In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Muslim Group claims snub by U.S. Treasury

Guidance sought on how to keep giving

American Muslim leaders claim pleas to U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow
for guidelines on how to financially aid the Palestinian people without
being accused of terrorism have been ignored.

The American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections, a coalition of
the largest U.S. Muslim groups, was angered by the closure of Toledo’s
KindHearts charity in February.


Gitmo: Bush's Gift to Humanity

Can U.S. fool all the people all the time?

It is true that the U.S. public hates Guantanamo Bay ("Gitmo") more than
Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, or Saddam Hussein. Not because they have
forgotten 9/11 or the wound to their heart by terrorist maneuvers and
blood-hungry dictators around the world, but just because they love
humanity, peace, and democracy more than anything else. They have one basic
motto — live and let live, they want to live and let others live in peace —
the American way of living.


Third Reich Tyrants

Most of our kids did not volunteer to go to Iraq to guard special
contractors or kill innocent people to cushion the retirement of the CEO of
Exxon. And, newsflash, our recruiters are still lying to our young people
telling them that if they enlist they won't have to go to Iraq and other
despicable lies.


Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism"

Across the United States, religious activists are organizing to establish
an American theocracy. A frightening look inside the growing right-wing


Video lecture: War, Geopolitics, and History: Noam Chomsky and Robert Fisk:
This is a must watch:


Top physicists speak out against Bush Administration policies in the war on

"I think everyone should be concerned that the US, without even a real
debate, has abandoned our historic principles and values,"


The Corporation - One of the best and most important documentary films to
be made in many years.

This is an extraordinary film about the creation of the American
corporation, its legal organizational model, its global economic dominance
and its psychopathic tendencies, and its incredible ambition to influence
every aspect of culture in its unrelenting pursuit of profit.


More Spying Revealed: American Government is Out of Control!

It is clear that the NSA's domestic spying program, a program that should
not legally exist, is far larger than originally anticipated. USA Today
reported that, in order to develop this program, the government agency used
private phone records provided by three major companies, AT&T Inc., Verizon
Communications Inc., and Bellsouth Corp.


In case you missed it:   The White House says spying on terror suspects
without court approval is ok.

In the dark days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a small group
of lawyers from the White House and the Justice Department began meeting to
debate a number of novel legal strategies to help prevent another attack.
Soon after, President Bush authorized the National Security Agency to begin
conducting electronic eavesdropping on terrorism suspects in the United
States, including American citizens, without court approval.


In case you missed it: Gonzales: NSA may tap 'ordinary' Americans' e-mail

Agents operating a controversial National Security Agency surveillance
program may have inadvertently spied on the e-mails and phone calls of
Americans with no ties to terrorists, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
said Monday.


NSA Whistleblower Says "People Are Going To Be Shocked" By His Testimony
Next Week..."This Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg"

Posted May 12, 2006 04:06 PM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS

CongressDaily reports that former NSA staffer Russell Tice will testify to
the Senate Armed Services Committee next week that not only do employees at
the agency believe the activities they are being asked to perform are
unlawful, but that what has been disclosed so far is only the tip of the
iceberg. Tice will tell Congress that former NSA head Gen. Michael Hayden,
Bush's nominee to be the next CIA director, oversaw more illegal activity
that has yet to be disclosed:


Bush may have crossed the line by tracking every US phone call

PRESIDENT BUSH faced new and potentially damaging allegations about the
secret surveillance of Americans last night after reports that his
Administration has covertly collected domestic phone records of tens of
millions of citizens.,,3-2176605,00.html


Bush Spy Program a Pale Echo of Echelon

Once again, we must ride to the rescue of President George W. Bush, who is
being unfairly maligned by a few malcontents unhappy with his secret
program to capture and data-mine every single phone call made by anyone
anywhere in the United States.


Congratulations to USA Today

Bush shared this N.S.A. Gestapo program with both British, Russian and
Israeli Intelligence agencies aka Foxcom and Odigo as well as


NSA Stymies Justice Dept. Spying Probe

The government has abruptly ended an inquiry into the warrantless
eavesdropping program because the National Security Agency refused to grant
Justice Department lawyers the necessary security clearance to probe the


The Spook in Your Phone

Gen. Michael V. Hayden, nominated by President Bush to head the CIA, is the
man responsible for the most extensive attack ever on the privacy of US


Patriot Act e-mail spying approved

Posted May 12, 2006 10:27 AM PST - Category: DICTATORSHIP

Though the language may be clumsy, Hogan said, the Patriot Act's amendments
authorize that type of easily obtainable surveillance of e-mail. All that's
required, he said, is that prosecutors claim the surveillance could
conceivably be "relevant" to an investigation.


In case you missed it:  Secret sale of UK plutonium to Israel

The UK supplied Israel with quantities of plutonium while Harold Wilson was
prime minister, BBC Newsnight can reveal.


In case you missed it: Britain's dirty secret

Secret papers show how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in the 1960s,
supplying tons of vital chemicals including plutonium and uranium. And it
looks as though Harold Wilson and his ministers knew nothing about it.


FOX News Doesn't Like The Fourth Amendment

It was pretty clear last night (5/11/06) that when CEO Roger Ailes claims
that what distinguishes FOX News is “we like America,” he doesn’t mean the
Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. First, FOX News buried a
discussion about the uproar over the NSA’s secret collection of phone call
records of tens of millions of Americans into the second half-hour of
Hannity & Colmes (after a double segment about the Duke rape case). Then it
provided conservative Republican Newt Gingrich as the only guest, with no
civil liberties expert as balance. So when Gingrich, who also happens to be
a FOX News employee, dismissed search warrants as legal technicalities –
well, one began to get the message. And that’s not counting the false,
misleading information given by Sean Hannity.



Posted May 12, 2006 09:57 AM PST - Category: POLITICS/CORRUPTION


Caught in the Crossfire: The Untold Story of Falluja

Video: The American attack on Falluja, and the subsequent costs to the
people there, has been a humanitarian, social, moral and ethical disaster;
yet the American government and media have largely ignored the plight of
the innocent victims. The refugees of Falluja risked their lives in order
to tell their story to the world through the groundbreaking new documentary
film, Caught in the Crossfire.


US in secret gun deal

The Pentagon has secretly shipped tens of thousands of small arms from
Bosnia to Iraq in the past two years, using a web of private companies, at
least one of which is a noted arms smuggler blacklisted by Washington and
the UN.,,1773106,00.html?gusrc=rss


The nightmares that fill the Baghdad night

In the 'new Iraq' beloved of Bush and Blair, women can be arrested just for


Clashes Erupt Between Two Iraqi Army Units

So THIS is the new, 'ready' Iraqi Army?


Four US soldiers killed in Iraq

The US military has announced the deaths of four soldiers, including three
in two separate roadside bombings southwest of Baghdad.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 11 May 2006.
    * US warplanes rocket homes, ambulance in northeastern ar-Ramadi.
    * US warplanes rocket unused dormitory at al-Anbar University in
ar-Ramadi, killing four Iraqis.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier near ar-Ramadi.
    * Double Resistance bombing near al-Fallujah leaves three US troops
reported dead.
    * Resistance bomb near al-Khalidiyah leaves four US troops reported
    * Massive explosion rocks US base at ar-Rutbah near Jordanian border at
dawn Thursday.
    * Resistance bomb near Yathrib reportedly kills two US troops.
    * US soldier reported killed by Resistance bomb in Bayji.
    * Resistance mortars bring down US observation town near Iranian
border, reportedly killing two US Marines.


Israel Leaders avoid subject of anti-Arab racism

Racism, as reflected in the findings of the 2006 Israel Democracy Index,
was of less concern to speakers at the Israel Democracy Institute's fourth
annual conference at Beit Hanassi than the public's waning confidence in
democratic institutions such as the Knesset, the Supreme Court, the police
and even the presidency.

In fact, with the exception of IDI President Arye Carmon, who charged that
"Israeli bullies such as Avigdor Lieberman" contribute to the decline of
Arab trust in Israeli democracy, the only speaker who spoke in depth about
the fact that 62 percent of Israeli Jews believe the government should
encourage Arabs to leave the country, was an Arab, Dr. Faisal Azaiza, head
of the Jewish-Arab Center & Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Haifa.

Such an indicator, said Azaiza, was shocking to all humanists.


Commentary AIPAC 'Israel Lobby' bad for Israel, the U.S. Commentary

Oh my God, someone has publicly outed the "Israel Lobby." For those readers
who do not closely follow the machinations in academia, let me explain.
John Walt, the academic dean of the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard, and John Mearsheimer, a political scientist at the University of
Chicago, have written a blistering critique of the Jewish lobby, focusing
primarily on AIPAC.


US cutoff of medicine to Palestinians takes heavy toll

The United States has stopped providing medical supplies to Palestinian
hospitals as part of Washington's sanctions against Hamas.


Arab League unable to get funds to PA due to US bank sanctions

Arab League unable to transfer funds to Palestinians

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AFP) - The Arab League has told the Palestinian
Authority it is unable to transfer tens of millions of dollars in aid which
have been collected for people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


Making (Non) Sense of the Funding Cut-Off  - Hamas and Israel's "Right to

To the great consternation of most of the world, the European Union,
followed now by Norway and Canada, has halted payments to the Hamas-led
government of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The stated reason is that
Hamas has not recognized Israel's "right to exist" or "renounced violence,"
but the action so violates all common sense that its logic requires our
closer scrutiny.


Israel Kilsl Nine Palestinians, Injures 31 Others

A recent report monitoring the Israeli violations against the Palestinian
people asserted that Israeli occupation forces have killed nine
Palestinians and injured 31 others during the last week, in 768 violations


Israeli Soldiers Shoot Two International Peace Activists In The Head at Bil'in

“I saw blood gushing out of his head, and helped bandage it. As we were
getting him into the ambulance an Israeli soldier grabbed his long hair and
they all tried to stop him from leaving in the ambulance even though they
knew he was injured”. Both Phil and BJ are currently in Tel Hashomer
hospital in Tel-Aviv. The bullet caused a hemorrhage to Phil’s brain,
though he is now conscious. BJ required stitches to the head. Eight
Palestinians were also injured by rubber-coated steel bullets


Weekly report on Israeli human rights violations in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories 04 - 10 May 2006

IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank.
During the reported period, IOF re-closed an outlet in the Wall, which they
had recently opened opposite the western entrance of the Dahiat al-Barid
area, north of Jerusalem. This section of the Wall has divided al-Ram
village into two parts. It has also separated residents of Dahiat al-Barid
area and al-Ram village from educational and health institutions located to
the west of the Wall.


Muslim Scholars Threaten Boycott Over Palestinian Aid

Leading Muslim scholar threatened to rally Muslims to boycott countries
that refuse to deal with the Hamas-led government.


Norway announces 50 percent boost for UN Palestinian aid

Norway on Friday announced a 50-percent hike in its funding for United
Nations Palestinian relief efforts to help ease an economic crisis in the
occupied territories after a Hamas-led government took office


Suspect uranium found in Iran

Posted May 12, 2006 01:03 PM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS

Note the usual anonymous source for this claim.

Just prior to the invasion of Iraq, anonymous souces claimed that
weapons-grade uranium had been found on Iraqi lab equipment, but it was
suspected by the inspectors that the Americans had contaminated the scene
using reference samples usded to calibrate their nuclear detectors. When
asked to turn over their reference samples for a possible isotope match
with the traces found on the lab gear, the US delegation refused.


Russia Will Produce and Deliver Nuclear Fuel to Iran

Tehran and Moscow have finalized legal and technical preparations for
Russian production and delivery of nuclear fuel to the Bushehr power plan


A New Gesture From Iran?

A top Iranian official, in an open letter given to TIME, offers what could
be a starting point for negotiations,8599,1192578,00.html


Ahmadinejad: Iran will defend legal rights of all free nations

Turning to nuclear technology as one of the world's most advanced and most
updated technology and a collection of various sciences, he said that any
country wishing to reach the peak of progress should access such a technology.


Iran Nuclear Conflict Is About U.S. Dominance

The history of the conflict and the private strategic thinking of both
sides reveal that the dispute is really about the administration's drive
for greater dominance in the Middle East and Iran's demand for recognition
as a regional power.


The Bush Administration is Trying to Link Hugo Chavez to Iran's Nuclear Program

Posted May 12, 2006 09:47 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS

Washington is no stranger to flimsy pretexts when it comes to justifying
its ill-conceived, and at times illicit, Latin American initiatives.


John Conyers (D-MI) asks Gonzales to Appoint Special Counsel to Investigate
Phone Jamming

Posted May 12, 2006 09:57 AM PST - Category: POLITICS/CORRUPTION


Federal agents raid home of CIA's former No. 3 boss Federal agents raid
home of CIA's former No. 3 boss

Federal agents Friday morning raided the home of Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, who
stepped down this week from the No. 3 post at the CIA amid accusations of
improper ties to a defense contractor named as a co-conspirator in the
bribery case of former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham.


Catholic priest convicted over satanic ritual murder of nun.

Sister Margaret Ann Pahl was found murdered on a chapel floor in April,
1980. She had been strangled, covered in an altar cloth and stabbed 31
times in the shape of an upturned holy cross.,5936,19115810%255E912,00.html


Reach Out and Track Someone

Your mobile phone lets companies and the government know where you are,
even when you're not making a call.


Police State America

Short video explores surveillance of U.S. citizens who participate in
Anti-War protest


Stop ATT From Taking Your Web

The House is preparing to vote on an Orwellian act of government that would
severely limit democracy on the internet as we know it.


-muslim voice-

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