Figured out something bizarre about combining lambdas just the other day.

Code like

static <R> EqualsSupport<R> makeEquals(Set<Getter<R, ?>> getters) {
   EqualsSupport<O> equals = (a, b) -> true;
   for (var getter : getters) {
      if (getter instanceof ObjectGetter) {
         var g = (ObjectGetter<R, ?>) getter;
         var oldEquals = equals;
         equals = (a, b) -> oldEquals.apply(a, b) && Object.equals(g.get(a), 
      } else if (getter instanceof IntGetter) {
         var g = (IntGetter<R>) getter;
         var oldEquals = equals;
         equals = (a, b) -> oldEquals.apply(a, b) && g.get(a) == g.get(b));
      }  else {
         // etc...
   return equals;

just doesn't work because the VM thinks it is recursive (it is the same 
method on the lambda just not the same lambda).

So what you need to is use MethodHandles combinators to patch the lambdas 
together. Oddly, for a sequence of lambdas I've found the loop one works 

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