In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Pope Bashes Islam and Prophet Muhammad

EGENSBURG, Germany ­ In what some immediately saw as a serious diversion 
from the rapprochement approach of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI on 
Tuesday, September 12, said the Islamic concepts of "Jihad" was 
unreasonable and against God's nature.

Using the words, "Jihad" and "Holy War" in lecture at the University of 
Regensburg, the pontiff quoted criticism of Prophet Muhammad (peace and 
blessing be upon him) by a 14th Century Byzantine Christian emperor, 
reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find 
things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword 
the faith he preached," Benedict quoted Manuel II.


Pope's remarks on Islam pointlessly upset a billion Muslims

RABAT - Pope Benedict XVI pointlessly upset a billion Muslim faithful by 
launching an "attack" on Islam, according to Thursday's edition of the 
independent Moroccan daily "Aujourd'hui". The newspaper urged the pope, as 
political leader of the Roman Catholic Church, to "quickly prove that his 
ambition is not to spark a war of religions by pointlessly upsetting almost 
a billion faithful". The pontiff launched a thinly veiled attack on Islam 
and the concept of holy war or jihad in a speech in Germany on Tuesday, 
quoting a 14th-century Christian emperor who said the Prophet Mohammed had 
brought the world "evil and inhuman" things.

"Pope Benedict XVI has a strange approach to the dialogue between 
religions. He is being provocative," the paper said in its daily editorial 

"The global outcry over the calamitous cartoons (of the Prophet Mohammed) 
have only just died down and now the pontiff, in all his holiness, is 
launching an attack against Islam," it said.

There was a wave of protests throughout the Muslim world after a Danish 
newspaper published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in September 2005 that 
were then reproduced by a string of other publications across Europe.


UN Honors Racist Dictator Who Boils People Alive With "Cultural Diversity" 

UNESCO gives Karimov "diversity" award - despite the fact he tortures 
innocent Muslims to death for fun and political kickbacks from Bush and 
Blair, who use phony confessions for war on terror propaganda.


9/11 : Where is the evidence?

There are many problems with the 9/11 debate. Many different interests are 
using 9/11 to advance their agendas. Security interests use fear generated 
by 9/11 to erode civil liberties and establish the foundations of a police 
state. Federalist Society members in pursuit of a stronger executive use 
9/11 to justify concentrating power in the White House, power that violates 
the separation of powers in the US Constitution.


9/11 : A Visit with a Man Wrongly Detained at Guantanamo

Murat Kurnaz was detained in the United States detention camp at 
Guantánamo, Cuba, for almost five years and released three weeks ago. Cem 
Özdemir, a member of the European Parliament, visited Kurnaz at his home in 
Bremen and reports back about a German man of Turkish origin who appears to 
be anything but a fanatic.


Why it matters what definition of torture we use.

The proposed Bush standard—detainees cannot be subjected to treatment that 
"shocks the conscience"—certainly sounds like it precludes torture. One 
would imagine that it would also extend to what professor Marty Lederman 
calls "torture light": exposure to extreme temperatures, stress positions, 
threats to kill the prisoner's family, the stacking up of naked bodies, 
threats with dogs, and water-boarding.

If we can agree on anything, can't we agree that what we saw at Abu Ghraib 
shocked the conscience?

But "shocks the conscience" is a significant departure from the language of 
the Geneva Conventions, which (in now-famous Common Article 3) bars 
''outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading 
treatment." And that's why Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., John Warner, R-Va., 
and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., are still blocking the White House's efforts to 
cut and paste their new definition of torture onto the law.


Terrorist democracy?

Though the power of the Israeli lobby in the U.S. can make it seem that 
both nations are one, there is a separation when it comes to paying the 
price for their common supremacist madness. While neither of these twins of 
global terror really benefit from their perverse relationship, one does 
absorb a far greater cost. Part of that is money, and part is the loss of 
life in the invasion of foreign nations, and the experience of 911. The 
expense will become even greater in the near future, and could cause 
depression which would not simply be in the individually profitable mental 
area, but in the far more costly physical, social realm.


Video: The Trials of Henry Kissinger: The Making Of A War Criminal

"A fascinating, bombshell documentary that should shame Americans, 
regardless of whether or not ultimate blame finally lies with Kissinger. 
Should be required viewing for civics classes and would-be public servants 


The Experts Say: It's a Police State

Critics of the policies of George W. Bush are often greeted with this 
response: "Who are you to denounce the president? Don't you think he's 
privy to more information than you are? Don't you think he has all kinds of 
experts giving him the full picture, which you will never know?"

OK, fair enough. Let's see what the experts -- those privy to the full 
picture, to the secret intelligence, those long schooled in policy and 
analysis -- have to say. For example, what does the man who was George W. 
Bush's director of homeland defense on the National Security Council on 
September 11, 2001, think of the "war on terror" launched by George W. Bush 
after September 11, 2001?


Terrorist Network Disconnect

George Bush’s new argument that Iran and Hezbollah are part of the same 
terrorist network as al-Qaida turns the recent history of international 
politics on its head to cover up a truth that makes the Bush administration 
extremely uncomfortable.


IAEA protests "erroneous" U.S. report on Iran- House of Reps accused of 
serious distortions of IAEA findings on Iran's activity

U.N. inspectors have protested to the U.S. government and a Congressional 
committee about a report on Iran's nuclear work, calling parts of it 
"outrageous and dishonest," according to a letter obtained by Reuters.

see also: Iranian ambassador challenges his US counterpart to nuclear debate


I Hope That We May Find the Courage...

The United States is a weaker power now, especially in the Middle East, but 
also in the court of world opinion. Where is the America of restraint, of 
peace and of inspiration to millions? Where is the America respected not 
only for her military might, but also for her powerful ideas and her 
reasonable diplomacy?


In praise of the 'subversive' documentary

My own films have been shown all over the world, but never on network 
television in the United States. That suppression of alternative viewpoints 
may help us understand why millions of Americans display such a chronic 
ignorance of other human beings.


The Modern Successor to the Slave Trade

Five rich countries manufacture the vast majority of the world's weapons. 
In 2005, Russia, the United States, France, Germany and the UK accounted 
for an estimated 82 per cent of the global arms market. And it's big 
business: the amount rich countries spend on fighting HIV/Aids every year 
represents just 18 days' global spending on arms.


US denied causing 'disaster' by invading Iraq US denied causing 'disaster' 
by invading Iraq

The White House begged to differ after UN chief Kofi Annan said Middle 
Eastern leaders had called the invasion of Iraq "a disaster" for the region.

"I'm not going to engage in a further disputation with the secretary 
general of the United Nations, but we disagree with the characterization," 
White House spokesman Tony Snow said, while acknowledging "sectarian 
violence" in Iraq.

"How DARE Annan speak the truth as he sees it?" - Official White Horse Souse.


Pentagon concludes US defeated in key Iraqi province

A series of Pentagon and other government documents either released or 
leaked in the last week have underscored the deepening debacle confronting 
the US occupation of Iraq.


General says he lacks troops to defeat insurgency in Anbar province

The commanding general of coalition forces in Iraq's Anbar province said 
Tuesday that he had enough troops for his mission - training and recruiting 
Iraqi forces - but not enough to defeat the insurgency.


Three Italian soldiers indicted for civilian deaths in Iraq

Three Italian soldiers have been indicted by a military tribunal in Rome 
for the 2004 killing of four civilians in an ambulance in Iraq, the Italian 
media reported on Thursday.


Officer Recommends Marine Stand Trial For Iraqi's Death

Seven Marines and one Navy corpsman are accused of kidnapping 52-year-old 
Hashim Ibrahim Awad, taking him to a roadside hole and shooting him to 
death April 26 in Hamdania, west of Baghdad.


2 US Soldiers Among 17 Dead in Iraq


45 Iraqis, 3 GIs Dead as Wave of Violence Continues


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 13 September 2006.

    * Resistance shoots down US helicopter near Rawah Wednesday evening.
    * American sniper kills 6-year-old Iraqi girl on her way to school.
    * Resistance ambush of US patrol near al-Hadithah leaves two Americans 
reported dead.
    * Four US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in ‘Anah in 
western Iraq.
    * Bodies of 60 victims of savage torture by Shi‘i sectarian death 
squads found in various parts of Baghdad.
    * Resistance car bomb blasts puppet police patrol at eastern entrance 
to “Green Zone.”
    * Fierce fighting reported in al-Hawijah Wednesday night.
    * US carries out mass raids and arrests in ar-Ramadi Wednesday.
    * Resistance fighters target Iraqi puppet troops in ar-Ramadi Wednesday 
    * Resistance rockets pound two major US bases in ar-Ramadi 
simultaneously Wednesday afternoon.
    * US, Iraqi puppet forces raid, search neighborhoods in western 
    * Resistance bombs target puppet police in Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb kills three puppet police in eastern Baghdad.
    * Powerful Resistance bomb targets puppet army recruiting station at 
al-Muthanna Airport.
    * Resistance car bomb blasts puppet police patrol at eastern entrance 
to “Green Zone.”
    * Resistance bomb targets Iraqi puppet “National Guards” in Balad.
    * Resistance fighters ambush motorcade of Iraqi puppet “Defense Minister.”
    * Fierce fighting reported in al-Hawijah Wednesday night.


50 killed in violence in occupied Afghanistan

NATO nations failed to agree on calls by military commanders for 2,500 
extra troops to help crush the growing Taliban-led "insurgency" in occupied 
Afghanistan, where at least 50 people were killed Wednesday in widespread 


Taliban push in western Afghanistan kills 4, Poland to deploy 900 troops

Taliban militants attacked police headquarters in western Afghanistan on 
Thursday, raising fears that insurgents fleeing NATO attacks in the south 
are opening new fronts. Two police and two militants were killed.


Palestinian killed by Israeli occupation forces

Medical sources said the local resident was shot in the head and chest at 
the entrance to his house, where he bled to death because the Israeli 
military prevented an ambulance from accessing the area.


Report: Of 307 Palestinians killed in Gaza,

80 percent were civilians with no link to terror activity,7340,L-3303668,00.html


Non-Aligned Movement demands Israeli military withdrawal from Gaza

The Non-Aligned Movement demanded at a summit in Havana that Israel 
withdraw its troops from Gaza, release jailed Palestinian officials and 
repair damage caused by its military operations.


Palestinians forced to scavenge for food on rubbish dumps

The Israeli military and economic siege of Gaza has led to a collapse in 
Palestinian living conditions and many people only survive by looking for 
scraps of food in rubbish dumps, say international aid agencies.


Gaza's poor struggling to survive in the face of an economic blockade

Though she wasn't expecting visitors, Itidal al-Nazli, 35, was happy to 
display the sparse contents of her refrigerator. Despite the daily and 
lengthy interruptions to electricity supply since the Israelis bombed 
Gaza's only power station in early July, it's where she still stores the 
more perishable food for her family of 10 children. Yesterday morning, 
after the family had breakfasted on two large potatoes and an aubergine 
donated by a kindly neighbour, it contained six rather shrivelled peppers, 
a bag of coffee, three olives in a bowl, a bag of charcoal, and three bags 
containing crusts of bread.


Israeli MP calls for ethnic cleansing of Palestinian's

It was the first time that Eitam, who heads the Religious Zionism faction 
within the National Union, has publicly supported deportation of 
Palestinians, a concept espoused by assassinated National Union founder 
Rehavam Ze'evi as "transfer."


Olmert should have more of an insight than most into terrorism

Sixty years ago the sort of atrocity that Israel's leaders habitually 
condemn helped bring the country into being


Israeli commander says, what the IDF did was "crazy and monstrous"

Soldiers in the artillery corps testified that the IDF used phosphorous 
shells, which many experts say is prohibited by international law.


Hizbullah ministers did the right thing by publicly shunning Blair

As the Israeli Air Force was raining death and destruction on innocent 
civilians across this country, Blair was indifferent because all he could 
think about were the Hizbullah rockets headed the other way, weapons which 
caused a tiny fraction of the casualties and damage sustained in Lebanon.


Blair hit by Lebanon backlash as minister admits ceasefire 'mistake'

The war lasted 34 days. It left 1,393 people dead. Another 5,350 injured. 
And more than 1,150,000 displaced, of whom 215,413 are still homeless. The 
damage amounts to more than £2.6bn. Exactly one month after it ended, a 
Foreign Office minister admits that Tony Blair should have called for a 


Syria Says US Behind Attack On Own Embassy

The official charged that Washington had orchestrated the attack to "prove 
Syria is filled with terrorists and to put us in a weak position" in order 
to extract political concessions. Following the attack, Bush administration 
officials said they hoped the incident had convinced Damascus of the 
dangers of Islamic terror and the need to cooperate with the West against 
the phenomenon.


-muslim voice-

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