In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

All Islamic states except Iran are controlled by US administration

By Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar

07/30/06 "<>Information Clearing 
House" -- -- The House of Saud’s weapon is money. The petro-dollar can buy 
a lot of silence. In the Arab world nothing critical about it is allowed to 
be published. Even the so called independent Arab press in Europe and US 
are afraid of saying anything even remotely critical of it. If one dares to 
go and publish an article critical of it, the author is automatically 

It is OK to criticise the US, Israel, UK, France, Iran or any other non 
Arab country, as long as it is not the House of Saud or Arab regimes 
friendly to it. Recently I wrote an article (“When will the House of Saud 
feel safe?”) questioning the Saudi Arabia’s huge ($268.6 billion) military 
expenditure. Up to this point some well known press agencies were happy to 
publish my previous articles that were critical of Israel and US. But this 
time they all refused to publish the article. I subsequently was black 
listed. All except one refused even to give me an answer or a reason. The 
only response that I got is the following:

“First, xxxx does not publish articles calling for regime change in any 
Arab-Muslim country. The horrors of the regime change in Iraq provide the 
explanation. We don’t want to contribute to the neo-con permanent war 

Second, why singling out Saudi Arabia? What about the rest of the GCC 
countries, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, 
Mauritania… etc.? There’s no Arab or Muslim state today (except Iran) that 
is NOT under the US hegemony. What you said about Saudi Arabia can be said 
about all of them. ”

This above response is from one of the most popular English Arab online 
news and analysis providers. The Editor asked why I single out Saudi Arabia 
and not others. It is because the Saudi Arabia’s actions and money have 
caused and are causing so much suffering for the rest of the Muslim world. 
The rest of the GCC countries live under the shadow of the Saudi Arabia. 
The other Arab country that is as important as Saudi Arabia is Egypt. Egypt 
is not only the intellectual centre of the Arab world it is its most populous.

Egypt and the Last Pharaoh

Today Egypt is run by President Hosni Mubarak (born May 4, 1928), the 
Supreme Commander, (and at wartime) Field Marshal of the army, Admiral of 
the navy, Chief Air Marshal (Colonel General) of the Air Forces and Air 
Defence Forces.

Mubarak is a military man, through and through. He received his bachelor’s 
degree from Egyptian Military Academy in 1949. In 1950 he started his 
studies at Air Force Academy, where he eventually obtained a bachelor’s 
degree in Aviation Sciences. Later he attended pilot training in the former 
Soviet Union. After his training he started to rise in the ranks from 
bomber pilot to base commander, and later to the position of Commander of 
the Air Force and deputy minister of war (1972). Mubarak was appointed as 
Vice-President in 1975.

On October 6, 1981, a few army officers and enlisted men, shouting "Death 
to the Pharaoh!" assassinated Anwar Sadat, president of Egypt since 1970. 
The assassins were all members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Sadat like all 
his predecessors was a dictator. His death was mourned more in the West 
than in Egypt. He presided over a corrupt and dictatorial regime that prior 
to his assassination had arrested and imprisoned thousand of intellectuals, 
Islamists, university professors, journalists, students, and anyone else 
who disagreed with him.

After Sadat’s assassination, Mubarak became president. Mubarak is perhaps 
one of the longest serving “presidents” in the world. He has reigned for 
the past 25 years. He, with the help of the military and the Egyptian 
secret services, has “won” every election since 1981.

Mubarak has been a good friend of the United States and has been friendly 
towards Israel. In return, Egypt has received considerable U.S. financial 
and military aid. But since the American largesse has mostly benefited the 
military and the ruling elite, the ordinary Egyptians’ attitude to United 
States has remained hostile.

Often Egyptian ideas and sentiments set the tone for the discussions in the 
Arab world. The ideas such as Arab Nationalism, Muslim Brotherhood, and 
Arab independence mostly originated in Egypt. Egyptians are heavily 
involved in international anti-American movements. The number two of 
Alqaeda, Mr. Ayman Zahahiri is an Egyptian. Prior to joining al-Qaeda, he 
was a member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, and later a member of the 
Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

Egyptians, except a short period (1924-1936), have not experienced 
democracy. Over the years, their demands and wishes for a representative 
government have been met by brutal suppressions. The recent riots, strikes 
and demonstrations are the manifestation of their continuing desire for 

The 78 year old Mr. Mubarak is now thinking about retirement. He is 
preparing his 42 years old son Gamal Mubarak to take over the presidency. 
The official press is trying hard to convince whoever that is willing to 
listen, about how great Mubarak Junior is. The press keeps quite about the 
corruption, nepotism and cronyism that have come to define the rule of Mr. 

While people riot, journalists, Judges and opposition leaders are arrested 
and tortured, the press discusses the dress of Mubarak Junior’s fiancé. The 
24 year old Ms. Khadiga el-Gammal (popularly known as Belinda) recently 
accompanied the 42 year old Egyptian heir apparent, Gamal Mubarak (referred 
to by friends as Jimmy), to the World Economic Forum on the Middle East.

One can only assume that the 15 million (official) Egyptians that live 
bellow the poverty line along with millions of unemployed and 
under-employed citizens appreciated the contribution of “Jimmy and Belinda” 
to the World Economic Forum. One can only hope that “Jimmy and Belinda” 
will do something to reduce the government’s huge (9% of GDP) budget deficit.

If it wasn’t so tragic, it would have been extremely funny to read some of 
the analysis that the US papers have been publishing about the future 
President of Egypt and his fiancé. For example look at what Seattle Times 
had to say about the events in Egypt.

“The ruling National Democratic Party has pitched Gamal Mubarak as a 
familiar name and face who says all the right things about revamping his 
father's staid system. He recently was named a deputy secretary general of 
the party, and this month he made an unofficial visit to Washington, where 
he met with President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

El-Gammal contributes much to his chances of success, analysts say. She 
adds a glamorous new face to the authoritarian regime and lends seriousness 
to the younger Mubarak's reputation. Some note that she shares the name of 
the Prophet Muhammad's first wife and wonder if an effort to appease 
Egypt's vast Islamist movement factored into the match.”

It is amazing to see that anyone would utter such nonsense let alone a 
major newspaper print it. Do the analysts really believe that just because 
she is called Khadiga, Islamist movements in Egypt are going to forget 
about the lack of democracy, corruption, torture and so on?

Another “excellent” report on Egypt was provided by Houston Chronicle on 
27th of May. It had this to say:

“In a country whose first ladies have included Cleopatra, a Hungarian 
countess and the Turkish granddaughter of the last Ottoman sultan, it's 
only natural that Egyptians clamoured for a glimpse of el-Gammal, the 
daughter of a wealthy Cairo construction magnate.

But interest in her and the son of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is more 
than gossip. Although Gamal Mubarak has denied that he'll follow his father 
into the presidency, analysts say few other contenders have the political 
clout to mount an effective campaign.”

What the journalist forgot to mention is that before each election, most of 
the contenders find themselves in prison.

In Egypt, as in Saudi Arabia, the corruption starts at the top and trickles 
down to the rest of the society. Those that resist it are harshly punished 
and those that accept it are rewarded. The corruption has seeped into every 
part of the society, especially the press. Egyptian press faces the same 
charges of corruption as the rest of the society. Al-Amir Abaza, a 
journalist with both Al-Qahera and Al-Siyasi newspapers explains the 
problem like this:

“Media is part of the whole process, so you can’t fix it without addressing 
the ills of society,” says Ragab. “Theoretically, the media should help 
reform society, but in practice it can do nothing when it is so corrupt 
itself, when those who run it don’t live up to their responsibilities. We 
need a new generation of decent, honest writers ­ writers who care. We need 
an earthquake to shake up the whole system.”

The opposition Kifaya and the Muslim brotherhood are trying to bring about 
such an earthquake. And when that happens, people in the West will mourn 
the passing of another “moderate” Arab government in the Middle East, 
Wondering what happened.

Meanwhile the Arab streets are simmering with anger. The rulers of Saudi 
Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, having tacitly approved the Israeli actions in 
Gaza and Lebanon are now trying to cover their tracks by calling the whole 
thing a tragedy. They tried to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, 
and are now sorry.

These leaders, now more than ever, are relying on the support of the US to 
shore-up their shaky governments. United States just announced that it is 
going to sell another $6 billion worth of Arms to Saudi Arabia, and 
extended its Religious Rights Sanctions waiver for that country. “The 
waiver for Saudi Arabia is the only time Washington has avoided punishing a 
blacklisted country under a 1998 law targeting violators of religious 
rights”. No-one can find a bigger violator of the religious rights on this 
earth than Saudi Arabia, and it gets the waiver. It is a joke!

The Arabs should know that they can not rely on US for democratic change. 
The constant talk about democracy coming out of Washington is for US public 
consumption and not the Arab people. The Arabs have to rely on themselves 
and not wait for external help otherwise they will wait for another 50 
years. Perhaps Arabs should listen to what Malcolm X said in 1965: “Nobody 
can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. 
If you're a man, you take it.”

Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar lives in Norway. He is a consultant and a contributing 
writer for many online journals. He's a former associate professor of 
Nordland University, Norway. 



-muslim voice-

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