In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Palestinian Catastrophe, Then and Now

Under the pretext of forcing the release of a single soldier "kidnapped by 
terrorists" (or, if you prefer, "captured by the resistance"), Israel has 
done the following: seized members of a democratically elected government; 
bombed its interior ministry, the prime minister's offices, and a school; 
threatened another sovereign state (Syria) with a menacing overflight; 
dropped leaflets from the air, warning of harm to the civilian population 
if it does not "follow all orders of the IDF" (Israel Defense Forces); 
loosed nocturnal "sound bombs" under orders from the Israeli prime minister 
to "make sure no one sleeps at night in Gaza"; fired missiles into 
residential areas, killing children; and demolished a power station that 
was the sole generator of electricity and running water for hundreds of 
thousands of Gazans.


If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine

What the mainstream media hasn't been telling you.


Entire family of 12 wiped out in Israeli attack

DWEIR: Mohammad Akkash's voice cracks as he lists the names of his 10 
grandchildren who were killed just hours earlier in an Israeli air raid on 
his eldest son's home. "The youngest one, Safat, was just six months old. 
Is a six-month-old baby a resistance fighter?" he asks. A paunchy man with 
grizzled crew cut, short white beard and weather-beaten face, Akkash stares 
bleakly at the ground as he sits outside his home in this village west of
Nabatieh beneath a hastily erected awning to protect him and a dozen other 
male mourners from the noon sun.


 From my home, I saw what the 'war on terror' meant

An Israeli plane dropped a bomb on to the home of a Shia Muslim cleric. He 
was killed. So was his wife. So were eight of his children. One was 
decapitated. All they could find of a baby was its head and torso which a 
young villager brandished in fury in front of the cameras. Then the planes 
visited another home in Dweir and disposed of a family of seven.


Uncensored News Reports From Across The Middle East

Warning - This video contains images depicting the reality and horror of 
war and should only be viewed by a mature audience, Click here to view. 


US casts lone veto against UN resolution to stop Gaza attacks

U.S. vetoes U.N. condemnation of Israel

UNITED NATIONS -- The United States blocked an Arab-backed resolution 
Thursday that would have demanded Israel halt its military offensive in the 
Gaza Strip, the first U.N. Security Council veto in nearly two years.

see also:
Covering up Gaza

and U.S. Jewish, Christian groups back Lebanon operation


Daily Kos: Israel is NOT a COUNTRY ...

Interesting points raised here. Israel has no Constitution, although the 
proclamation of Indepdndence called for one, nor has Israel ever defined 
its borders.


Israel will start WWIII

Israel is freaking out because the AIPAC trial is on August 7th they are 
trying as hard as they can to start a massive war by attacking Lebanon and 
Palestine. Syria will be next. And Syria is not just going to roll over 
they have a legit army.

The Neocons know that their days are numbered. Bush is already trying to 
blame the capturing of Israeli soldiers on Iran. Note that When Palestine 
first captured a soldier what that means. It means people from Gaza, who 
had been attacked repeatedly, went and captured an Israeli soldier who is 
part of an illegal military occupation to begin with.



There is a splendid Talmudic saying that a single life is a universe. How 
absolutely wonderful in its insistence on the dignity of each human being, 
a reminder that no child of God should be forgotten, abused or die unmourned.

The 20th century, however, of all centuries in history, seemingly forgot 
this crucial legacy of the Abrahamic religions.


  Isreal's real intention is de-Arabisation of occupied Palestine

magine a group of high ranking generals who simulated for years Third World 
War scenarios in which they can move huge armies around, employ the most 
sophisticated weapons in their disposal and enjoy the immunity of a 
computerized headquarters from which they can direct their war games. Now 
imagine that they are informed that in fact there is no Third World War and 
their expertise is needed to calm down some of the nearby slums or deal 
with soaring crime in deprived townships and impoverished neighborhoods. 
And then imagine - in the final episode in my chimerical crisis - what 
happens when they find out how irrelevant have their plans been and how 
useless are their weapons in the struggle against the street violence 
produced by social inequality, poverty and years of discrimination in their 
society. They can either admit failure or decide none the less to use the 
massive and destructive arsenal at their disposal. We are witnessing today 
the havoc wreaked by Israeli generals who opted for latter course of action.


U.S.-Backed Israeli Policies Pursuing "End of Palestine"

MIT professor Noam Chomsky says the US and Israel are punishing 
Palestinians for electing Hamas, and says Hezbollah's capture of Israeli 
soldiers subjects Lebanese "to terror and possible extreme disaster" from 
Israeli strikes. We also get comments from Middle East analyst Mouin 
Rabbani in Jerusalem.


Israeli shelling kills Palestinian in Gaza

Israeli planes later destroyed a bridge in the central Gaza Strip, wounding 
a civilian, Palestinian security sources said. It was the fourth bridge 
destroyed by Israel since the offensive in Gaza began two weeks ago.


Israeli attacks against Lebanon Kills 63

Israel struck Beirut airport again on Friday and bombed Lebanese roads, 
power supplies and communication networks in a widening campaign .


Explosives-laden drone damages Israeli ship

An explosives-laden drone hit an Israel Navy warship off the coast of 
Beirut on Friday night, causing serious damage to its steering capability, 
Israel Defense Forces confirmed on Friday night.


9/11 :  Treatment of US suspects at home mirrors that of terror suspects in 
military custody

Human Rights advocates see discrepancies between the official US Government 
account and a non-government organization (NGO) “shadow report,” and cite 
disturbing examples of human rights abuses that have gone unchecked within 
the US and unreported by the official government report to the UN Human 
Rights Committee.


9/11 Video: Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, 
Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were 
committed in Iraq?


9/11 :  Are you stupid enough to believe one word from Bush & Cheney?

After years of Bush manure, who's naïve enough to believe any of the myriad 
lies from the White House —
• that the Bush-Cheney administration had no advance warning of a terrorist 
plot against America in the summer of 2001
• that nobody anticipated the breech of the levees in New Orleans
• that Saddam Hussein was connected to 9/11 (alternating with lies that 
nobody ever said that)
• that Congressmen and Senators have access to the same intelligence the 
White House sees
• that "the smoking gun could come in the form of a mushroom cloud"
• that Social Security is nearing a meltdown
• that anyone who leaks a CIA agent's identity would be fired from this 
• that "We do not engage in torture"
• that "Leave No Child Behind" has accomplished anything worthwhile
• that Bush-Cheney tax cuts helped anyone but the fabulously wealthy
• that the new prescription drug program helps seniors a fraction as much 
as it helps the pharmaceutical companies
• that Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job
• that the prisoners on Guantanamo aren't prisoners, or that they were 
captured on the battlefield
• that the US has disrupted "at least ten" terrorist plots against America
• that seemingly every Muslim captured or killed is the number three man in 
al Qaeda
• that warrantless monitoring of your every phone call, email, and bank 
transaction has something to do with an alleged war on terror
• that reporting on Bush-Cheney lawbreaking imperils national security
• that the Clean Air Act cleans the air
• on and on and on
• lies and lies and more lies
• and then, more lies.


Dictatorship POLICE STATE: Was 9/11 the Administration's Carte Blanche?

For the sake of keeping your private information private, there is no 
question that Americans have lived in a different world since 9/11. The 
FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security and Vice 
President’s office have the rights and the wherewithal to figure out what 
you’re up to on a day-to-day basis, be it terrorism or ping-pong.


'Devout Muslim' informer helped in Toronto terrorism-related arrests

A paid police informant who calls himself "an observant Muslim" infiltrated 
a group of men and youths arrested last month and charged with plotting to 
carry out bomb attacks and kidnappings around southern Ontario, CBC News 
has learned.

The informant, who spoke to Linden McIntyre of CBC's The Fifth Estate, is 
29-year-old Mubin Shaikh, a prominent member of Toronto's Indo-Canadian 
Muslim community. He was born in Canada to immigrant parents.




The making of a terror mole - How a sharia activist infiltrated the 
'Toronto 17' and helped authorities build a case against them

TORONTO ­ One night in October, a group of young Muslims gathered at a 
Toronto banquet hall and tried to raise money for two men who had recently 
been convicted of gun smuggling and imprisoned.

The ironic thing about all of this is that the books he is holding in the 
photo are well known Wahabi publications which are the embodiment of the 
most extremist, misogynist, women hating and intolerant interpretations of 
Islam circulating on the planet.
see photo at:


Iraq :  Weapon of mass destruction

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that Iraq, with a 
population of about 26 million, in the year 2000 had a total of 195,374 new 
cases of cancer and 126,677 cancer deaths, most of them children.


US Iraq War Costs May Rise by $406 Billion by 2016


War in Iraq Has Cost US Almost $400 Billion,5936,19791577%255E912,00.html


"You raped the country, why not the people?"

In the news they're estimating her age to be around 24, but Iraqis from the 
area say she was only 14.


Rape and Murder of Abeer Qassim Hamza: Bloody Reality of the U.S. Occupation


At least 43 killed as occupation of Iraq grinds on

Gunmen attacked an Iraqi army checkpoint 40 km south of Kirkuk in northern 
Iraq, killing 12 soldiers and wounding one, Iraqi army Major General Anwar 
Hamad Ameen said.


Iraqi Militia Leader Lashes Out at U.S. and Israel

Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr said on today that Iraqis would not “sit by 
with folded hands” while Israel struck at Lebanon, signaling a possible 
increase in attacks from his mercurial militia, the Mahdi Army.


U.S. accused of kidnappings in Iraq

Congress demands that the Pentagon release documents that could show U.S. 
forces kidnapped family members of terror suspects.


US may have kidnapped families of Iraqi detainees

A story in today's edition of Salon suggests that the kidnapping method may 
have been used systematically in the course of intelligence gathering 
through interrogations in the Iraq war.

Okay, so US forces have been kidnapping the children of captured Iraqis and 
torturing THEM to get the prisoners to confess to where the 'nookular' 
bombs were hidden.

Except that there never were any nookular bombs. Kafka fans take note.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 13 July 2006
    * US admits Apache helicopter down southwest of Baghdad midday Thursday.
    * Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in southwestern al-Mawsil.
    * Resistance fighters kill captain in puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry” 
along with pro American Badr Brigade gunmen, puppet police in ambush in 
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills Iraqi puppet “National Guard” soldier 
in western Baghdad.
    * Resistance fighters attack Iraqi puppet army checkpoint southwest of 
    * Pro-American Shi‘i sectarian gunmen murder nine Sunnis in Kirkuk.
    * Resistance bomb blasts joint patrol of puppet police, Kurdish 
separatist Peshmergah.
    * Resistance mortars bombard puppet police academy in al-Mawsil.
    * Resistance bomb kills puppet “Iraqi National Guard” in al-Mawsil.


Author of Iran insignia lie invited to White House

Canada's National Post has apologized for running a fabricated story that 
Iran passed a new law requiring Jews to wear a yellow insignia. Oddly 
enough, or maybe not so odd at that, the author of this deceit, Iranian 
exile journalist Amir Taheri, was invited to the White House on May 30 as 
one of a group of "Iraq experts" to consult with US President George W. Bush.


Bush's Spying Program to Be Reviewed


Corruptions :  Democratic Party leadership statements of support for Israel

Nancy Pelosi, $57,000 from pro-Israel PACs.
Steny Hoyer, $92,000 from pro-Israel PACs.
Harry Reid, $318,000 from pro-Israel PACs.
Alcee Hastings, $23,000 from pro-Israel PACs.
Robert Wexler, $11,000 from pro-Israel PACs.

Get the picture? Do you really get it yet?

This sort of behavior is what got Charles the First into trouble.



Well, Israel certainly wants war! But that is Israel. Why would the US 
Congress, which supposedly exists to serve the will of the AMERICAN people, 
be obeying the will of Israel?

Well, maybe because Israel's lobbying/spying organization, AIPAC, is PAYING 

You heard me. Members of AIPAC, the organization suspected of spying for 
Israel, donate vast sums of money to the members of US Congress. And the US 
Congress has sold our young men and women in uniform to go off and fight 
and die in wars Israel has created.

So, here is what you need to do. You need to call all of your congressional 
representatives and tell them they can either work for AIPAC, or they can 
work for you, but you will not tolerate a Congress that accepts money from 
suspected spies of a foreign government and then quite obviously proceeds 
to serve the will of that government. Tell them that not only will you 
never again vote for any Congressman that accepts money from Israeli agents 
but that you intend to work for and support their opposition next election. 
Tell them better no government at all than a government that serves a 
foreign power.

Get angry. Who is Congress listening to? It is time to make certain 
Congress listens to you!


US 'could be going bankrupt'

The United States is heading for bankruptcy, according to an extraordinary 
paper published by one of the key members of the country's central bank


AWOL troops double since 9/11

Posted Jul 14, 2006 08:14 AM PST - Category: WAR/DRAFT


A republic, if we can keep it

The War of Independence isn’t over by a long shot. In fact, the latest 
edition of U.S. fascism has slipped into the mainstream of the United 
States largely undetected.


WACO: The Rules of Engagement

he first full-length documentary film to present the complete picture of 
the series of events outside Waco, Texas during 1993 that resulted in the 
shooting of 4 federal agents and the deaths of 86 men, women, and children 
of the Branch Davidian religious sect.


-muslim voice-

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