Kenapa Indonesia miskin dan AS kaya? Jawabnya ada di
Jika kita hitung, setiap tahun dari hasil menambang
emas, perak dan tembaga di Indonesia, Freeport dapat
Rp 5.100 trilyun lebih per tahun sementara Indonesia
hanya dibagi sekitar Rp 15 trilyun saja.
Freeport Indonesia pays US$1.2bn in tax

JAYAPURA, Papua - PT Freeport Indonesia (FI), which
has been in the spotlight for alleged
environmental-unfriendly gold, silver and copper
mining activities in Tembagapura, Mimika district,
paid US$1.2 billion in tax, dividends and royalties to
the Indonesian government last year.

The report was revealed to ANTARA by the National
Commission on Human Rights (Komas HAM) of Papua

PT Freeport Indonesia, a subsidiary of US giant copper
and gold company Freeport McMoRan, also paid the
government US$3.8 billion in 1992-2004, the commission

The National Commission on Human Rights received the
report from PT Freeport Indonesia in Timika, capital
of Mimika district, last week.

PT FI has thus made contribution of US$4.4 billion
totally between 1973, the time the joint company
started its operation, and 2005.

Indirect benefit which was made by the world`s third
largest gold mining firm totaled US$736 million in
2005 including US$64 million for local people
development program.

Hence, the company gave indirect financial advantage
of US$9.99 billion to the government between 1992 and

Meanwhile a report which was formulated by the
Jakarta-based University of Indonesia`s economic and
management study institution (LPEM-UI) in 2005 showed
that PT FI made contribution of 2.37% to the
Indonesian GNP, 70.39% to Papua`s gross provincial
product, and 98.93% to Mimika`s gross district

LPEM-UI also reported that PT FI produced an average
of 215,000 tons of ore with 1.14% copper concentrate,
1.67 grams/ton of gold and 4.43 grams/ton silver a day
last year.

The company also produced concentrate containing 30.0%
copper, 41.3 grams/ton gold and 74.0 grams/ton silver
in 2005.

The concentrate from Cartenz Mountain`s feet has been
sold to Bulgary, China, Finland, India, Japan, Korea,
Spain, Sweden, the Philippines and an Indonesian firm
in Gresik (East Java).

(ANTARA/Asia Pulse)

Dampak Pornografi: 1 di antara 3 wanita AS diperkosa. Tiap tahun 2,3 juta wanita hamil di luar nikah di Indonesia (Dr. Boyke). Berantas pornografi dukung RUU Anti Pornografi dan Pornoaksi -

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