In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 :  Report on Guantanamo torture is released by Center for 
Constitutional Rights

The 51 page "Report on Torture and Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment 
of Prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba" is drawn from primary accounts given 
by current detainees and their American attorneys at the Guantánamo Bay 
prison. It catalogues conduct by U.S. officials in violation of the Geneva 
Conventions, which the Supreme Court recently applied to detainees in the 
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld decision.


9/11 :  CCR Report In Full

Report Details Recent Torture and Inhumane Treatment in Violation of U.S. 
Law and the Supreme Court’s Recent Hamdan Decision;


9/11 :  Report on Torture at Gitmo

Posted Jul 10, 2006 08:29 AM PST - Category: TORTURE SCANDAL

Groundbreaking 51-Page Report Details Recent Torture and Inhumane Treatment 
in Violation of U.S. Law and the Supreme Court’s Recent Hamdan Decision. 
Very slow feed but worth the wait.


9/11 :  Guantanamo prisoners won't be moved to US: White House

Criticism of the treatment of detainees has led to international calls to 
close Guantanamo, where three prisoners committed suicide on June 10. The 
White House says Guantanamo cannot be closed until its prisoners are either 
repatriated or tried.

So what happens if they are neither repatriated or tried? Untried, 
unconvicted, yet serving a life sentence?


9/11 :  Guantanamo Bay detainees face 'systematic' abuse

Prisoners at the US detention center at Guantanamo Bay have been subjected 
to "systematic physical, psychological, sexual, medical and religious 
abuse," according to a report released Monday by the Center for 
Constitutional Rights


9/11 :  Records Show Pentagon Silence Led to Prisoner Abuses

New documents show senior Defense officials ignored the request by military 
commanders to clarify interrogation methods.


Dictatorship :  Generalissimo Bush - A Clear And Present Danger To The Republic

The major crisis facing American democracy and its long-standing Republican 
form of government, especially the carefully crafted tri-partite separation 
of powers into executive, judicial and legislative, is at root the result 
of the deliberate conflation by President Bush and Vice President Cheney of 
the title commander in chief with the concept of generalissimo--a role 
exemplified by such benighted leaders as Mussolini and Franco in Europe, 
Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, and a host of Latin American dictators.


War Crime :  Amnesty accuses Algeria of torture

Human rights organisations issued regular denunciations of gas-rich Algeria 
during the 1990s civil strife, provoked by the army’s cancellation of 
elections that Islamists were set to win. The conflict left more than 
150,000 dead in violence blamed on both armed groups and security forces.


Iraq :  "Packing It In"

Lovely to watch how people like Cheney, and the minions who support his 
ilk, conveniently forget that there was no terrorism in Iraq prior to the 
US invasion/occupation. And one must love his "logic." For according to 
Cheney, "whether we complete the job or not in Iraq" his beloved 
"terrorism" will "continue" ... "only it'll get worse."


Newsweek's Man in Baghdad: Iraq Is "Doomed," Bush "Manages the News"

Rod Nordland, the chief foreign correspondent for Newsweek magazine and 
their Baghdad bureau chief from 2003 to 2005, gave an interview to Foreign 
Policy magazine in which he declared that "It's a lot worse over here [in 
Iraq] than is reported. The administration does a great job of managing the 
news." He claimed individual reporters have been "blacklisted" because the 
military wasn't happy with their stories while they were embedded. He also 
suggested many in the military don't want to see how awful it is in Iraq 
because they're wishful thinkers, they don't want to see a "doomed 
enterprise," and are "victims of their own propaganda."


Iraq says to ask U.N. to end US immunity

Iraq will ask the United Nations to end immunity from local law for U.S. 
troops, the government said on Monday, as the U.S. military named five 
soldiers charged in a rape-murder case that has outraged Iraqis.


Iraq to ask UN to end U.S. immunity after rape case

Iraq will ask the United Nations to end immunity from local law for U.S. 
troops, the human rights minister said on Monday, as the military named 
five soldiers charged in a rape-murder case that has outraged Iraqis.


Documents prove alleged Iraqi rape-murder victim was 14, not 20 as the 
military says

Documents obtained by Reuters on Sunday showed the rape victim was a minor 
aged just 14, and not over 20 as U.S. officials say. Abeer’s sister Hadeel 
was just six when she died of “several gunshot wounds”.


Iraq's Islamic Party accuses Iraqi police of murdering Muslim cleric

Iraq's Islamic Party claimed Saturday that the Iraqi police murdered a 
Muslim cleric on a security checkpoint in southern Iraq.


Iraq :  American Power in Mahmudiyah

Let this be a lesson to all the cannon fodder out there: don't get above 
your raising, don't emulate your betters. Law is for the lowly, not the 
great and good.


  In case you missed it: Iraq: Free Fire Zones

  Former US Marine Rob Serra spoke in CT in 2004. He had taken part in the 
invasion of Iraq the year before and he tells what first turned him against 
the war.


4 Minute Video: War Is Not A Game

This video is rapidly becoming a "defining" song for the peace movement. 
War Is Not A Game is written by combat veteran, emergency room physician, 
and congressional candidate Dr. Bill Durston.


Are Americans getting an accurate picture of what’s going on in Iraq?

It’s a lot worse over here [in Iraq] than is reported. The administration 
does a great job of managing the news.


Friendly fire death inquiry reopened

AN INQUIRY into the shooting of Iraq's trade minister's bodyguards by 
Australian troops has been reopened by the Defence Force after complaints 
from the Iraqi Government.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 9 July 2006.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier in ar-Ramadi.
    * US troops back pro-American Shi‘i sectarian militias, led by reputed 
death-squad chief Jalal as-Saghir, in day of sectarian rampage against 
Sunni Baghdad districts. News of sectarian massacres of Sunni residents of 
al-Jihad and al-Qadisiyah neighborhoods. Women and children reported gunned 
down by pro-American sectarians in al-Ghazaliyah district.
    * Three car bombs explode by Jaysh al-Mahdi militia headquarters in 
predominantly Shi‘i “Madinat as-Sadr” late Sunday afternoon.
    * Mysterious car bomb kills Iraqi nuclear scientist in al-Iskandariyah.
    * Resistance mortars pound joint US-Iraqi puppet army headquarters in 
    *  Thirty-three Sunnis reportedly pulled from homes and shot in streets 
in al-Jihad. . .
    *  Pro-American Shi‘i sectarians reportedly kill 18 in Baghdad’s 
al-Qadisiyah complex. .
    *  Resistance captures six Shi‘i sectarian gunmen; swarms of US 
helicopters prowl area in support of Shi‘i sectarians. . .
    * US-backed Shi‘i sectarian gunmen attack northwestern Baghdad’s 
al-Ghazaliyah district, indiscriminately shooting civilians in the streets 
. . .
    *  Fifty-seven Sunnis reported killed in US-backed Shi‘i sectarian 
rampage. . .
    * Muqtada as-Sadr condemns Shi‘i sectarian rampage, pledges to “bring 
to justice” those responsible, even if they were members of his Jaysh 
al-Mahdi militia. . .
    * Official report: 14 pro-American Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigade gunmen 
killed in day-long rampage. . .
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet “National Guards” southwest of Kirkuk.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet police in al-Mawsil.


Israeli Savagery in Gaza

People and governments of the world would be wise to heed the words of Pope 
Paul IV, "If you want peace, work for justice". As long as Israel is 
committed to ethnic cleansing, Palestinians will continue to fight for 
their survival.And what sane, honest and moral human being can truly blame 
them? Bishop Desmond Tutu once said: "If you are neutral in situations of 
injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has 
its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse 
will not appreciate your neutrality."


The Influence of Israel and its American Lobby over US Middle East Policy

The apparent ability of Israel, one of the world’s smallest countries, to 
shape the Middle East policies of the world’s remaining superpower has been 
a source of puzzlement, conjecture, and constant frustration on the part of 
those fighting for justice for the Palestinians and for the peoples of the 
region, as a whole.



A PALESTINIAN boy of 11 died yesterday after being shot in the chest in 
Israel's military operation in Gaza.

The Israelis are shooting anything that moves, even their own men.


Israel bars Palestinian Americans for first time since 1967

For the first time since 1967, Israel is preventing the entry of 
Palestinians with foreign citizenship, most of them Americans. Most of 
those refused entry are arriving from abroad, but have lived and worked for 
years in the West Bank. The Interior Ministry and Civil Administration made 
no formal announcement about a policy change, leaving returnees to discover 
the situation when they reach the border crossings.

This is our "friend", banning Americans.



"The detention of Hamas parliamentarians in the early hours of Thursday 
morning had been planned several weeks ago and received approval from Mazuz 
on Wednesday. "


Secret Weapons of Mass Destruction in Israel

Posted Jul 9, 2006 11:29 AM PST - Category: ISRAEL


FLASHBACK: Israeli Professor:

An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that Israel could avenge 
the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and other Europeans.

Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday, 
Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of hitting most 
European capitals with nuclear weapons.

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them 
at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals 
are targets of our air force."


4 Children Killed By Israeli Occupation Forces

One Palestinian was killed in another IDF attack in the Karni crossing and 
several others wounded.,7340,L-3273621,00.html


The Wahbas' last meal

It's a direct hit by the second missile fired by the excellent Israel Air 
Force pilot, and it comes right into the dining room through the ceiling. 
Fatma, three months pregnant, is killed on the spot by the shrapnel that 
hits her spine. Her brother, Dr. Ahmed, is also killed. His daughter-in-law 
miscarries her child, the little girl Farah is moderately injured and the 
baby of the family, Khaled, is critically injured in the head. A puddle of 
blood collects on the floor.


UN warns of Gazans' struggle to survive

He said in the north of Gaza Israeli forces had shot and destroyed rooftop 
water tanks and mains, while in the south more than 1,000 people had been 
forced to leave their homes. Rafah had no electricity because the army 
would not allow the UN to fix a minor fault, while the rest of Gaza had 
electricity for six hours a day.,,329525185-103552,00.html


'Apartheid Israel' worse than apartheid SA

The "apartheid Israel state" is worse than the apartheid that was conducted 
in South Africa, Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) president 
Willie Madisha said on Monday. He said Palestinians were being attacked 
with heavy machinery and tanks used in war, which had never happened in 
South Africa.


AFGHANISTAN : Half of all UK special forces set for Afghanistan

Another indication of just how well things are (not) going in Afghanistan.


Chemical warfare: Inside Britain's toxic house of horrors

Servicemen were deliberately subjected to lethal doses of poison in secret 
tests atPorton Down, an official report will admit this week.

The long-delayed "historical survey" of Porton Down finds that at least 
five sets of trials "may not have met the ethical standards required," The 
Independent on Sunday has learnt. They include one trial in which drops of 
a poison were placed on the skin of volunteers at a dosage level believed 
at the time to be fatal.

It is striking the extent to which these individuals were considered 
'disposable' by their government.


MI5 has secret dossiers on one in 160 adults

The Government was accused last night of hoarding information about people 
who pose no danger to this country, after it emerged that MI5 holds secret 
files on 272,000 individuals - a staggering one in 160 adults.


Dissident CIA faction 'exposed'

A HIGH-ranking Republican congressman has exposed what he sees as a 
dissident faction within the CIA that he says "intentionally undermined" 
the policies of US President George W Bush.


Hoekstra Says White House ‘Outside the Law'

The White House possibly broke the law by keeping intelligence activities a 
secret from the lawmakers responsible for overseeing them, the House 
Intelligence Committee chairman said yesterday.


Bush may have broken law over intelligence

The White House kept intelligence activities secret from the lawmakers 
responsible for overseeing them until whistleblowers revealed the 
programmes, the house intelligence committee chairman said yesterday.,,1816660,00.html


Saving face over ID

What do you get when you combine an ambitious IT scheme run by the 
government and a plan that threatens to ride roughshod over civil 
liberties? The answer is an unholy mess.,,2088-2261933,00.html


Man Arrested For Protesting Against War In Iraq

Victor Kittila, 55, of Eastpointe was standing near the road in Ferndale 
last week holding a sign that read "Honk if you want Bush Out," according 
to the Daily Tribune. Kittila lost the sign after police confiscated it and 
placed him under arrest.


Real-estate firm charged with favoring Whites

The Department of Housing and Urban Development alleges that Triple H. 
Realty of Lakewood, N.J., kept minority residents out of the nicer parts of 
a housing complex, provided them with poorer maintenance and subjected them 
to rules not applied to the white residents.

Racism in any form is wrong.


-muslim voice-

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