For what it is worth, Kathryn and I have previously clarified some of this 
nomenclature (see our Immix paper 

Marking: identifying liveness via a trace
Sweeping: identifying free space while leaving live objects in place 
(classic mark-sweep and immix do this)
Evacuating: freeing space by moving survivors to another place
Compacting:  freeing space moving survivors within the same place.

We use the term 'defragmentation' to refer to the use of evacuation to free 
up space in a regional collector.


On Friday, 16 August 2019 18:30:10 UTC+10, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
> On 8/16/19 10:07 AM, Gil Tene wrote: 
> > Classification terms evolve as the art evolves. 
> What I want to emphasize here that this discussion reinvents the meaning 
> of "sweep". That definition 
> is not used in the way you describe in the sources I know of. Granted, 
> definitions drift over time, 
> but we have to be careful to separate what is the "agreed on" definition, 
> and what is whatever 
> definition we want to be the emergent one. 
> > On Thursday, August 15, 2019 at 1:42:23 AM UTC-7, Aleksey Shipilev 
> wrote: 
> >     I am trying to understand what is your central argument here. This 
> seems to be it. Are you saying 
> >     that "sweeping" is when you visit dead objects, and non-"sweeping" 
> is when you do not? 
> > 
> > Yes. I think that's a very good summary. 
> Would be helpful if we started from this next time around! 
> >     Is walking _dead_ objects the discriminator for "sweeping" then? So 
> in your book, if we take the 
> >     same Lisp2 collector, and compute-new-addresses and adjust-pointers 
> steps are walking the 
> >     self-parsable heap (visiting dead objects along the way), it is 
> M-S-C? But if it uses marking 
> >     bitmap 
> >     (thus only visiting live objects), it becomes M-C? [This would be a 
> weird flex, but okay]. 
> > 
> > 
> > Exactly. "In my book" adding an efficient livemark bit vector with 
> possible summary layers would 
> > covert the classic LISP2 GC from a Mark-Sweep-Compact to a Mark-Compact 
> (with no sweep). 
> So this is what irks me here. In my Epsilon's mark-compact toy collector 
> (, changing from mark bitmaps to 
> self-parsable heap traversal is 
> about 5 lines of code. This does not feel like passing the bar for 
> reclassification of the collector 
> algo between major classes. It feels more like the implementation detail 
> that can swing both ways, 
> depending on circumstances. 
> -Aleksey 

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