In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2370

The War in Iraq Costs $273,136,991,594 - See the cost in your community


Afghanistan: The Genesis of the Final Crusade

MMN NOTE ON THIS BOOK: Bush's invasion of Afghanistan had nothing to do 
with the events of 9/11. In fact, the invasion was planned long before that 
day and, furthermore, Bin Laden is on public record as stating he had 
nothing to do with the events of that fateful day. No convincing material 
evidence, despite numerous requests to produce it, has been provided to 
refute Bin Laden's statement. Sadly, even most of the progressive left 
believe the White House version of the events of 9/11 and that Bin Laden 
masterminded and carried out the murderous attacks. Abid Jan correctly and 
convincingly argues that the invasion of Afghanistan, merely 25 days after 
9/11, was in fact the beginning of a crusade against Islam and Muslims in 
the name of a fanatical brand of evangelical Christianity under the guise 
of promoting freedom and democracy. Of course oil and Bush's desire to 
exert America's supremacy were also motivating factors. But the world was 
duped into thinking that the invasion  was a payback for 9/11 when in fact 
the 9/11 attacks were a pre-calculated pretext.


Muslim Students Win Numerous Awards At Ottawa Regional Science Fair

Br. Mohamed Omar, School Coordinator - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Posted April 
13, 2006)

On April 1st, 2006 at Carleton University from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, the 
46th year Annual Ottawa Regional Science Fair ( took place with an 
amazing show case! Ottawa Islamic School has entered the Fair since 200 - 
but this year it was very special. It was special because Ottawa Islamic 
School  walked away with numerious awards including many first place 
winners. Please visit click on Winners to see photos of the 


9/11 conspiracy theorists: Scam artists and fools

Doug Thompson continues his campaign to say really bad words about anyone 
who dares question the official story about 9-11.

OK Mr Thompson, here's a simple challenge for you. Take any old derelict 
skyscraper and light a fire in its lower floors. You can make the fire as 
big as you like, and you can even pump fuel into it to sustain it. I want 
to see that skycraper collapse straight into its footprint in 6 hours as 
WTC 7 did on 9/11 . I also want to see molten steel in the basement after 
the collapse.

And while you are at it, please explain how the US Secret Service 
Protective Detail knew for a fact that President Bush was safe sitting 
reading about goats and waiting to make a speech. I dare you!


9/11: Reinforcing The Official Lie

"At least six air traffic controllers who dealt with two of the hijacked 
airliners on Sept. 11, 2001, made a tape recording that day describing the 
events, but the tape was destroyed by a supervisor without anyone making a 
transcript or even listening to it."

Officials destroyed the tapes despite FAA orders to retain all evidence 
relating to the events of that day. So keen were 'quality assurance 
managers' to get rid of the tapes that one, "crushed the cassette in his 
hand, cut the tape into little pieces and dropped them in different trash 
cans around the building."


Dr. David Ray Griffin: "9/11, The Myth & The Reality,": Part 2

In this definitive presentation given on March 30th, 2006 at the historic 
Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, California, Griffin deconstructs official 
myths, given that day.


Terrorist "Chief" Is U.S. Spin

TERROR mastermind Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi is a largely fictitious bogeyman 
invented to help an American propaganda war in Iraq, it was claimed last 
night. Senior US military and intelligence officers admitted they have 
"overstated" the importance of the Jordanian-born al-Qaeda chief.


The Al Qaeda Myth

We now know that Al Qaeda had nothing to do with the London bombings in 
July 2005. This is the conclusion of the British government's official 
inquiry report leaked to the British press on April 9.


'What have they done to our dear America?'

My country, 'tis of thee, bittersweet land of diminishing liberty, of thee 
I weep.


The Rise of Fascism in America

 From making Cuba safe for the United Fruit Company, to securing access to 
Persian Gulf oil and South Asian gas, Big Business is always ready to have 
the government protecting its interests. One notes again and again, 
however, that such security is paid for by taxpayers, while the profits go 
straight into the corporate coffers.


Is America A Radical Republic?

Col. Larry Wilkerson (Ret.) Former Chief of staff to Secretary of State 
Colin Powell, talks about ideology and Middle East foreign policy. Must watch :


The Ugly ‘D’ Word

There are a lot of nations in this world where people are kooky, but only 
America has the military outreach to project our kookiness onto the world. 
That is why more than any nation state, America desperately needs a 
military draft.


Freedom dies quietly

People ask: can this be happening in Britain? Surely not. A centuries-old 
democratic constitution cannot be swept away. Basic human rights cannot be 
made abstract. Those who once comforted themselves that a Labour government 
would never commit such an epic crime in Iraq might now abandon a last 
delusion, that their freedom is inviolable. If they knew.


The Death of British Freedom

The dying of freedom in Britain is not news. The pirouettes of ambition of 
of the prime minister and his political twin, the treasurer, are news, 
though of minimal public interest. Looking back to the 1930s when social 
democracies were distracted and powerful cliques imposed their totalitarian 
ways by stealth and silence, the warning is clear. The Legislative and 
Regulatory Reform Bill has already passed its second parliamentary reading 
without interest to most Labor MPs and court journalists; yet it is utterly 
totalitarian in scope.


George W. Bush IS a Liar

The White House is taking umbrage over new press reports that George W. 
Bush misled the American people on a key justification for invading Iraq. 
But Bush’s latest excuse – that he was just an unwitting conveyor of bad 
information, not a willful purveyor of lies – has been stretched thin by 


Lacking Biolabs, Trailers Carried Case for War


Dead Cities

Of all the war crimes that have flowed from the originating crime of 
President George W. Bush's unprovoked invasion of Iraq, perhaps the most 
flagrant was the destruction of Fallujah in November 2004. Now, as 
ignominious defeat looms for Bush's Babylonian folly, some of the key 
players in fomenting the war are urging that the "Fallujah Option" be 
applied to an even bigger target: Baghdad.


IRAQ: Women were more respected under Saddam, say women's groups

According to the findings of a recent survey by local rights NGOs, women 
were treated better during the Saddam Hussein era – and their rights were 
more respected – than they are now.


Now Powell tells us

THE PRESIDENT played the scoundrel -- even the best of his minions went 
along with the lies -- and when a former ambassador dared to tell the 
truth, the White House initiated what Special Prosecutor Patrick J. 
Fitzgerald calls "a plan to discredit, punish or seek revenge against Mr. 
Wilson." That is the important story line.


About Iraq - Not So Fast Colin Powell

The time to come clean has long passed. In fact, the window of 
truth-telling time for you ended when the first US soldier was killed in Iraq.


In case you missed it: Video: Iraq No Threat

Both Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, and Condoleezza Rice, President 
Bush's closest adviser, made clear before September 11 2001 that Saddam 
Hussein was no threat - to America, Europe or the Middle East.



BAGHDAD -- Saddam Hussein's eldest son Uday warned of a U.S. plan to launch
a military strike on Iraq and break up the region's countries, including
Saudi Arabia.


The Killing of an Entire Iraq Family by the US Forces of Occupation


US allies are behind the death squads and ethnic cleansing

Iraq's American overlords at last seem to have grasped the danger posed by 
their friends' militias. But it may be too late


Iraqi Interior Minister denies running Shia death squads

A 150,000-strong private security force, raised and trained by the US, is 
linked to the murderous death squads stalking Iraq, the country's Interior 
Minister claimed yesterday.


Iraq unrest forces 65,000 to flee

At least 65,000 Iraqis have fled their homes as a result of sectarian 
violence and intimidation, according to new figures from the Iraqi government.


Nearly 90 Sunnis had been reported abducted or killed

In one incident, up to 25 men just released from detention were reportedly 
whisked away by gunmen in SUVs. The Sunnis also allege that 20 corpses 
turned up in Baghdad, all people reportedly abducted by security forces on 
the morning of April 4.


At least 17 Iraqi police officers killed in ambush

Gunmen ambushed a large police convoy in a rural area north of the capital 
on Thursday, killing at least 17 officers, according to a police lieutenant.


6 Iraqi policemen slain, dozens missing

Dozens of policemen were missing Friday and at least six were dead after 
insurgents ambushed a police convoy near a U.S. base, officials said.


Three Fort Hood soldiers killed, another seriously injured in Iraq

The soldiers were assigned to the 4th Infantry Division, First Brigade 
Combat Team.


2 Marines Killed, 22 Hurt in Western Iraq

Two U.S. Marines were killed and 22 were wounded, two of them critically, 
in fighting in western Iraq, the U.S. command announced Saturday. Two of 
the wounded were in critical condition.

A U.S. statement said the casualties occurred Thursday as a result of 
"enemy action" in Anbar province, but did not give a specific location or 
provide details of the fighting. Which means there was a heavy battle, and 
since nobody is talking about it, the US lost.;_ylt=AhR4T81C23wDyPrFijcdA.qs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ


U.S. Soldier Killed

A Multi-National Division ­ Baghdad Soldier was killed at approximately 
11:30 a.m. when his vehicle was struck by an improvised-explosive device 
southwest of Baghdad April 13


Five US troops killed in Iraq


US Death Toll Rises in Iraq After Drop in March


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 11 April 2006
    * Resistance bomb near al-Hadithah reportedly kills US soldier.
    * Five American troops reported killed in two Resistance ambushes on US 
troops in eastern ar-Ramadi Tuesday.
    * Fierce battle rages for four hours in central ar-Ramadi, leaving 
seven US troops reported dead.
    * Bodies of three Iraqi puppet army intelligence men and one translator 
collaborating with US troops found dead in ar-Ramadi late Tuesday afternoon.
    * Resistance bomb kills Iraqi puppet soldier near al-Khalidiyah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet police in Baghdad’s az-Za‘faraniyah 
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet “Shock Troops” in ad-Durah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet police patrol east of Ba‘qubah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US troops in al-Miqdadiyah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts puppet police patrol in Ba‘qubah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US column north of Buhriz
    * Resistance bombards US base in al-Mahmudiyah.
    * Resisatance fighters assault puppet police checkpoint in Kirkuk.
    * Resistance fighters kill three Iraqi puppet “National Guard” troops 
in central al-Mawsil.
    * Resistance fighters assassinate pro-US Kurdish separatist party member.


10 Years Later: Commemorate the Qana Massacre and Demand Israeli 

On April 18, 1996, Israeli Armed Forces shelled a United Nations Interim 
Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Compound in Qana, Lebanon, killing 106 civilians 
and wounding hundreds of others. Israeli and American pressures shelved a 
UN investigation, but legal actions are now being taken in the US under US 
law in an effort to redress this injustice. This provides a unique 
opportunity for US citizens to urge their Government to uphold human rights 
and international law.


ACTION ALERT: Stop the bombing of Gaza! Prevent a humanitarian crisis!

Eight days and thousands of shells later, the assault on Gaza continues. 
Israel has vowed that it will continue to intensify the attack. Eighteen 
people are dead, including at least two children, and many more are injured.


'Democracy' at work

International aid freezes threaten to strangle the democratically elected 
Hamas-led government


U.S. blocks UN draft pressing Israel to end attacks

The United States on Thursday blocked a U.N. Security Council statement 
drafted by Arab nations and aimed at putting pressure on Israel to stop 
military strikes.


Israel: Drunk on Power...A country driven by military...a revealing interview

Security and Defense: 'We are at war'

'We are at war," declares Maj.-Gen. Yitzhak "Haki" Harel, head of the IDF's 
Planning Directorate and a senior member of the IDF General Staff, who is 
retiring in a few months after 31 years of military service. The 
Palestinian Authority, he says in an exclusive interview with The Jerusalem 
Post, has been taken over by a group of Hamas terrorists and murderers, and 
the IDF's current operation against the Kassam rocket fire in the Gaza 
Strip is no different from a war.



Professor Uri Davis prefers to describe himself as a "Palestinian Jew" who 
is a citizen of Israel. He was born in Jerusalem in 1943 and his 
autobiography, published in 1995, is called "Crossing the Border: an 
Autobiography of an anti-Zionist Palestinian Jew." He is a founder of MAIAP 
(the Movement Against Israeli Apartheid in Palestine).



Contrary to appearances, the elections are important, because they will 
expose the true face of Israeli society and its hidden ambitions. More than 
100 elected candidates [were] sent to the Knesset on the basis of the 
racism ticket. If we used to think that every two Israelis have three 
opinions, now it is evident that nearly every Israeli has one opinion -- 


For our Arabic speakers: Watch Palestinian Sattelite Channel live here:


Roadside bomb kills 3 Afghan policemen

Suicide attacker wounds 3 British soldiers


Stolen military data for sale in Afghanistan

Among the photos of Americans are pictures of individuals who appear to 
have been tortured and killed, most too graphic to show. NBC News does not 
know who caused their injuries. The Pentagon would not comment on the photos.


Afghan Horror Story Confirmed by NBC

"The drives also included deployment rosters and other documents that 
identified nearly 700 U.S. service members and their Social Security 
numbers, information that identity thieves could use to open credit card 
accounts in soldiers' names."


US Enlists Mercenaries to Track Down "Al Qaeda"

The United States is enlisting the help or armed militiamen and factional 
leaders in its campaign to track down five al Qaeda members in hiding in 


Car Bombs with Wings

A History of the Car Bomb (Part 2)


Anger as ban on glorifying terror comes into force

Controversial anti-terror measures planned in the aftermath of the July 7 
bombings and brought into force yesterday have been given a hostile 
reception by MPs and civil liberty lawyers who branded them absurd and a 
curtailment of free speech


Terrorist 'lookalike' wins $27.5m

  In a victory for critics of racial profiling, a jury in El Paso, Texas, 
ordered Southwest Airlines to pay damages to Samantha Carrington for false 
imprisonment and malicious prosecution after she was bundled off a flight 
and arrested because flight attendants found her appearance suspicious.,,1752799,00.html


AT&T Seeks to Hide Spy Docs

AT&T is seeking the return of technical documents presented in a lawsuit 
that allegedly detail how the telecom giant helped the government set up a 
massive internet wiretap operation in its San Francisco facilities.


How can we be so stupid?

My wife pointed out the irony of marching in solidarity with workers who 
had rights Americans can't imagine. Later, several Italians demanded to 
know why the average American worker doesn't have health insurance, higher 
wages, better retirement benefits, more vacation time, and rights that 
Italian workers take for granted.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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