ 2018-12-05T03:12:26+00:00, epoch 1543979546
> => 2018-12-05T22:55:00+00:00: epoch 1544050500, boot offset 70954
> thread 0x17e4 = 6116
> Running 'perf' to sample threads:
>   sudo perf record -F 99 --proc-map-timeout 5000 --sample-cpu 
> --switch-events
>   sudo perf script --tid 6116 > thread-6116.txt
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70951.936265:   47425865 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f338fc9ad8a register_finalizer Runtime1 stub (/tmp/perf-3239.map)
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70951.987993:   61736469 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f33977d3165 Ljava/util/ArrayList;::add (/tmp/perf-3239.map)
> *** big time gap here*
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70954.862422:   70423359 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f3397b26fe0 Ljava/util/LinkedHashMap;::afterNodeInsertion (/tmp/perf-
> 3239.map)
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70954.955571:   58601064 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f3397782118 Ljava/lang/String;::charAt (/tmp/perf-3239.map)
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70955.010857:   56837522 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f33977347b6 Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap;::tabAt (/tmp/perf-
> 3239.map)
>   sudo perf script --cpu 7 > cpu-7.txt
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70951.864747:   52073629 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f3397f784f4 Lorg/apache/kafka/common/TopicPartition;::equals (/tmp/perf-
> 3239.map)
>          swapper     0 [007] 70951.889555:   52939697 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39cca9 cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>          swapper     0 [007] 70951.914775:   45114901 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39ccab cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70951.936265:   47425865 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f338fc9ad8a register_finalizer Runtime1 stub (/tmp/perf-3239.map)
>          swapper     0 [007] 70951.958858:   61162448 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39ccab cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70951.987993:   61736469 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f33977d3165 Ljava/util/ArrayList;::add (/tmp/perf-3239.map)
>          swapper     0 [007] 70952.017399:   66816847 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39ccb4 cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>          swapper     0 [007] 70952.049231:   63438867 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39cca9 cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
> *... (repeated continually for approx 2 seconds)*
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.228216:  201536401 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39cca9 cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.324191:  216277840 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39ccab cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.427185:  227564188 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39cca9 cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.535554:  236205951 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39cca9 cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.648051:  137191740 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39ccab cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.713384:  159810740 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39cca9 cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.789490:  153089075 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39ccab cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70954.862422:   70423359 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f3397b26fe0 Ljava/util/LinkedHashMap;::afterNodeInsertion (/tmp/perf-
> 3239.map)
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.895969:   65525177 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39cca9 cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.927183:   59590550 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39ccab cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70954.955571:   58601064 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f3397782118 Ljava/lang/String;::charAt (/tmp/perf-3239.map)
>          swapper     0 [007] 70954.983485:   57455478 cycles:ppp: 
>  ffffffff9f39ccab cpu_idle_poll ([kernel.kallsyms])
>  ReplicaFetcherT  6116 [007] 70955.010857:   56837522 cycles:ppp:      
> 7f33977347b6 Ljava/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap;::tabAt (/tmp/perf-
> 3239.map)
> It looks like the thread (and CPU?) has been descheduled for approx 2 
> seconds!
> I am struggling to find what is causing this behaviour.
> It is occurring on 3 Kafka servers running a moderate load (all the same 
> configuration).
> No other applications are running on the machine (except for 
> fail2ban-server, dnsmasq, node_exporter)
> I have made numerous changes to the JDK, OS, and BIOS settings, but none 
> of them have solved the problem.
> The problem occurred on multiple versions of JDK 8  - I updated to JDK 11 
> just to get better safepoint diagnostics.
> I have been hunting this problem for weeks now, and was hoping somebody 
> could provide some help
> (suggestions, tools, diagnostic params, tracing tips, anything!)
> Thanks,
> Ross
> ---
> The current state of the system is:
> Running Ubuntu JDK 11 + debug symbols:
>   openjdk version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17
>   OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.3)
>   OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.3, mixed 
> mode)
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -Xmx4G -Xms4G \
>   -server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20 \
>   -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35 \
>   -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent \
>   -Djava.awt.headless=true \
>   -XX:+PreserveFramePointer \
>   -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions \
>   -XX:+DebugNonSafepoints \
>   -Xlog:safepoint=trace:safepoint.log:utctime,tags:filecount=20,filesize=
> 102400000 \
>   -XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints \
>   -XX:LoopStripMiningIter=10 \
>   -XX:-Inline \
>   ...
> Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
> Release:    18.04
> BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.15.0-36-generic intel_idle.max_cstate=0 
> processor.max_cstate=0 idle=poll nomodeset net.ifnames=0
> Motherboard: SuperMicro X10DRU-i+_R1.02b
> Backplane: SuperMicro BPN-SAS-815TQ
> Processor: 2.1GHz Intel Xeon-Broadwell (E5-2620-V4)
> Firmware Version 3.1 6-8-2018
> I have disabled everything power related that I could find in BIOS
> (following 
> https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Disable_CPU_Power_Saving_Management_in_BIOS
> )
> $ cat /sys/module/intel_idle/parameters/max_cstate
> 0
> $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/current_driver
> none
> $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
> performance

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