         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

West Hypocrisy : Blame the war not Muslims for integration in the west

Mr Reid attributed the spread of violence to Islamic extremism, asking
Muslims to do their part in a "battle of values," the Home Office said.

"These fanatics are looking to groom and brainwash children, including
your children, for suicide bombing, to kill themselves in order to
murder others. Look for the telltale signs now and talk to them before
their hatred grows and you risk losing them forever. In protecting our
families we are protecting our community."

Ironically enough Mr. Reid's remarks came shortly after Corporal Donald
Payne admitted at a court martial the war crime of inhumanely treating
Iraqi civilian detainees.  Payne, 35, of the Queen's Lancashire
Regiment, had been accused of repeatedly banging the head of Baha Mousa,
a 26-year-old Iraqi hotel worker, against a wall and floor until Mousa

Payne, who denied the accusation, called his Iraqi prisoners in the jail
in Basra "the choir". He actually invited his friends to hear them
shriek with the pain he inflicted upon them. "Corporal Payne enjoyed
conducting what he called the choir," Julian Bevan QC told the court
martial, which is taking place at Bulford Camp, in Wiltshire. "It was
all done very openly."


It Depends On Your Definition Of "Free" 

Bush Gives 15 Million Muslims More Reasons to Hate Us


9/11 : Not My Son in Video, Declares Atta Senior

In fairness, you'd think the corporate media would hear out Muhammad al-
Amir al-Sayd Atta, father of patsy hijacker Mohammed Atta, who has told
the Saudi daily al-Watan the latest intelligence video fabrication,
allegedly showing Mohammed and Ziad Jarrah, is a crass fake. 

“The video-testament of my son is false and I continue to believe he is
innocent,” Atta said. 

“There is a big difference between this photo and the images shown by
the Americans-that one is not my boy…. “The Americans tampered with and
falsified that video … they want to change the truth in order to achieve
their goals in the Middle East.”


9/11 : Condi's Conundrum - Is she lying about her pre-9/11 briefing
warning of a terrorist attack?

The 9/11 narrative contains all kinds of weird anomalies, such as this -
and not to mention this, which has one of the five Israelis apprehended
in the New York metropolitan area who were observed jumping for joy at
the downing of the World Trade Center admitting that (1) they were
accused of being Mossad agents, and (2) "Our purpose was to document the
event." Sounds like at least a hint of foreknowledge to me, but then
nothing of this was so much as mentioned in the 9/11 Commission report.
U.S. government officials forced to comment on reports in the mainstream
media that the Israelis had at least some foreknowledge of the 9/11
terrorist attacks dismissed them as an "urban myth."



On December 8, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt addressed the US
Congress the day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. He said that
"date....will live in infamy" because of what the naval and air forces
of the Empire of Japan did. Two and one-half months later on February
19, 1942, FDR himself committed an infamous act signing into law
Executive Order 9066 which authorized the internment of 120,000 Japanese
civilians, two-thirds of whom were US citizens. These Americans
committed no crimes and were only "guilty" of being of Japanese ancestry
and thus by presidential edict were judged potential enemies of the
state. Because of FDR's action, these otherwise ordinary peace-loving
Americans lost all their sacred constitutional protections including
habeas corpus and their rights of trial by jury and to own and keep
their property. They also lost all their other freedoms and were treated
like criminals. They were sent against their will to concentration camps
where they were interned for the duration of the war until 1946.


Welcome to Fascist America!

My fellow Americans, it's official now: We live in a fascist nation.

Now, the term "fascist" has been thrown around over the last fifty years
in a loose way that has drained it of much of its meaning. If someone
wanted to cut 5% off of a leftist professor's favourite welfare
programme, the professor would call his opponent a "fascist." I'm not
using the word like that. I mean honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned,
1930s style fascism, featuring such old favourites as:

Secret prisons - they're back! Torture - we're doing it. Spying on all
citizens. Arrests and indefinite imprisonment without trial. Rampant
militarism. Secret detention. Enforced disappearance. Denial and
restriction of habeas corpus. Prolonged incommunicado detention. Unfair
trial procedures.


Torture and fascism - [Nazi torture implements. From Museum of World War

It wasn't exactly a coincidence that my Adbusters piece earlier this
year on fascism and the American right ran in the magazine's issue on
torture. Though the piece doesn't specifically discuss torture, the
subject of the piece -- "Is right-wing America becoming fascist?" --
constitutes the bottom line of the ramifications of the emergence of the
United States as a bona fide torture state.


A Soul Defying, Tacit Approval Of Torture: How Did We Come To This? 

For most of us, the price we would have to pay for confronting authority
would be far too prohibitive; hence, we learn it is acceptable (as well
as politically useful to our power mad leaders) to displace our anger
and fear upon outsiders. Ergo, the so-called Clash of Civilizations is
unloosed and slouches, by way of the Washington Beltway, to Iraq, Iran
and beyond to be born.


Britain: Observer claims threats by Washington prompted Heathrow terror

The August 10 terror scare at Heathrow airport was triggered by the
decision of US intelligence “to seize the key suspect in the UK’s
biggest ever anti-terrorism operation and fly him to a secret detention
centre for interrogation by American agents.”


In case you missed it: Video: Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons 

Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic
Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the
horrors that were committed in Iraq?


Congressional cop-out

Congress faced a choice last week between constitutional courage and
cowardice. It chose cowardice, and renounced the Founding Fathers. Those
who risked and gave that last full measure of devotion at Valley Forge,
Gettysburg and Normandy would be ashamed. The Republic is withering in
foolish imitation of Rome.


Dictatorship : Legal definition of "terrorist" starts to expand

When the law allowing torture and detaining of terrorists without
judicial review was passed, I predicted that exactly what constituted a
terrorist was likely to grow, including more and more activities, thus
subjecting the accused to legal persecutions without the protection of
the Bill of Rights.

Well, I hate being right all the time, but this particular legislation
allows the government to declare someone a terrorist if they expose
inhumane treatment of animals, thereby resulting in financial loss to
the abuser.


HR 4239 Could Label You as a Terrorist. If you expose a wrong doer who
is abusing animals

Update 9/30/06: The Senate companion bill S3880 passed as amended on the
night of 9/29/06 by Unanimous Consent. That means not one Senator
opposed the bill. There was an amendment made at the last minute, but it
was not substantial enough to protect your Free Speech. The House
adjourned for recess without taking any action, so it will still have to
go over to the House during the next session which begins Nov. 9 and may
last until Christmas.  It is more imperative than ever that you contact
your Representative in the House and ask them to vote against this


The March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern

The Pentagon has already drawn up plans for U.S. sponsored attacks on
Iran and Syria.3 Despite the public posturing of diplomacy by the United
States and Britain, just like the Iraq Invasion, Iran and Syria sense
another Anglo-American war in the horizon. Both countries have been
strengthening their defenses for the eventuality of war with the Anglo-
American alliance.


The Arrogant, the Misguided and the Cowards - Out of Iraq, Out with Bush

We the people of the United States have a unique opportunity. We can
show each other and the world that what the Bush administration claims
is their mission is not ours. And, by leading our country as a citizenry
and demanding of our government an immediate end to our own military and
profit investments in Iraq, display for the entire world that democracy
is a government of the people.


“World Can’t Wait…Drive Out the Bush Regime!” 

Help stop the Iran attack - Be There on Oct. 5


Twenty-one reasons Iraq is not working

This week, the count of American war dead in Iraq passed 2,700. The
Iraqi dead are literally uncountable. Iraq is the tragedy of our times,
an event that has brought out, and will continue to bring out, the worst
in us all. It is carnage incarnate. Every time the US president mentions
"victory" these days, the word "loss" should come to our minds. A few
more victories like this one and the world will be an unimaginable

Back in 2004, the head of the Arab League, Amr Mussa, warned: "The gates
of hell are open in Iraq." Then it was just an image. Remarkably enough,
it has taken barely two more years for us to arrive at those gates on
which, it is said, is inscribed the phrase, "Abandon hope, all ye who
enter here."


Abramoff knew about war on Iraq a year before it happened

Isn't it just super how slime like Jack Abramoff knew there would be a
war in Iraq ONE FULL YEAR before it started!

When it comes to incriminating documents for impeachment, this is as
good as it gets.


Iraqi police unit linked to militias 

Iraqi authorities have taken a brigade of up to 700 policemen out of
service and put members under investigation for "possible complicity"
with death squads following a mass kidnapping earlier this week, the
U.S. military said Wednesday.


Car and road bombs hit year high in Iraq: US military 

The past week has seen the highest number of car bombs and roadside
bombs in Iraq than at any time this year, said a US military spokesman


Iraqi in tears recalling 'abuse'  

An Iraqi security guard broke down in tears while telling a court
martial how he was allegedly beaten by UK soldiers.


General: U.S. Army in danger 

The Iraq war has left the U.S. military in critical condition, stretched
beyond its limits in manpower and equipment and in danger of "breaking,"
retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey said Tuesday.


Baghdad push takes deadly toll on U.S. troops 

In the second month of a security crackdown in the capital, U.S.
military casualties appear to be rising, even as deaths among Iraqi
security forces have fallen, according to U.S. military sources and


23,416 US Casualties in U.S War in Iraq 

If you really want to gauge the toll of the Iraq War on the American
public, you have to read the local newspapers.


Occupied Iraq: 9,000 people being displaced each week 

he International Organization for Migration says nearly 190,000 people
in the 15 central and southern provinces of Iraq have been displaced by
violence since the bombing in late February in Samarra.


9,000 Iraqis Displaced Each Week, 190,000 Since February


At least 44 killed in another bloody day of U.S. Occupation in Iraq 

At least 14 people were killed and 75 wounded in a car bomb attack in
central Baghdad which interior ministry sources said targeted the convoy
of Iraq's industry minister.


Two More U.S. Troops Killed In occupied Iraq 

U.S. Death Toll Since Saturday Hits 17


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 3 October 2006. 

      * US warplanes savage residential areas of ar-Ramadi on Tuesday
        night.  Fierce fighting rages in ar-Ramadi midday Tuesday. 
      * Resistance blasts US and Iraqi troops with more than 40 rockets
        and mortar shells every day, says Iraqi puppet commander in al-
        Anbar Province. 
      * Deadly Resistance car bomber blasts US patrol in Abu Ghurayb
        midday Tuesday. 
      * Sufi Resistance fighters post communiqué on first armed
        operation in Kirkuk, killing pro-American Shi'i sectarian Da'wah
        Party commander. 
      *  Resistance bomb near al-Fallujah wounds two US Marines Tuesday
      *  Resistance mortars pound puppet “National Guard” checkpoint in
        tribal area in al-Fallujah. 
      * US forces arrest 32 local residents in Baghdad's al-Ghazaliyah
        neighborhood.  Resistance fighters assassinate puppet colonel in
        intelligence service. 
      * Fort third straight day, US carries out searches in az-
      *  Resistance battles US troops in Baghdad's al-A'zamiyah district
        in pre-dawn hours of Tuesday. 
      *  Ad-Dawr , Resistance fighters attack puppet troops at
      *  Resistance bomb wounds US soldier in al-Latifiyah Tuesday
      *  Resistance blasts British base in al-Basrah just after sunset


War on Terror Returning to Its Cradle

Five years after the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was putting
the final touches on a brilliant campaign plan to oust the Taliban and
its al-Qaeda allies from power, Afghanistan is back in the headlines,
and the news isn't good.

An unexpectedly fierce and prolonged Taliban offensive that began last
spring has U.S. and NATO officials deeply worried that they face a
serious insurgency fueled by a thriving drug trade and growing popular
disaffection with the government of President Hamid Karzai.

"My fear is that Afghanistan is beginning to look like Iraq," Richard
Haass, president of the influential Council on Foreign Relations and a
top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, told the Washington
Post last week. "We're seeing the beginning [of the] Iraqification of


Afghan occupation leaves 2 U.S. soldiers dead 

Gunbattles in Afghanistan left two U.S. soldiers and at least one NATO
soldier dead, officials said Tuesday, as the Western alliance prepared
to assume military command over the country from the U.S.-led


Two Canadian occupation forces soldiers killed in Afghanistan  

The soldiers were members of a so-called “Recce squad” who check
locations and gather information ahead of battle movements.


Amira Hass: Not an internal Palestinian matter: The experiment was a

The Palestinians are killing each other. They are behaving as expected
at the end of the extended experiment called "what happens when you
imprison 1.3 million human beings in an enclosed space like battery


U.S. - Israeli Puppet? 

Abbas: 'No indication' of fresh unity government talks with Hamas : 

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday that there
is "no indication" of fresh dialogue with Hamas, after talks on forming
a more moderate unity government broke down several days ago.


"Specialty Chemicals" 

Today is the fourteenth anniversary of the Bijlmermeer air disaster,
whose sordid aftermath opened up a whole can of worms relating to secret
weapons trafficking and unaccountable government, which really gives the
lie to all the worthy motivations we claim for our policies.


Latin America Declares Independence 

Five centuries after the European conquests, Latin America is
reasserting its independence. In the southern cone especially, from
Venezuela to Argentina, the region is rising to overthrow the legacy of
external domination of the past centuries and the cruel and destructive
social forms that they have helped to establish.


Here's why Chávez is so mad 

A quick glance at recent U.S. policy and posture toward Venezuela gives
us some clues as to why people in Venezuela are getting set to reelect a
president who calls the United States an empire.


Congressman Dennis Kucinich on the Military Commissions Act 

"Wake up America!" A Must Listen - INN Interview:


Men And Women Of Faith: Sweep Out Morally Corrupted Republican Congress

It what may be one of the greatest disgraces in Congressional history
there are now senior Republicans, including the Speaker's best friend
Congressman Lahood, suggesting the page program be abolished.

Punish the pages and protect the politicians?


The Foley Follies: Republicans' Behavior in this Scandal is a Shameful,
Disgusting Disgrace

Here's what you do. Go to your Human Resources director and show them
Foley's emails and IMs, and ask if this behavior would violate your
company's policy on sexual harassment. Would am employee sending such
sexually explicit messages to an underage co-worker be fired?

Probably. (They certainly would be fired from my company.)

But Congress winked and looked the other way for as much as 5 years in
this matter. Sort of gives "no child left behind" a whole new meaning.


Assault arrest followed word to Cheney

A Golden man is suing a Secret Service agent who arrested him after he
made a caustic comment to Vice President Dick Cheney on a sidewalk in
Beaver Creek last June.

Steven Howards, 54, a consultant to non-profit organizations, was
vacationing with his family in Beaver Creek when he spotted Cheney in an
outdoor mall shaking hands and posing for photos. Howards and his son
walked over and told Cheney that his policies in Iraq are


Stay Home, Ms. Rice

There are persistent reports out of Washington-picked up and amplified
in the American press-that the United States is preparing to attack Iran
to destroy its nuclear facilities. In normal circumstances, such naked
aggression would be hardly credible. It would be an act of insanity
which would set the whole region on fire. But we are not living in
normal times. There is such paranoia in the United States and Israel
about Iran's nuclear program that anything is possible, even the
unthinkable. In any event, the U.S. is being permanently blackmailed by
the threat that if it does not attack Iran, Israel will do so.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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