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Pornografi dan Perkosaan

Berikut artikel dari British National Party oleh Thomas Bombadil.
Beberapa point di antaranya:

1. Sebuah penelitian di Ontario Kanada membuktikan bahwa 77% dari
perkosaan sodomi (pria) dan 87% dari pemerkosa wanita mengaku bahwa
mereka secara rutin membaca/menonton bacaan/video porno.

2. Dari 1.400 kasus pemerkosaan anak di Lousville, Kentucky, sebagian
besar berhubungan dengan pornografi.

3. Pembebasan pornografi di AS, Inggris, dan Australia meningkatkan
angka perkosaan (di AS perkosaan terjadi tiap menit dan 1 dari tiap 3
wanita di AS mengalami kekerasan seksual).

Inginkah kita seperti AS di mana tiap menit ada 1 wanita diperkosa
yang bisa jadi itu adalah anda, istri, atau anak anda dengan
pornografi? Perzinahan, anak di luar nikah, pengguguran adalah produk
lain dari pornografi.

Oleh karena buruknya dampak pornografi, Allah memerintahkan manusia
untuk tidak mendekati zina serta menjaga pandangan dari hal-hal yang

"Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah
suatu perbuatan yang keji. Dan suatu jalan yang buruk." [Ali 

"Dia mengetahui (pandangan) mata yang khianat[1318] dan apa yang
disembunyikan oleh hati." [Al Mu'min:19]

[1318]. Yang dimaksud dengan pandangan mata yang khianat adalah
pandangan yang dilarang, seperti memandang kepada wanita yang
bukan muhrimnya.

Pornography and Sexual Violence

by Thomas Bombadil

As the nation mourns the murder of young Holly Wells
and Jessica Chapman, one again hears outraged cries
for the return of capital punishment for those
convicted of murder, where the evidence is certain.
But successive governments have remained deaf to the
wishes of the overwhelming majority of the British
people and there is nothing new about New Labour on
that count.

At the same time, we have been repeatedly stunned by
the recent upsurge in the frequency of rapes of our
young women, which become more vicious and callous,
even with the use of guns, something I never thought I
would hear of in Britain. The country seems to be
veering out of control with no one willing to take
measures to reverse matters and to protect the
innocent. While we in the British National Party would
certainly listen to the British people and legislate
stronger punishments for child molesters, rapists and
murderers, we also recognise that we will need to give
attention to the other causes of the upsurge in sexual
violence and abuse shaming and shocking our society.

In particular, we need to take notice of the close
correlation between the promotion of pornography and
the prevalence of sexual violence and predation, which
has been clearly established by researchers and police
forces over the last few decades, as we shall see.
Pornography has been normalised in Britain mainly by
the mass media, and in particular by the newspapers
corporations, through the casual use of pornographic
photographs in newspapers. At the same time newspaper
shops have stocked rows of clearly pornographic
magazines in clear view of women and children. Moral
standards have gradually but consistently been eroded
and television companies now broadcast channels wholly
devoted to pornography into British homes. If
governments allow media tycoons to morally corrupt the
population, then we cannot be surprised if our women
and children are not safe.

Correlation between porn and rape

It is established that there is a huge relation
between the use of pornography and the perpetration of
sexual violence. What this means is that the
pornography which the media has normalised encourages
people to commit sexual violence against the
vulnerable. It encourages them to see others as there
to be used for sexual "pleasure". It encourages them
to see sex as being purely for pleasure with no
responsibilities attached - something just there to be
taken. Once people become addicted to this parasitical
mindset, it is only a small step for them to attempt
to actualise the casual sexual use of other people
which they have fantasized, to rape and abuse the
vulnerable, women and children. Let us survey some of
the evidence to back this up.

In their studies, Dr. Dolf Zimmerman and Dr. Jennings
Bryant found that
large exposure to pornography causes a desire for
increasingly deviant porn that involves violence, like
rape.(Ref.1) Hence, pornography causes deviant and
violent perversions, as well as encouraging people to
act upon them as predators. A study of convicted child
molesters in Ontario, Canada revealed that 77% of
molesters of boys and 87% of molesters of girls
admitted that they regularly used hard-core
pornography. (Ref.2) Again, of 1400 cases of child
molestation in Louisville, Kentucky, between 1980 and
1984, pornography was connected with every incident
and child pornography with the most of them.(3)
Moreover, police have established the consumption of
pornography to be one of the most common
characteristics of serial murders and rapists(4)
Again, Psychotherapist David Scott, found that "half
the rapists studied used pornography to arouse
themselves immediately prior to seeking out a
victim."(5) So it is clear that the use of pornography
is closely related to sexual violence.

And there is clear evidence of the correlation between
the availability of porn and sexual crime. The
liberalization of laws about pornography in Britain,
the United States, Australia, and the Scandinavian
countries has been accompanied by a rise in rape
rates; whereas in countries where restrictions have
been adopted, rapes have decreased.(6) And Larry Baron
and Murray Strauss of the University of New Hampshire
found that in the US, states with high circulation
rates of pornography have high rape rates, while rape
rates tended to be low in states with low circulation
rates.(7) So it is clear that the more a country
allows pornography to be available, the more it will
suffer rapes and the abuse of children. This being so,
we can only consider as insane and intolerably
irresponsible, as well as sick, the decision of the US
Supreme Court of April 16 of this year to legalise
child pornography where the images of the children are
computer-generated. How many more of our children and
young women will be abused and murdered before our
governments will say NO! to the lucrative porn racket?

Richard Desmond porn baron

Britain's "porno king" is New Labour donor!

The main pornographer in Britain is Richard Desmond
and has been for some time. Desmond owns the Daily
Express, Sunday Express and the Daily Star, which he
bought in November 2000, which shows just the sort of
exploitative filth who are allowed to control the
media in Britain. Desmond is a "Porno King" who made
his personal fortune of £150 million selling
pornography. He owns half the porno magazines
distributed in Britain, as well as porno satellite
stations broadcasted into British homes, and perverted
"sex" sites on the internet. He has made his fortune
flooding our country with pornography, corrupting
people and thereby encouraging the abuse and murder of
the vulnerable. He has thereby participated in the
crimes of many. He has been assisted in this by
successive governments. It recently transpired that
Desmond had donated £100,000 to the Labour Party, and
it was suggested that this was in return for them not
opposing his acquisition of Express Newspapers. Blair
invited the pornographer over to tea the day the
acquisition went through.

We in the British National Party can assure the
British people that when we have taken our country
back for them, we will take a much dimmer view of
pornographers and their destructive trade. Holly and
Jessica, we will do it for you.

1. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1981.
2. Dr. William Marshall, Use of Sexually Explicit
Stimuli by Rapists, Child
Molesters and Non-Offenders, 25 Journal of Sex
Research 267, 1988.
3. Testimony by John B. Rabun, deputy director,
National Center for Missing
and Exploited Children, before the Subcommittee on
Juvenile Justice of the
Senate Judiciary Committee, 12 September 1984.
4. "The Men Who Murdered," FBI Law Enforcement
Bulletin, August 1985.
5. David Alexander Scott, "How Pornography Changes
Attitudes," in
Pornography: The Human Tragedy, ed. Tom Minnery
(Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale
House Publishers.)
6. Cass R. Sunstein, "Pornography and the First
Amendment," Duke Law
Journal, September 1986.
7. Larry Baron and Murray Strauss, "Legitimate
Violence and Rape: A Test of
the Cultural Spillover Theory," Social Problems 34,
December 1985.
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