In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

UK laws are biased, say most Muslims

An overwhelming majority of Muslims believe that British laws are biased
and that the country's legal system is unfair, according to a new report

The report, published by the Islamic Human Rights Commission, also found
that less than a quarter of Muslims felt that their needs were recognized
under British law.

see report from the UK based Islamic Human Rights Commissionat:


9/11 BBC: Pentagon video ignites debate

The release of the video has ignited the debate over 11 September
conspiracy theories. Newsnight's Mark Urban reports.


New 9/11 footage shown

The justice department had previously blocked demands for their release on
grounds that it was evidence in the prosecution of al-Qaeda plotter
Zacarias Moussaoui.

But with Moussaoui convicted and sentenced to life in prison earlier this
month for his role in the 9/11 conspiracy, the justice department agreed to
the videos release, officials said.

And your reason for not releasing the other 84 is ...,,2-10-1462_1934184,00.html


Skeptics doubt new 9/11 Pentagon footage

Mr. Fetzer theorizes the Pentagon was hit by a twin-engine A3 Sky Warrior
plane, and a missile was fired into the building before impact.

...and strapped to the missile was a nude fanatic shouting "Banzai!"

"Lets print a story about a complete fruitcake to make those 'conspiracy
theorists' look really stupid"

Would people who are in doubt about what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11
please read this page and this page.


9/11: Evidence of Thermite on Core Columns at WTC

Relinked in response to a reader comment. Defenders of the official story
try to claim that this is merely the result of a cutting torch used to
demolish what was left of the column, but cutting torches don;t melt iron
and let it drip down. Cutting torches cut by adding surplus oxygen to the
flame so that the heated iron burns away into iron oxide particles which
drop away from the cut (the bright yellow "sparkler" effect seen when a
cutting torch is used).

In this photo, what we see is evidence of large amounts of melted iron
flowing down from the break, then cooling and hardening, which is exactly
what is produced by the thermite reaction.;read=87932


9/11: No Longer The Minority: 82% Plus Support Charlie Sheen

Despite the best efforts of the now whimpering attack poodles of the
mainstream media, an online CNN poll shows that over four-fifths, or 82 per
cent, agree with actor Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up
the real events of the 9/11 attacks.


The 9/11 Reichstag Fire

Posted May 18, 2006 08:58 AM PST - Category: 911


Former NY Times reporter Judith Miller to assert she was warned of large
scale attack before 9/11

In AN ALTERNET EXCLUSIVE THURSDAY, former New York Times reporter Judy
Miller tells Rory O'Connor and William Scott Malone about the story she'll
regret for the rest of her life -- the fact that an anonymous White House
source told her in July 2001 that an NSA intelligence report predicted a
large al Qaeda attack, possibly on the continental United States.

It would have been nice if the White House had warned the rest of us. But
they didn't.

Of course, it wasn't really a warning, but merely part of the propaganda
run-up to a staged terror attack, to make certain that the media understood
ahead of time who was to be blamed.


Full list of Guantanamo detainees - Names, ages and country of origin



Europe Shames U.S. Congress?

CIA war crimes in Europe are now under official investigation there, but
not here,hentoff,73206,6.html


The Pentagon's ghost investigation

Nearly two years ago, a top general urged a probe into illegal "ghost
detainees" held at Abu Ghraib prison. But according to the Pentagon, it
never happened -- and never will.


Pentagon launches Guantanamo PR campaign

Officials from the Joint Chiefs of Staff Detainee Affairs Section have
worked up a new briefing and made presentations in recent months to some
3,000 people, including media representatives and members of Congress,
stressing the strategic value of detainees at the prison camp.


In case you missed it: The Madness Of George W. Bush: George W. Bush is ill.

He has a psycho-spiritual dis-ease of the soul, a sickness that is endemic
to our culture and symptomatic of the times we live in. It’s an illness
that has been with us since time immemorial. Because it’s an illness that's
in the soul of all of humanity, it pervades the field and is in all of us
in potential at any moment, which makes it especially hard to diagnose


Bush Is Certifiable

George W. Bush is suffering from a peculiar but not that uncommon form of

Bush literally feels himself above human morality, as he is under the
self-generating delusion that he is the supreme moral arbiter, not
realizing in the slightest that he has fallen into his unconscious, whose
dark side he is acting out. Because of his pathological condition, he is
the last person who should be the judge of morality, the very last person
on earth choosing justices for the Supreme Court.


Oil Diplomacy

Nothing the Bush administration ever does is about oil. It didn’t invade
Iraq because that country might have more oil than Saudi Arabia. It isn’t
threatening Iran because Iran has a tenth of the world’s oil and one-sixth
of its natural gas. And the United States isn’t cozying up to autocrats in
Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan because the Caspian Sea is a mini-Persian Gulf in
the middle of Central Asia, either.


The Scariest Predators in the Corporate Jungle

The world's oil, gas and mining industries account for nearly two-thirds of
all violations of human rights, environmental laws and international labor
standards, according to a soon-to-be-released United Nations study.


A pretext for blocking technological advancement

The West is currently using the pretext of security concerns in an attempt
to control the nuclear activities of the countries of the global South.


Operation Northwoods: Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba,

Posted May 18, 2006 11:12 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS

"The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in
the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida
(real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in
the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely
publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the
arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating
Cuban involvement also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an
irresponsible government. "


Iran, Bush & Nuremberg

There is an old and cynical maxim: "The more people one kills, the less
likely one is to be punished."

One of the most pernicious consequences of the invasion of Iraq is that in
the United States it is now apparently accepted virtually without challenge
that aggressive war is a legitimate tool of American foreign policy.


UK And Australian Prime Ministers Both Knew There Were No WMDs

A former U.N. biological weapons specialist is asserting that the prime
ministers of Australia and Britain knew at the time that pre-war
intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction was false.


The Iraqi resistance: 'Why we fight'

Call them terrorists, call them resistance fighters. By whatever their
name, they have their own reasons for fighting the Americans in Iraq. Abu
Ayoub, a 35-year-old living in Baghdad, is a member of the Islamic Army. He
spoke in the Adhamiya neighborhood about why he joined the fight.

"When the occupation forces entered Baghdad, they killed my brother in
front of my eyes. He was wounded and bleeding but the occupation forces
didn't allow me to save him. When I tried to save him they began shooting
at me, and after a few minutes my brother died. After that I swore to fight
them to the death."

We are not seen as 'liberators' in Iraq: the only thing we were hoping to
'liberate' was the oil, and even that backfired.

We are seen as an occupying foreign government, and one against which local
people are going to rally to get their country back.


In case you missed it: Video: A Message From The "Iraq Resistance"

"We are simple people who chose principles over fear."


Marines killed Iraqi civilians 'in cold blood'

A US lawmaker and former Marine colonel accused US Marines of killing
innocent Iraqi civilians after a Marine comrade had been killed by a
roadside bomb.


Iraq Attacks Kill at Least 24

Attacks by insurgents Thursday killed at least two dozen people, including
four U.S. soldiers, while an Iraqi police chief narrowly escaped an
assassination attempt.


'Why did my son die in vain?'

In Iraq, a soldier is killed; in Baltimore, his father is angry


Prodi says Iraq war 'grave mistake', pledges troop withdrawal

Italy's new Prime Minister Romano Prodi has told lawmakers in the Senate
that the war in Iraq was a "grave mistake", pledging his centre-left
government would withdraw Rome's troops from the country he described as
under "occupation".


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 17 May 2006.
    * Iraqi Resistance car bomber turns US camp into fireball Wednesday
    * Resistance bomb in al-Qa’im reportedly kills four US troops midday
    * Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in al-Haswah, southwest of Baghdad,
reportedly killing four US troops.
    * US soldier reported killed when Resistance bomb rips through patrol
in Kirkuk.
    * Zionist delegation holds talks with Kurdish separatist leaders in Irbil.
    * Resistance bomb kills three Iraqi puppet soldiers in al-Khalidiyah.
    * Resistance fires Katyusha rockets into US base east of al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance bomb targets motorcade of pro-American politician.
    * Resistance bombards puppet “Shock Troop” headquarters in Samarra’.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US patrol near Bayji.
    * Puppet police captain killed in Resistance bombing in Ba‘qubah
    * Resistance fighters attack pro-American Badr Brigade militiamen in
bakery, then blow up puppet police as they arrive on the scene.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US column south of Ba‘qubah.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in al-Yusufiyah.
    * Resistance bomb blasts joint American-Iraqi puppet army patrol in
Tall ‘Afar.
    * Resistance mortars bombard joint US-Iraqi puppet base in western


Canada has spent more than $4.1 billion on Afghan missions

Canada contributes only 59 military personnel to UN missions around the
world, while about 2,200 troops are stationed under U.S. command in
Afghanistan, the group said.


105 Killed In Afghanistan, Including Canadian Soldier, American Civilian

Some of the fiercest violence since the Taliban's ouster in 2001 erupted
across southern Afghanistan, with militants battling coalition forces,
detonating car bombs and attacking a small village. Up to 105 people were
killed, officials said Thursday


Who's singling out Israel?

Supporters of the Palestinian cause are wrongly accused of anti-semitism.

In breach of international law, Ehud Olmert has declared that Israel will
redraw its boundaries unilaterally, incorporating the major West Bank
settlements and maintaining a military presence adjacent to the Jordan.

Meanwhile, the EU and the US have suspended aid to the democratically
elected Palestinian authority, threatening Palestinians with a collapse of
public services and deepening penury (see the World Bank report).


The High Cost of Democratic Elections in Palestine

"In my village, starvation and for real," says the woman in halting
English. The overseas connection makes her voice sound faint and almost
ethereal. In front of me is a glass of cold lemonade. Across the table is a
tin of homemade pastries.


Siege of 1.4 Million Souls in Gaza v International Law

The US has driven this policy of isolation with the clear intention of
destabilising the elected government so that it is overturned.


Remi Kanazi: The Existing Question

One cannot expect the Palestinian Authority to recognize Israel’s “right to


Jimmy CARTER: Israel's New Plan, A Land Grab

New Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has announced that Israel will take
unilateral steps to establish its own geographical boundaries during the
next four years of his administration. His plan, as described during the
recent Israeli election and the formation of a new governing coalition,
would take about half of the Palestinian West Bank and encapsulate the
urban areas within a huge concrete wall and the more rural parts of
Palestine within a high fence. The barrier is not located on the
internationally recognized boundary between Israel and Palestine, but
entirely within and deeply penetrating the occupied territories.


Noam Chomsky: Hezbollah's insistence on keeping its arms is justified

Noam Chomsky the famous US intellectual anti Israel and US foreign policies
visits Hezbollah's Headquarters and meets Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in the
South suburb of Beirut which was once called by the former US Secretary
George Shultz as the plague of the Middle East.


Aipac Case Impacting Security Clearance

The Pentagon is invoking the prosecution of two pro-Israel lobbyists and a
Defense Department analyst for illegal use of classified information as a
basis for stripping security clearances from government contractor
employees who have dual citizenship in America and Israel or family members
living in the Jewish state.


Appointment of monitor adds teeth

The U.S. State Department just added a set of teeth to its fledgling office
monitoring anti-Semitism.


Patriot Act e-mail spying approved

The Justice Department asks a judge to approve Patriot Act e-mail
monitoring without any evidence of criminal behavior.


In case you missed it: Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement

When President Bush signed the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act this
month, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey
requirements that he inform Congress about how the FBI was using the act's
expanded police powers.


AT&T and NSA : Their 'Secret Rooms'

Posted May 18, 2006 03:09 PM PST  - Category: DICTATORSHIP

The secret rooms are the places where the NSA spliced into the fiber optic
systems of AT&T to capture and record internet and telepone activities.
At&T (1)is scrambling in denial to it's customers, to save face (and
business), in the light of the exposure of their cooperation with the NSA.


AT&T Whistle-Blower's Evidence

Posted May 18, 2006 03:08 PM PST - Category: DICTATORSHIP


Films on Guantánamo and Iraq face war of cuts

Two new films which expose unpleasant truths about Guantanamo and the
battle for Iraq are coming under pressure from censors in the United States.


'Da Vinci Code' Called 'Real Danger' to Christians' Faith

So was Galileo.


Former Bush campaign official sentenced to prison

Posted May 18, 2006 09:42 AM PST - Category: VOTE FRAUD

A senior official in US President George W. Bush’s re-election campaign was
sentenced to 10 months in prison on Wednesday for his role in suppressing
votes in a key US Senate race, a scandal that Democrats charge may involve
the White House.


Update on the Rove Indictment Story

For the past few days, we have endured non-stop attacks on our credibility,
and we have fought hard to defend our reputation. In addition, we have
worked around the clock to provide additional information to our
readership. People want to know more about this, and our job is to keep
them informed. We take that responsibility seriously.


An American idea shatters

The reawakening of a virulent nationalism is tearing apart Bush's
conservative coalition,,1777429,00.html


Bush turns to big military contractors to gain control of U.S. borders

The quick fix may involve sending in the National Guard. But to really
patch up the broken border, President George W. Bush is preparing to turn
to a familiar administration partner: giant military contractors.


Border Lords: Immigration Plan is Crony Pork Bonanza

Isn't this a surprise! It turns out that George W. Bush's "Secure Border
Initiative" to "control illegal immigration" is actually just a great big
pork trough for his cronies and benefactors in the weapons biz to cash in
big-time off the suffering and poverty of dusky foreigners


House ethics panel to probe several lawmakers

The House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct said it would
investigate Ohio Republican Rep. Bob Ney and Louisiana Democratic Rep.
William Jefferson, who are enmeshed in separate bribery scandals.


-muslim voice-

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