In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


As you honor the memory of those who died in battle, you must also ask for 
what reason were these brave men and women killed? For what noble purpose 
do thousands of our young people live crippled lives?

Dead because of a lie. Dead because selfish people in government wanted a 
war and lied to get one, aided by selfish people in the media WHO TOOK 
the media traded the blood of these young Americans for their personal 
gain. Look at their faces. How can you not be angry?


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In 
Bush's War 2464

The War in Iraq Costs $283,944,713,065 - See the cost in your community


Iraq WMD Lies: The Words of Mass Deception

As the anti-Iran rhetoric cranks up, a reminder that the US Government and 
mainstream media have a very bad reputation in regards to the truth.


Muslim Women Don't See Themselves as Oppressed, Survey Finds

WASHINGTON, June 7, 2006 ­ Muslim women do not think they are conditioned 
to accept second-class status or view themselves as oppressed, according to 
a survey released Tuesday by The Gallup Organization.

According to the poll, conducted in 2005, a strong majority of Muslim women 
believe they should have the right to vote without influence, work outside 
the home and serve in the highest levels of government. In more than 8,000 
face-to-face interviews conducted in eight predominantly Muslim countries, 
the survey found that many women in the Muslim world did not see sex issues 
as a priority because other issues were more pressing.


Toronto Terrorist Ringleader Has Military Connections

Posted Jun 8, 2006 08:51 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS

In every high profile case that we have studied, terrorist links to 
security and intelligence services as well as the military are uncovered.


14 Nations Aided CIA in Abductions, Report Says

PARIS ­ Fourteen European countries appear to have helped the CIA operate a 
global "spider's web" of abductions, clandestine flights and secret 
detention facilities targeting suspected Islamic extremists, the head of a 
European inquiry alleged Wednesday.

Presenting the findings of an eight-month inquiry, Swiss Sen. Dick Marty 
accused European governments of collaborating with or accepting "systematic 
human rights violations" on their soil as teams of U.S. spies in black ski 
masks allegedly spirited suspects onto planes that flew them to grueling 
interrogations in countries such as Morocco, Syria and Egypt.,1,6964458.story?coll=la-headlines-world


Europe helped CIA run secret prisons: Probe

“It is now clear ­ although we are still far from having established the 
whole truth ­ that authorities in several European countries actively 
participated with the CIA in these unlawful activities,” said Marty.


 From logistics to turning a blind eye: Europe's role in terror abductions

The full extent of European collusion with the CIA during operations to 
abduct terrorism suspects and fly them to countries where they may be 
tortured is laid bare today by the continent's most authoritative human 
rights body.,,329498686-110878,00.html


Scepticism expressed over Canadian terrorist plot

The Canadian terrorist conspiracy should be “treated with the utmost 
caution and a large degree of scepticism”


Daniel Ellsberg Interview: The day after the next 9/11 our freedoms are gone.


 From Freedom To Fascism

The scariest goddamn film you'll see this year. It will leave you 
staggering out of the theatre, slack-jawed and trembling. Makes 'Fahrenheit 
9/11' look like 'Bambi.' After watching this movie, your comfy, secure 
notions about America -- and about what it means to be an American -- will 
be forever shattered.


War, War and More War is What Bush Really Wants

We should - strongly reject any U.S.- or Israeli-initiated military actions 
or coup attempts against Iran. The consequence of such actions would almost 
certainly be a new world war.


Washington fury over UN attack on Bush 'hypocrites'

The deputy secretary-general of the United Nations was last night accused 
of making "a very, very grave mistake" after calling the Bush 
administration hypocrites who were feeding a right-wing anti-UN frenzy in 
middle America.,,1792679,00.html


US infuriated by UN official's speech

The United States demanded Wednesday that U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan 
repudiate a speech in which his No. 2 official broke with tradition and 
accused the United States of undermining the United Nations.


FLASHBACK: Beyond Niger: Are All Terrorism Files Forgeries?

Posted Jun 8, 2006 11:40 AM PST - Category: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS


Marines in Haditha “totally tweaked out on speed”

The US is so screwed. Not only are eyewitnesses recounting more grisly 
details of the massacre in Haditha but reports are emerging of rampant drug 
and alcohol abuse among the marines involved.

"Oh, MAN, you just shot a kid!"
"It was a terrorist!"
"It was a kid."
"It was a terrorist. Look. she's got a, she's got a, she's, she had.... it 
was a terrorist! And ... Oh my GAWD, it's GODZILLA!!" (Opens fire).


Photos seem to contradict Marine version of Haditha killings

Pentagon sources say some of the most incriminating evidence against 
Marines under investigation in the deaths of civilians at Haditha is a set 
of photographs taken by another group of Marines who came along afterward 
and helped clean up the scene.


Aljazeera Video: Haditha Massacre Eyewitness Report

Eman Waleed the child who survived Haditha massacre with English subtitles


Other People's Blood

For the smug, comfortable, well-off Americans, it doesn't seem to matter 
how long the war in Iraq goes on - as long as the agony is endured by 
others. If the network coverage gets too grim, viewers can always switch to 
the E! channel (one hand on the remote, the other burrowing into a bag of 
chips) to follow the hilarious antics of Paris, Britney, Brangelina et al.


Iraqi boy death reports investigated by MoD

Reports that a 13-year-old Iraqi boy was killed by British troops in 
southern Iraq are being investigated, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has 
revealed today.


For the women of Iraq, the war is just beginning

Three years after the US-led invasion of Iraq, women's secular freedoms - 
once the envy of women across the Middle East - have been snatched away 
because militant Islam is rising across the country.


US officer is facing rape trial

Posted Jun 8, 2006 08:53 AM PST - Category: WAR/DRAFT


House Panel Approves $50B More for Wars

On a voice vote, the House defense appropriations subcommittee passed a 
$427 billion measure for the Pentagon budget year that begins Oct. 1, 
including operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.,13319,100181,00.html


The Case of the Missing $21 Billion

Who's Following the Iraq Money?


Iraq War: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush

Media Critic Eric Boehlert Takes on the Corporate Media


Army has to turn over Halliburton docs

A U.S. district court judge has ordered the Army to release 14 documents, 
including six emails, dealing with the Halliburton oil contract in Iraq.


Poll: U.S. disapproves of war in Iraq

The poll, found that 59 percent of adults say the United States made a 
mistake in going to war in Iraq - the highest level yet in AP-Ipsos polling.


Army Lieutenant Becomes First Commissioned Officer to Refuse Deployment to 

Interview: Audio and transcript: On Wednesday U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant 
Ehren Watada announced his intention to disobey what he says are illegal 
orders to deploy to Iraq. We speak with 1st Lieutenant Watada and his 
lawyer, Legrand Jones.


Father of beheaded man blames Bush, not Zarqawi

Asked what would give him satisfaction, Berg, an anti-war activist and 
candidate for U.S. Congress, said, "The end of the war and getting rid of 
George Bush."


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 7 June 2006.
    * Six US troops reported killed in two-hour battle with Resistance 
forces on the banks of the Euphrates in Rawah in western Iraq.
    * As massive American army prepares full-scale assault on ar-Ramadi, 
Resistance fighters slip away, avoiding an unequal confrontation and saving 
the civilian residents from the American savagery.  Resistance plans 
ambushes, bomb, and rocket attacks on US troops from outside the city.
    * Pro-American Shi‘i sectarians fire mortars into Palestinian 
residential complex in Baghdad.
    * US soldier reported killed in “friendly fire” incident in 
ad-Dulu‘iyah Wednesday evening.
    * Resistance bomb reportedly kills four US troops in ad-Dawr.
    * American forces capture Iraqi schoolteacher as she allegedly attempts 
to plant bomb in the path of US troops in Balad Ruz.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing near 
al-Miqdadiyah Tuesday evening.
    * Three US troops killed in Resistance ambush in al-Hawijah.


Taleban Militants Kill 5 Afghan Security Men, Wound 4 Coalition Troops

Afghan officials say suspected Taleban militants have killed five Afghan 
security men in separate attacks in the south of the country.


Taliban shoot down US fighter plane

A Taliban spokesman Qari Yousaf while talking to Radio Tehran, said that 
Taliban shot down the fighter plane in Deh Chopan district of Zabul 
province. He however stated that so far there are no reports about casualties.


Amnesty criticises US airstrikes in Pakistan

Amnesty International has expressed grave concerns over the United States’ 
targeting and killings of civilians inside Pakistan and the arrest, 
detention and disappearance of Pakistanis by their own government in the 
name of war on terror.


3 Killed as Israeli forces continue attacks on Gaza Strip

“Not again,” residents decry. When the Israeli settlers and military 
‘withdrew’ from the Gaza Strip at summer’s end, many believed they finally 
had a chance for a normal life without checkpoints and attacks, but this 
did not happen.


South African union joins boycott of Israel

Workers union representing 1.2 million extols CUPE Ontario’s boycott of 
Israel, which it calls ‘an apartheid nation.’


FBI confidential informant also said to be provocateur

According to activists from Des Moines, Philadelphia, Miami, Sacramento, 
and other locations, a young woman named "Anna" allegedly infiltrated peace 
and justice rallies and anarchist meetings, and even attempted to join 
protests against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) ahead of the DNC's 
national convention last year as a paid FBI confidential "informant." 
Activists say that she has tried to provoke conflict at various advocacy 
events and violent incidents with police to get people arrested. In other 
words, Anna is not just an informant, she may be a provocateur.


I wish Dobbs were as worried about vote fraud in THIS country!

Posted Jun 8, 2006 04:02 PM PST - Category: VOTE FRAUD


The real bias in Wikipedia

Wikipedia's visionless, self-selected, value-light online encyclopedia is a 
deformed shadow of what the global public deserves, says former 
editor-in-chief of Encyclopædia Britannica, Robert McHenry.


Shameless, But the Real Shame Is If We Don't Act

But above all, don't forget what these strong, tough women of 9/11 have 
done for all of us. They've got more class and grit and character than Ann 
Coulter will ever know.


Caped Crusaders in a Comic Book War

Fresh and well-rested after their year-long vacation, our valiant 
crusaders­oil executives by day, freedom fighters by night­return to the 
world stage once again as Batman and Robin: The Caped Crusaders in a Comic 
Book War.


-muslim voice-

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