In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

`Justice is white'

A new book says racial profiling is a sad fact of Canadian life

 >From the Japanese internment camps of World War II and a law that once 
made it illegal for Indians to be intoxicated off the reserve, to the 
perils of travelling while Arab in a post 9/11 world and being young, black 
and male on the streets of Toronto today, The Colour of Justice: Policing 
Race in Canada makes one thing clear:
"The colour of justice in Canada is white."


French coach Troussier and wife convert to Islam

Frenchman Philippe Troussier and his wife Dominique have converted to Islam 
in the Moroccan capital where they live, sources close to the couple confirmed.



Signatures backing the demand rise to 4,566

The acts of torture committed by U.S. soldiers on Iraqi prisoners are also 
being condemned in other forums. For example, from Panama, correspondent 
Fausto Triana reported on March 23 that Florentín Meléndez, second vice 
president of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (CIDH) and the 
special raconteur for torture and maltreatment in prisons, qualified the 
U.S. prison on the Guantánamo Naval Base as a black hole and affirmed that 
the world clamor to close that penitentiary is a legitimate one.

The Pentagon is holding around 490 terrorism suspects in Guantánamo, whom 
it considers illegal combatants, thus not affording them the condition of 
prisoners of war. The inmates arrived on the Guantánamo Base in early 2002 
from Afghanistan.


Video: The Great Conspiracy

The 9/11 News Special You Did Not See


9/11: Charlie Sheen's Statement to the London Guardian

Challenges Press to Stop Slinging Mud, Confront The Science

Charlie Sheen felt compelled to respond to one of many hit-pieces against 
him, a column written for the London Guardian and carried by British 
commonwealth newspapers worldwide. Sheen sent his statement to The 
Australian newspaper. This is his full statement minus a phone number to 
his manager so that the paper could confirm its authenticity. This is a 
direct challenge for them to debate the facts.


Towns, Cities Pass Resolutions Urging Impeachment

Brattleboro, Vermont, has joined nine other towns and cities, five state 
Democratic parties, and 19 local Democratic committees in passing 
resolutions urging the impeachment of President Bush and -- in most cases 
-- Vice President Cheney.


If the Congress had any committment to the Constitution, Bush would have 
been impeached a long time ago (audio)

"This man, this administration has committed so many impeachable offenses 
that if the Congress had any guts, any integrity, any intestinal fortitude, 
any committment to the Constitution he would have been subject to 
impeachment a long time ago.


Time to Talk War Crimes

In a world where might did not make right, George W. Bush, Tony Blair and 
their key enablers would be in shackles before a war crimes tribunal at the 
Hague, rather than sitting in the White House, 10 Downing Street or some 
other comfortable environs in Washington and London.


   An Empire Built of Paper

The president moves about like Caesar Augustus, with a vast, graded court 
of civil and military aides, doctors, secretaries, valets, hairdressers, 
makeup artists, bodyguards, drivers, baggage handlers, cooks, food tasters, 
Praetorian guards, snipers, centurions, bulletproof limos, a portable 
hospital, and an armored rostrum. And that’s when he travels in the U.S.


Charley Reese: Told You So

What we are witnessing is the beginning of the end of Euro-American 
domination of the planet. When the emperors start being idiots, the empire 
is on the way to the ash heap of history. If you have any grandchildren, 
you might suggest that they study Chinese.


Secret Memo: Bush Was Set on Path to War

During a private two-hour meeting in the Oval Office on Jan. 31, 2003, he 
made clear to Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain that he was determined 
to invade Iraq without a second resolution.


Bush-Blair Iraq war memo revealed

The memo indicates both leaders acknowledged it was possible no 
unconventional weapons would be found in Iraq before the invasion, the New 
York Times says.


America Won, Americans Lost

War kills the innocent, strengthens the state, supports dictatorships, and 
stirs up hatred. How can anyone be considered a winner?


  Exposed: How American Contractors With The Help Of U.S. Government Raped 
Iraq - Iraq's Missing Billions

A shocking story of fraud, incompetence and corruption, unscrupulous 
foreign contractors who made millions from dodgy contracts, and literally 
billions of dollars which cannot be properly accounted for.

Watch it here

Download File


The Word at War Propaganda? Nah, Here's the Scoop, Say the Guys Who Planted 
Stories in Iraqi Papers


Bombing civilians is not only immoral, it's ineffective

It was not allied area bombing that won the second world war, any more than 
did 'shock and awe' in Iraq in 2003,,1740201,00.html


69 Killed in Separate Outbreaks of Violence

It seems possible that the US committed two major military blunders that 
will worsen its relationship with Iraqi political forces.


Iraq accuses America of mosque massacre

Iraq’s ruling Shia alliance accused the Americans of trying to foment civil 
war today after a joint US-Iraqi raid on a Baghdad mosque in which 16 
people were killed.
The US military said that the raid, by Iraqi special forces backed up by US 
advisers, had targeted a terrorist cell. It denied that troops entered the 
mosque. Iraqi ministers have however accused the troops of tying 
worshippers up before shooting them in cold blood. One minister put the 
death toll at 37.,,1-3-2106068-6047,00.html


  Iraq minister says US, Iraqi troops killed 37

"They were all unarmed. Nobody fired a single shot at them (the troops). 
They went in, tied up the people and shot them all. They did not leave any 
wounded behind," he told Reuters.


Did American Marines murder 23 Iraqi civilians?


Sending mentally ill soldiers back to Iraq

These soldiers are armed with lethal weapons and are often in a position to 
make split-second life-or-death decisions.


  Suicide bomber kills 40 in blast in Iraq's Mosul

Iraq's Defense Ministry said on Monday that a blast in the northern city of 
Mosul was carried out by a suicide bomber who killed 40 people in an attack 
on army recruits.


Videos of the Iraqi resistance attacking US hummer in Aldora. ( The movies 
are available for limited days )


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 26 March 2006
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in eastern 
    * US Marines storm Shi‘i mosque guarded by Muqtada as-Sadr’s Jaysh 
al-Mahdi militia in Baghdad, killing 18.
    * US soldier reported killed by Resistance bomb in al-Haswah, south of 
    * Four US troops reported killed when series of Resistance bombs 
explodes by US column south of al-Latifiyah.
    * Resistance bomb reportedly disables minesweeper, kills US soldier in 
    * Resistance fires Katyusha rockets and mortar rounds into Scottish 
base in al-‘Amarah.
    * Mortar shell blasts Muqtada as-Sadr office in an-Najaf; Americans 
    * Iraqi school child killed in mysterious bombing of school in al-Basrah.


   Award Winning Palestinian human rights advocate blocked from visiting 

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial calls on members of the media and human rights 
community to ask State Department officials how this could happen


In case you missed it: Christian Zionism: The new heresy that sways America

Christian Zionism is a theology that supports a political regime based on 
apartheid and discrimination - yet millions of people in the US express 
their support for it. How dangerous is it given the US role in the Middle 


Short Movie about boy being shot and footage being erased by AP

If Americans Knew has created a six-minute video about Ahmad Mohammed 
Karan, the 14-year-old boy who was shot by an Israeli soldier on October 
17, 2004. The Associated Press had footage of this incident, which it erased.

This short movie contains eyewitness testimony, footage of Balata, where 
Ahmad Mohammed was shot, and an interview with his doctor.

Watch it online (or download it) at

Please visit


  Gideon Levy: 'Are we finished having our children killed?'

This is the way undercover soldiers from the Border Police killed Akaber 
Zaid, an eight-and-a-half year-old, who was on her way to the doctor, 
according to her uncle, who was with her and was also wounded.


   Torture and Task Force 121

The CIA Paramilitary are not considered as ‘part of the armed forces,’ are 
therefore exempt from the Geneva conventions,” i.e. not governed by the 
laws of war. “The Special Activities Staff (SAS) is one of the least known 
covert units operating on behalf of the US Government.”


Bush Signs Statements to Bypass Torture Ban

When President Bush signed a law banning torture he quietly signed a 
statement saying he could bypass it. Earlier this month, Bush signed the 
USA Patriot Act but signed a statement that said he did not consider 
oversight rules binding.


Guantanamo Bay Briton was MI5 spy, court is told

Bisher al-Rawi, 37, who has lived in Britain for more than 20 years, says 
that he was working for British Intelligence when he was picked up by the 
CIA during a trip to Africa.,,200-2098979,00.html


No Legal Rights for Enemy Combatants, Scalia Says

He also told the audience at the University of Freiburg in Switzerland that 
he was "astounded" by the "hypocritical" reaction in Europe to the prison'


Should Scalia Recuse Himself From Gitmo Case?

Supreme Court: Detainees' Rights—Scalia Speaks His Mind


Justice Scalia flips the finger in church

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia startled reporters in Boston just 
minutes after attending a mass, by flipping a middle finger to his critics.


  MI5 'helped IRA buy bomb parts in US'

A FORMER British Army mole in the IRA has claimed that MI5 arranged a 
weapons-buying trip to America in which he obtained detonators, later used 
by terrorists to murder soldiers and police officers.,,2087-2092574,00.html


FBI casts 'overly broad net' in war against terror

The FBI, while waging a highly publicized war against terrorism, has spent 
resources gathering information on antiwar and environmental protesters, 
and activists who feed vegetarian meals to the homeless, the agency's 
internal memos show.


Newspapers have duty to show graphic war realities


The Fear Is In the Room: Inside Our Unbrave Media World


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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