Update: I now think this is slow (but not AS slow) on the Core i7-5600U so this may be a regression from _181 to _191, and not entirely CPU-dependent?

Wrapping the two static methods in an otherwise-pointless class, and calling them as instance methods made the code much faster.

Is it relevant that the class in question is 522419 Kb in size and contains 1696 (mostly instance) methods? No individual method in it is larger than 8K, so they all JIT.

The outer readVarintTable method is called about 100K-500K times, so there's plenty of chance to replace it.

No synchronization is used.

I'm still in "WAT?" territory.


On 2/4/19 6:26 PM, Shevek wrote:

I have a very simple routine which, on some JVMs/systems, which I have not yet entirely narrowed down, suffers a 50x slowdown. The code is included below.

In perf-java-flames, I see:

<clinit> -> readVarintTable (90%), of which:
readVarintTable -> readVarint (4%)
readVarintTable -> resolve_static_call -> libjvm.so (86%) <-- THE WAT?

So what is a perfectly trivial method doing spending 90% of it's time inside resolve_static_call? What's going on?

My google searches turned up a note to do with loop unrolling and some optimizations breaking for static methods, so I will try this with non-static methods.

Slow on openjdk 1.8.0_191, Xeon E-2176M (Lenovo P1 laptop, 12-thread)
Fast on openjdk 1.8.0_191, Core i7-5600U (Lenovo T550 laptop, 4-thread)
I think Fast on Xeon E5620 (Supermicro rack, 8 thread).
I think Slow on AMD Epyc 7301 16-core, 64-thread. Will investigate more.

Knocking off the obvious:
* It's not doing meaningful amounts of allocation, and no GC.
* Total data size is 100M-1G.
* Both machines running same code, same dataset, ...
* This is single-threaded, and runs early in the JVM startup.
* It's doing I/O over JAR-resource -> BufferedInputStream -> DataInputStream but it's not I/O contended, based on the calls in the flamegraph.

But I feel that a 50x slowdown in an unexplained native call because of ... what, the number of cores ... bears some explanation. I can post the flamegraphs if that helps.

And here is the code, which is as boring as anything, so what gives:

    /** Reads a little-endian varint with no optimization for negative numbers. */     private static int readVarint(@Nonnull DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
         int result = 0;
         for (int shift = 0; shift < 32; shift += 7) {
             int b = in.read();
             if (b == -1)
                 throw new EOFException("Truncated varint in stream.");
             result |= (b & 0x7f) << shift;
             if ((b & 0x80) == 0)
                 return result;
         throw new IOException("Malformed varint in stream.");

    private static int[] readVarintTable(@Nonnull DataInputStream in, @Nonnegative int sublength) throws IOException {
         int[] out = new int[readVarint(in) * sublength];
         for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++)
             out[i] = readVarint(in);
         return out;

     static {
         try {
             DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(
                 new BufferedInputStream(
                         table = readVarintTable(in);
                 } // etc

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